View Full Version : don't you love bunkering angels!

02-03-2002, 08:41 PM
On saturday some guy with a fancy dark was playing. at the start of the game i ran to midfield on the left side and he was about 10 feet in front of me. he had no clue i was there! I managed to gog an fx cocker and then when the angel guy stood up i took one step out and popped him right in the arm and gave him a nice welt. as I was yelling and pointing at them to the refs that id shot him out , a guy popped out from another bunker and got me. oh well i got the angel:D

02-03-2002, 08:45 PM
Your first time or summin? ;)

02-03-2002, 08:53 PM
Zach whare did you get your picture of the ninja turtle?? i want one.:p

02-03-2002, 09:09 PM
I love newbs who think their good if they get people out with guns that are more expensive that 500 dollars. WOW everyone has been out...If you dont get out...you dont see much action do you. Pros (even though this shouldnt matter) get out alot and bunkered too and alot of them shoot cockers, angels, other electros and does that mean they suck and so does the gun. ...sigh newbs

02-03-2002, 09:16 PM
I agree with Raven.
Good job, but it does not make you a god.
- Arman

02-03-2002, 09:40 PM
i no it doesnt make me a god. its just this guy is like 3 years older than me and we scrimmaged there team two weeks before and lost. I"M NO NEWBIE. I HAVE BEEN PLAYING TOURNIES FOR OVER 2 YEARS NOT TO MENTION ANOTHER 2 YEARS OF RECBALL. I just think it's a good example of how the gun doesn't make the player. That also wasnt the first angel ive shot. I just mentioned this one because the rest of my team was rentals and when i shot the angel out my team ran up and won the game

02-03-2002, 09:44 PM
i'd be more afraid of an E-mag than an angel in terms of raw firepower...

02-03-2002, 11:19 PM
Oh my, you shot an angel? Obviously your marker knew how to use it's human better. :)

02-03-2002, 11:33 PM
pbnation here we come!

02-04-2002, 01:07 AM
Oh God, who cares. If you've been paintballing for a moderate amount of time, chances are you've shot out a few of those high end suckers. I've been using an upgraded TL+ for a while now, and have taken out a couple Angels and Cockers. Once you're on the feild, the guns aren't quite as different shooting as you'd think. They pretty much stay the same to me. I only get scared when I see the guy who's sponsered to the max walk onto the field with a pump.

02-04-2002, 01:55 AM
This is a friendly forum, let's play nice or don't say anything at all.


brian terry
02-04-2002, 05:13 AM
give the guy a break ,hes happy he got someone out that has more playing time and a gun that runs around 1200 or more ,good job bud...///

02-04-2002, 05:47 AM
no wut i hate , see at my school we got a few peps tht paintball but they all got spyders and tippmans cuz the pops got them at school . so they think there all good and when they look at a mag there liek that gun sux my stock tl can crush that thing ! i hate that cuz they dont know didly about pb even tho spyders are ok (sigh ) they dont upgrde or anything so it makes it bad.

02-04-2002, 08:19 AM
Geeez...let the guy have his moment in the sun will ya...

02-04-2002, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by Arman/XPM
I agree with Raven.
Good job, but it does not make you a god.
- Arman

WHEN DID HE SAY IT MADE HIM A GOD??? NEVER! He is simply excited that he got some people with some really good markers. And that is all it means. You must admit, MOST people who purchase guns like E-mags, high end cockers, Angels etc. are NOT newbies and usually play very well. So he was simply celebrating his small victory and being proud of himself. We have all been there.

02-04-2002, 08:48 AM
Well said!

Hey PaInTbALL zAcH, I just noticed you are in Niceville. I went to High School and lived down there in the late 60's and through the mid 70's. Graduate of Niceville High 1974.

02-04-2002, 02:14 PM
Were these guns floating around shooting at eachother?

Or was it just these people were sucky?

Congrats on shooting a sucky player, that shows true skill.

02-04-2002, 04:00 PM
are you on the "wall of fame" cphilip. and nitroduck he was not a sucky player. he is on a good team and he has built a nice field around me. wow Im glad you guys were so happy to here my little weekly paintball story (sarcasm). Thanks ( more sarcasm)

02-04-2002, 04:54 PM
Personally, I dont like it when people bunker guys with Angels:D And heres a nice lil picture of what happens when u bunker a guy with an angel, this happened last august and i still have a rather large scar from it too! BTW - This was 1 of 8 times I got shot in one bunker move.

02-04-2002, 05:04 PM
that aint that bad my friend mikes neck is scarred and it looks like ringworm really really really bad(i cant emphasize the word really enough) ringworm.

02-04-2002, 06:02 PM
i shot my friend with a pump that has a broken velocity thing and was shooting kinda hot..... and it bled.. it was in the neck but from like 110 feet er more... he had a cocker and i had a pump and he didnt see me... it was funny tho cause i only shot once and he was jumping around like he was getting lit up and yelling hit hit hit!!!!!! :p

02-04-2002, 06:16 PM
give zach a break. i would be proud too of bunkering an angel. (haha jk), at least he got some1 tho...

02-04-2002, 06:27 PM
I bunkered an Angel Saturday lol, it was very funny cuz he didn't see me coming, I yelled our codeword for them to lay tons of cover on his bunker and for me to bunker him, I run up, shoot him a few times, he shoots me...AND IT BOUNCES! lol! Then like 2 seconds later it was game over, I ran up the tape and was past the 50(where he was), and didnt have time to get in a bunker yet, so good thing time ran out lol. Nice welt AngelBoy! :D


02-04-2002, 06:41 PM
Yo major, We both got to bunker that guy(not to mention any names):D. And it was right after he told rock star "Man I am sorry you got a mag". I am willing to bet he felt stupid afterward.

02-04-2002, 06:54 PM
Angel Boy I got two words for ya...Say it with me now...Neck Protector :p