View Full Version : Air leak...

10-27-2009, 03:26 PM
I have a new Tac-One with the ULT installed from Tuna! :headbang: I got to use it once this summer and it worked flawlessly. That's the good news.

Now the bad news... The gun sat in my garage for 4 months while I was waiting for some parts I needed for my Q-loader. Now that I finally got the parts and put it all back together it leaks air from somewhere in the regulator/on-off/powertube assembly. It leaks pretty loudly when I gas it up. If I fire and hold the trigger it stops (usually). I replaced my macroline twice thinking that was what was leaking... *doh* I took it apart last night and looked at all the seals to see if any looked damaged and didn't see any obvious damage.

Is there a good leak troubleshooting guide for the X-valve/ULT setup? I've used Google, but not found any real good troubleshooting guide. Thanks for the help! I love this forum. :)

10-27-2009, 04:04 PM
Generally, if it's leaking down the barrel, you need to fine-tune your lvlX.

Since you used it earlier this year without problems and assuming that you haven't swapped any internal parts out, try just adding a good amount of oil and dry fire it through a bit.

Otherwise, it's a carrier leak... go to a smaller carrier.

10-27-2009, 04:19 PM
If your leak is not repeatable or consistent when you fire and hold the trigger (or not), have you oiled your mag lately? You might also check your frame screw tension and make sure they are just snug, front and back.

I prefer consistent leaks to intermittent leaks. :argh:

10-27-2009, 05:13 PM
If the leak stops when you hold the trigger, then it is definately a result of the an oring in the powertube or one of the two lower on-off orings.

It is usually a powertube leak but the easiest thing to do is remove the on-off assembly and clean it.

If it still leaks remove the shims from the powertube and try that. If it still leaks, go to the next smaller carrier size using the same white carrier oring.

10-27-2009, 11:46 PM
Thanks for all the tips guys! I worked on it a bit tonight and it seems to have stopped leaking. I oiled it well and took it apart and cleaned the on/off and put it back together. The leak changes in volume when I wiggle the trigger slightly so it would seem to be related to the on/off.

Oh well. I'll see how it works next time I go out and maybe adjust the carrier shims if that doesn't fix it.

Thanks again for all your tips.

10-28-2009, 09:32 AM
Thanks for all the tips guys! I worked on it a bit tonight and it seems to have stopped leaking. I oiled it well and took it apart and cleaned the on/off and put it back together. The leak changes in volume when I wiggle the trigger slightly so it would seem to be related to the on/off.

Oh well. I'll see how it works next time I go out and maybe adjust the carrier shims if that doesn't fix it.

Thanks again for all your tips.

Wiggling the trigger also wiggles the bolt. If the sound gets more quiet when you put tension on the trigger, it's probably in the bolt. The angle on the sear and the bolt lip push the bolt back a little as you press on the trigger.

10-28-2009, 04:44 PM
I agree.

If wiggling the trigger changes the leak, then removing a powertube shim will probably fix the problem.