View Full Version : Pats Win It

02-03-2002, 08:56 PM

Sir. Foxalot
02-03-2002, 09:03 PM
Great Game!!!!!! Actually great 4th quarter

02-03-2002, 09:05 PM
kick in the teeth

02-03-2002, 09:06 PM
The Pats suck, it's just that the Rams happen to suck more. I was really hoping vinatieri would miss that kick. Would of made for an even more exciting game. I suppose the 4th quarter made up for the 3rd.

02-03-2002, 09:30 PM
I wanted the Rams to win. In fact, I made a bet but I'm not going to say what that bet was.

02-03-2002, 09:44 PM
What happened to the blowout?

I guess the only thing that blew out was the wind out of the Rams sails.


02-03-2002, 09:59 PM
it was a good game i will give them that

02-03-2002, 10:01 PM
I'd have to say I thought the Rams should have won. The Patriots got lucky on the last 2 games, but they were actually dominating on defense this super bowl. It was a nice choke by the Rams most the game, until the final minutes of the 3rd.

02-03-2002, 10:18 PM
It's about time us Patriot fans can rub it in everyone elses faces. Nothing says their the best like a nice big superbowl ring.

Sir. Foxalot
02-03-2002, 10:33 PM
So much for the 14 point Vegas spread I can hear some people dropping dead from over here but the sound of poeple dieing is being drwoned out by the few very happy poeple that bet big on the Pats!!

02-04-2002, 08:10 AM
the game was incedieble.... "silence of the rams" was the rule for the pats. They deserved the win.. they havent had on ever, and the the NE teams haddent had one since '89. also, jut the name, Patriots... it could almost be rigged haha, Patriots, and the 9/11 thing? its all rigged, but its a good thing the pats won!! hometown spirit makes everyone win :)

02-04-2002, 09:31 AM
it wasnt that good of a game, but the rams just didnt play like the rams, the game speed was off, warner couldnt throw the long ball because of his thumb (not an excuse) but i think that the patriots just threw the rams off. But with 4 turnovers its hard to win any game. THe pats came out and hit the rams hard, no doubt about it, and fourced some big plays, it sucks for us rams fans but they earned it

marshal fault put it best, the rams beat the rams

i mean if the rams would have been on the A game it would have been harder for the pats, i mean when you look at both the rams scores, it looked like the old rams, but then their defense got too relaxed on the pats last drive, and look what happened

it was a good game, congrats to the pats

02-04-2002, 09:51 AM
Yea it was a pretty sad showing for the Rams. They had not much of a game going all night. Congrats to the Patriots though. They played an inspired game all night except for a few minutes in the last quarter where they got too conservative. But that last drive was a masterpeice and took a lot of guts to call that one. They deserved the win and were true champions just for that one gutsy move.

02-04-2002, 10:22 AM
OK lets look at a couple of things............

WHY didn't the Rams offense play the "A" game? Do you think it wasn't because they weren't ready for the Superbowl? Or could it be because it took them 3 quarters to figure out how to play the Pats D? Cliffo said it right "but i think that the patriots just threw the rams off", isn't that half of the football game? What about the old saying "Offense wins games, Defense wins championships."

The Rams have said all season that they don't care about turnovers. They say that they will score enough points, that the turnovers don't matter. Well what happens when the offense doesn't explode like it normally does? When a team figures out how to slow them down? Look what happend last night. Turnovers DO matter.

I don't beleve that Faulk said it best. The Rams didn't beat themselves, the Pats D beat them.

OK, Warner hurt his thumb. But I'm pretty sure I heard that he didn't reinjure it until the 3rd Quarter. What happend the first half?

I don't beleve that Faulk said it best. The Rams didn't beat themselves, the Pats D beat them.

Also the Ram's last TD drive was good, but remember that the first TD was only scored because the fumble return for a Pat's TD was called back.

Also, this game was played in the Rams element, in a dome on turf.......wasn't one of the excuses why the first meeting was so close because it was on grass? That the Rams are so much faster on turf?

This is just me, as a life long Pats fan, giving credit where credit is do. The Pat's D beat the Ram's O, end of story. Every one said it couldn't be done, and Belichick and his D coordinators found a way to do it. That is why the Pat's are champions.

02-04-2002, 10:46 AM
Well Im a big steelers fan and after they losts to the pats i decide anyone who can bet the steelers should win so now im rolling in dough lol

02-04-2002, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by headcase
The Pat's D beat the Ram's O, end of story.

that obvioulsy isnt true
warner STILL had over 300 yards passing

02-04-2002, 01:14 PM
Yeah he did, and he threw 2 interceptions both that led to Pats scores.

Stats don't matter when you lose.

Also, the pats O didn't win the game, they only scored off turnovers(except the final FG)

Special Teams didn't win it this week, no returned kicks or blocked kicks.

Once again it comes down to the Rams had a team that wasn't afraid to play them. Everyone says the turnovers was the difference, it really wasn't, the Rams had the most turnovers in the league this year, and the giveaway/takeaway was -7. The difference in this game, is the Pats had a defensive plan that worked for 3+ quarters, and by the time the Rams figured it out, it was too late.

02-04-2002, 01:28 PM
I thought the game didn't get good till the 4th quarter. would have been cool if it went into overtime. maybe then the rams would have taken it and my friends wouldn't have taken my money:(

02-04-2002, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by X-Plosive
The Pats suck, it's just that the Rams happen to suck more. I was really hoping vinatieri would miss that kick. Would of made for an even more exciting game. I suppose the 4th quarter made up for the 3rd.
YO X- you must be one of those bitter Dolphins fans guess what the JETS,own you, whos yo daddy own boy ...and congrats to the PATS......they won with heart thats the way to do it, kid.....

02-04-2002, 03:48 PM
JETS RULE AS WELL, they r my fav team, since they werent in the superbowl, i had to go with the patriots, although NY isnt new england its close enough. Something for you people who arent from north east to know...the kets/giants play in the meadowlands, in NEW JERSEY. The NY Jets/giants play in the NJ meadowlands....go figure.

02-04-2002, 04:34 PM
Big up,PAT..For sure JETS rule Jersey is alright but it kind of smells funny,JETS should get their own place I think.In fact I think they are getting it, in Queens I heard...

02-04-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Rahman

YO X- you must be one of those bitter Dolphins fans guess what the JETS,own you, whos yo daddy own boy ...and congrats to the PATS......they won with heart thats the way to do it, kid.....

You couldn't possibly be any farther off. I don't think anyone in Miami likes the Dolphins anymore. After, Jimmy Johnson, everyone lost interest. I was hoping to see the Raiders and the Stealers although I knew the raiders would never make it. It's been said before but the Raiders, are the come back team of the year.

02-04-2002, 08:13 PM
PATS BABY. I told ya they were gonna win

02-04-2002, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by X-Plosive

You couldn't possibly be any farther off. I don't think anyone in Miami likes the Dolphins anymore. After, Jimmy Johnson, everyone lost interest. I was hoping to see the Raiders and the Stealers although I knew the raiders would never make it. It's been said before but the Raiders, are the come back team of the year.
whoa whoa whoa hold back a second X,the raiders comeback team? they were in the playoffs last year and they were one of the better teams all season I think your confusing them w/ the Bears....And as far as Miami fans I lived there for 10 yrs the football media down there is delusional every year they swear they have the best superbowl contender in the league,but you are right about one nobody follows them that stadium is empty every Sunday,well anyways good luck down there man enjoy the wheather:D

Thor the Mighty
02-04-2002, 11:06 PM
i live near los angeles and im happy the rams lost :) damn traders