View Full Version : New build, various issues

11-02-2009, 08:01 PM
I put together a new Mag. Pretty standard, xvalve (lvlx)w/ult (6shims), Intelli, ule with stock detents, RT pro rail. Running an adjustable reg at around 1k output. Using a Halo w/ v35 board. Had a couple of issues over the weekend and looking for some input.

First off, I will have to say that I have ground on the rail. I shortened it to am/mm length and took some off of the back both lengthwise and angle cut the back so it slopes up more. I do know that I went a little too close to the field screw hole, but shouldn't be far enough to upset tolerances unless I really crank down on the fs screw. Initial issue of the day was getting it to even fire. Before going out, I had readjusted the trigger pin to be about a business card width from the back of the trigger as it seemed to be hitting the day before and wasnt resetting properly. On the field, it failed to shoot several times. I eventually loosened the field strip screw a 1/2 turn or so and it started getting better, so problem was moslty solved as far on not shooting at all. Second issue seemed to be a habitual short stroke on the first shot. Happened quite a bit. Another issue I was running into was chopping. This was the first mag that I have ever had chop like this. I was swabbing this thing like crazy most of the day. I initially thought the detent was too far in, but seemed to get worse the farther it was out. I eventually screwed it in tighter and it seemed mostly to go away, but it was the end of the day, so not entirely sure. My theory is that the detent was too far out and it was double feeding? I was using a J&J Edge kit and the back was definitely big enough. Any thoughts?

X Valve was also odd as far as the RTing goes. When I had this thing hooked up the night before and dry firing, this thing was RTing like crazy followed by my maniacal laugh. However, on the field, I rarely got an RT effect. About the only time it seemed to really go nuts was when the pressure in the tank got to around 1200 or so and it started shooting ropes. I actually had one guy stop,turn around, and stare for a second. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped. Would getting trigger stops installed help sweet spot it?

Lastly, I think my Halo is possessed. The first time I used it, it would feed well, than after about an hour or two, start flashing red/green and not work anymore. I changed the batteries and it seemed to work for about another 1/2 day and than started acting goofy again. Second time I took it out, it worked flawlessly all day on fresh batteries. Third time, I took it out with the same batteries that were only a month old and been through one day of use and the loader started acting wonky again. I changed the batteries and still had issues throughout the day. Could it have been related to the double feeding issues? I have spoken to several others and they say they have never had any issues like this. Do I need to set it for a faster ROF?

Any help or advise would be great. I will also say that the weather started out in the low 40's and probably never got above 60 for the day, so there was some ball swellage. I started the day with a .682 back and ended up with a .688. Amazing the difference in ball size with a matter of 20 degrees.

11-03-2009, 12:00 AM
I put together a new Mag. Pretty standard, xvalve (lvlx)w/ult (6shims), Intelli, ule with stock detents, RT pro rail. Running an adjustable reg at around 1k output. Using a Halo w/ v35 board. Had a couple of issues over the weekend and looking for some input.

First off, I will have to say that I have ground on the rail. I shortened it to am/mm length and took some off of the back both lengthwise and angle cut the back so it slopes up more. I do know that I went a little too close to the field screw hole, but shouldn't be far enough to upset tolerances unless I really crank down on the fs screw. Initial issue of the day was getting it to even fire. Before going out, I had readjusted the trigger pin to be about a business card width from the back of the trigger as it seemed to be hitting the day before and wasnt resetting properly. On the field, it failed to shoot several times. I eventually loosened the field strip screw a 1/2 turn or so and it started getting better, so problem was moslty solved as far on not shooting at all.

That's usually the fix for this problem (90% of the time). Just tinker with the field strip screw till it start shooing right

Second issue seemed to be a habitual short stroke on the first shot. Happened quite a bit.

Lube...Lube...Lube...will usually fix that ;) Could be your detentes too. I also had a similar problem and come to find out my detentes were worn out and sticking causing the lvl 10 to pop off on the first pull. It was strange tho, if my mag sat for a while the detente balls would stick for some reason. I could actually put my finger in my feedneck and feel a lot of tension from them when i pushed them in but after that initial push they would be fine. If it sat again, same thing would happen.

Another issue I was running into was chopping. This was the first mag that I have ever had chop like this. I was swabbing this thing like crazy most of the day. I initially thought the detent was too far in, but seemed to get worse the farther it was out. I eventually screwed it in tighter and it seemed mostly to go away, but it was the end of the day, so not entirely sure. My theory is that the detent was too far out and it was double feeding? I was using a J&J Edge kit and the back was definitely big enough. Any thoughts?

Try a fresh set of detentes if you have them. Might fix a few of your problems. If you don't have a new set, try to clean the old ones out.

X Valve was also odd as far as the RTing goes. When I had this thing hooked up the night before and dry firing, this thing was RTing like crazy followed by my maniacal laugh. However, on the field, I rarely got an RT effect. About the only time it seemed to really go nuts was when the pressure in the tank got to around 1200 or so and it started shooting ropes. I actually had one guy stop,turn around, and stare for a second. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped.

I have a valve that does this same thing. Dry fire it and it'll RT very well. Add paint to the party and not so much. I too keep the pressure up at about 1200psi on that valve and it seems to keep it singing. ;)

Would getting trigger stops installed help sweet spot it?


Lastly, I think my Halo is possessed. The first time I used it, it would feed well, than after about an hour or two, start flashing red/green and not work anymore. I changed the batteries and it seemed to work for about another 1/2 day and than started acting goofy again. Second time I took it out, it worked flawlessly all day on fresh batteries. Third time, I took it out with the same batteries that were only a month old and been through one day of use and the loader started acting wonky again. I changed the batteries and still had issues throughout the day. Could it have been related to the double feeding issues? I have spoken to several others and they say they have never had any issues like this. Do I need to set it for a faster ROF?

If it's blinking red/green that means 2 things. Your battery needs replacing or you have a jam. You either had questionable paint, low batteries or your ani-jam spring and beads aren't in properly or just plain old bad luck.

Any help or advise would be great. I will also say that the weather started out in the low 40's and probably never got above 60 for the day, so there was some ball swellage. I started the day with a .682 back and ended up with a .688. Amazing the difference in ball size with a matter of 20 degrees...

11-03-2009, 08:00 AM
Thanks for the replies Ando. Actually the detent is brand new and it is pretty well oiled. I'm pretty liberal with it. On the presssure, I have it set at around 1k. What I meant was as I am playing, it will RT sporadically, but when the tank hits around 1200psi or so left, it starts RTing like crazy. I know it makes no sense, but it like there is a sweet spot in the tank. I noticed this with my other mag on the same tank before as well. I really can't explain it.

Will have to look into doing/getting trigger stops.

Yeah, I really have no idea on the loader. I am guessing once I have figured out the other issues, it will clear up hopefully.

Thanks again.

11-03-2009, 08:49 AM
Is the tank reg shimmed or is this an adjustable reg? I had a PMI reg shimmed to 1050-1075 PSI and it did the same thing. Installed an adjustable reg and upped to 1100 and haven't had a problem since. Maybe the springs in the reg are performing differently at different tank pressures.

11-03-2009, 09:05 AM
It's a Hyperflow 201 adjustable reg.