View Full Version : heres a kicker

11-09-2009, 01:38 PM
So i went paintballing yesterday at this new place that just opened up in Holliday Hills, IL called PAP paintball. There was this kid there, and when i mean by kid probably like 17 running an Ego that his mommy and daddy bought him. I had my warp left tac-one out complete with warpfeed sittin on the bench. He comes strollin by all high and mighty cause he can get his Ego up to 67 cps. Seriously?! Anyway he looks at my marker and says and I quote "Hey look a mag and warp feed....thats like so second grade." WTF?! I didn't get a chance to play him and i wish i did cause in all the games of speedball he played in he was at least first or second person knocked out about 95% of the time.

on a side note all the refs were all oo'in and ahh'ing over how fast his gun was going. STUPID! These are the people I hate to come across because they are the ones constantly whinning about stupid things and killing the fun for newer inexperienced players( i use this term loosely because i but this kid probably saw a tournament went home and whinned to mommy and daddy and that happened to be the first time he played). :mad:

11-09-2009, 01:48 PM
So i went paintballing yesterday at this new place that just opened up in Holliday Hills, IL called PAP paintball. There was this kid there, and when i mean by kid probably like 17 running an Ego that his mommy and daddy bought him. I had my warp left tac-one out complete with warpfeed sittin on the bench. He comes strollin by all high and mighty cause he can get his Ego up to 67 cps. Seriously?! Anyway he looks at my marker and says and I quote "Hey look a mag and warp feed....thats like so second grade." WTF?! I didn't get a chance to play him and i wish i did cause in all the games of speedball he played in he was at least first or second person knocked out about 95% of the time.

on a side note all the refs were all oo'in and ahh'ing over how fast his gun was going. STUPID! These are the people I hate to come across because they are the ones constantly whinning about stupid things and killing the fun for newer inexperienced players( i use this term loosely because i but this kid probably saw a tournament went home and whinned to mommy and daddy and that happened to be the first time he played). :mad:

That's why I don't play at fields like that ;)

11-09-2009, 01:52 PM
That's why I don't play at fields like that ;)

I probably won't. It was my first time there and was testin the water. It's so hard finding a good place to play at. Fields in this area are scarce to begin with let alone finding a decent one with good people.

11-09-2009, 02:29 PM
So how was the field in general?? Prices lay out game type, rules safety, paint kind, etc, etc.

Should I bother checking it out?

11-09-2009, 02:31 PM
That's when you throw on an adjustable output tank and crank it up to 1200psi and show him what a fast gun really looks like.

11-09-2009, 02:48 PM
well I have played there once and my buddy goes there a couple of times a month. I wouldn't mind going back, the refs were awesome and very down to earth, prices and fields where decent and well taken care of. Dealing with the spoiled kids is fun just bring a pump and dominate them they usually shut there mouth after that. But I didn't run into any of those kids when I went but my buddy does. He says they are terrible at speedball and woods. I know the head ref likes egos, but he also likes old school cockers, and mags.

11-09-2009, 02:49 PM
I probably won't. It was my first time there and was testin the water. It's so hard finding a good place to play at. Fields in this area are scarce to begin with let alone finding a decent one with good people.

That sucks. We're actually fairly lucky around here, I'm sure there are 'agglet' type fields but I've never played at one. My 'home' field is awesome and there's others around here that are also perfectly good. I play mostly woodsball and the regular group there is made up of Egos, Tippmans, Autocockers and everything else in between and I've never, ever heard anyone mock or badmouth any gun. Well, I give Tony grief about his Ion, but that's well deserved IMO.

11-09-2009, 03:38 PM
Have you tried CPX Sports or Fox Paintball ??? My Teams home field is CPX Sports and I love it there...


11-09-2009, 04:14 PM
Lots of people around my neck of the woods use eclipse markers, so it has to be something different to get the ooohs and aaaahs. I am surprised he knew what a mag was, you have to give that one to him (let a lone a warpfeed). I've never actually seen a mag on the field that was not my own that I can remember.

11-09-2009, 04:15 PM
20 entry all day air
55 - case of breach paintballs
fields are ok at least the two i played on are decent - (1 woodsball, 1 speed ball)I lied i probably will go back it just erks me when you run into people like that and then refs only feed that kind of behavior by oogling all over this guys marker - personally I'd rather own an Angel

I usually am a regular at OP (about 40 min from me) but prices are kind of high...90 a case - but the comradery there was pretty good - everybody respected everybody elses equipment at least it was a couple years back - but it has switched hands a couple times since then.

I went to fox a few times especially when the Training Day scenario was going on that coupled with BYOP you can't beat it BUT at about an hr and a half drive it kind of sucks - it eats into a lot of playing time

I haven't been to CPX yet however I think for Living legenda next year I will be going with Watcher and GRimm as long as they don't mind. I want to play on bedlam it looks incredible. but thats also a 90 a case deal then about 2hrs out.

11-09-2009, 04:45 PM
Next time just throw a cup of water on his ego.

Then hand him another cup of water and say "Go ahead and do mine. Fair is fair."

Lately I just play private party groups.

No agg kiddies...

11-09-2009, 05:03 PM
Lately I just play private party groups.

No agg kiddies...

ohh they're there you just don't notice them cause we tell em to cool it. make fun of agg they'll sag.

11-09-2009, 09:57 PM
I haven't been to CPX yet however I think for Living legenda next year I will be going with Watcher and GRimm as long as they don't mind. I want to play on bedlam it looks incredible. but thats also a 90 a case deal then about 2hrs out.

Its worth the drive, and if you pre-register i think they do a paint discount. I'll probably be going as a "team" with another forum just to get the cheapy rates.

Anyway, next time you want to head there give me a PM. I'd gladly bring my RT and I'll get Grimm to bring his X and E mag (warped of course).

Have 3 warpers with the original paint hoses against the agglets and see what happens. I may even bust out the brass with a 12ie magazine stock and "ammo box" to see what happens...

"... so second grade".

What does that even mean? Automags and warps are newb? Or just old? :confused:

11-09-2009, 11:57 PM
So i went paintballing yesterday at this new place that just opened up in Holliday Hills, IL called PAP paintball. There was this kid there, and when i mean by kid probably like 17 running an Ego that his mommy and daddy bought him. I had my warp left tac-one out complete with warpfeed sittin on the bench. He comes strollin by all high and mighty cause he can get his Ego up to 67 cps. Seriously?! Anyway he looks at my marker and says and I quote "Hey look a mag and warp feed....thats like so second grade." WTF?! I didn't get a chance to play him and i wish i did cause in all the games of speedball he played in he was at least first or second person knocked out about 95% of the time.

on a side note all the refs were all oo'in and ahh'ing over how fast his gun was going. STUPID! These are the people I hate to come across because they are the ones constantly whinning about stupid things and killing the fun for newer inexperienced players( i use this term loosely because i but this kid probably saw a tournament went home and whinned to mommy and daddy and that happened to be the first time he played). :mad:

Well, if it's a well-run field and you had a good time besides that little incident, I see no reason why you couldn't go back there. Besides, new players need guys like you to keep things in perspective for them; yes, some dude's gun can shoot ridiculously fast, but two guys with rental guns with two different angles on that guy is a superior position any day of the week. Guys like the one with the Ego you described are not the kinds of guys that will go out of their way to remind new players to watch how their hold their guns so they don't go liquid on CO2, they won't tell new players not to bunch up, watch the tape line, communicate, etc. When I first started playing with my own equipment (68 Carbine FTW), I was intimidated by the guys with Shockers, Autocockers, etc. But I always looked for some guys in the open game on my team that didn't seem to care one way or the other...they knew their own equipment well, and with their skill and experience, they usually could overcome any advantage in terms of firepower.

As for the refs being impressed, I'm guessing they were around the same age group. Heck, I wouldn't even mind taking a look at the rof, grouping, etc. But experienced players know better than to give someone way more respect than they deserve based solely on the marker.

If you're concerned about how newer players are being treated at a field you visit, speak up! Get to know the refs when you're not in a game, talk about the issues. Then when you are playing and someone starts acting up, you can be the voice of reason and tell them to cool it for the sake of the newbies. If there's any issue beyond that, that refs will find you credible.

As for the "second grade" comment...I like to go into the open games with a little bit of ammo in the "comeback hopper." Examples:

"This gun was scoring eliminations when you were still in the second grade." (or even better, "while you were still being potty trained")
"It takes you 25 rounds a second to get someone out? Funny...just takes me one or two."
"Oh, this is just a backup. My other gun is a pump."
"Yeah, this gun is pretty old, maybe I'll replace some seals the next time my tanks are up for a hydro."

I'll be here all week.

If the person giving you a hard time happens to be wearing a neon orange jersey and you are playing in the woods, well...nothing makes the aggs cry like insulting their sense of color coordination.

11-10-2009, 12:27 AM
that weird i had my splash RT out this weekend and a 13 year old kid saw it and yelled "wow, an automag! awesome!"

my opinion is that the kids are only as smart as we educate them to be. if we go out of our way to educate the young in paintball, then they will be knowledgeable. if we just laugh at them for being stupid, nothing happens.

11-10-2009, 08:42 AM
Honestly, almost every time I hit the field very few seem to even know what a Mag is, let alone have the balls to insult it. It's pretty rare that I find a fellow Magger in the group, and usually only at large games. Most places I go, kids (and bigger kids) actually will ask me about the marker etc. I take as much time as needed to explain it to them. Most times I can tell when they walk away that they most likely won't be giving up their Electro anytime soon to buy a $400+ mech marker, but they gained some knowledge.

11-10-2009, 09:07 AM
I was out at a field in NJ this weekend and all the refs/chrono guys/etc were in awe of my '99 RF 'cocker.

Idiots aren't everywhere :)

11-10-2009, 09:33 AM
I have seen several mags around this year, which is awesome. I have converted a a few people over to a mag to. A friend of mine was playing with a NXT, which he ended up trading for a vice, when I first came back to playing. He gave up his vice after I let him borrow my classic mag one Saturday when I had to work and it was supposed to rain. It ended up not raining but his vice went down on him, and he ended up playing with my mag early in the morning. After about a hour of playing with it he called me up at work and asked me how much I would sell it to him for, lol. Told him that I had that mag since 96 and I wasn't selling it and he told me to build him one then, so I did. The best part about it was he was never an aggressive player when he had his electro's, but after he got his mag he turned completely around and every time I have played paintball with him since he has always been right there up front in the mix with me. All of the guys that we play with always wonder what changed. It's simple, he now has confidence in the marker he plays with. 1- He knows it will work every time he goes to the field, 2- He has shot more people with a mag than any other gun. I doubt I will ever forget him telling me on that phone call were he offered to buy my classic, " Dude I love this gun so much !! I have shot more people with it in the last hour than I have with all of my guns put together this year. This thing is so freaking accurate, I can't believe it. You have got to build me one." I wish I could have it on tape. lol. He's not the only one either, another one of the guys on the team is saving cash for a ULE-X valve mag now, he wants it for a back up to his Ego. Me and Rob have both told him that when he gets it and I tune it up for him he will end up playing with it more than his EGO. He is starting to see why to after borrowing my back up mag this past weekend. It has a really nice sweet spot, my 7 year old son can RT it about as good as anyone can.
I thought it was cool that at the last big game I went to last month I counted over 25 mags. Now there was around 400 people there, but still. I had the dallara bodied E-mag out there that weekend and I got a lot of ohhs, and ahh's over it. Two of the refs offered to buy it on the spot, even after I told them how much I would consider letting it go for. We don't have a lot of the agg players around here, and for the most part everybody is cool. There are some folks around that I can't say are my favorite people, but nobody ever disrespects the mag here. Normally it's more like, hey check out the automag thats awesome, or oh crap it's an automag. Around these parts they fear the mag !!

11-10-2009, 09:45 AM
100% know the feelings you've got there... been playing for about 10 years now and when i was 16 and bought my 99 autococker by myself that i still to this day use (till i buy a mag now...) i get crap for having old school a lot of the time and it's always kids with ions and crap. hell last time i went to the local shop to get a few parts i kid you not a child about 12, couldn't have been any older then that was there with his dad and all i heard was ok what did you want? he points at an ion, then he's like i'll need a tank for it so they throw down about a 47 i'd guess ci nitro tank, then a loader to keep up with it and all this crap like a few pods and pack blah blah blah, then the dad pulls out a card and i wanted to go up and slap the man right then and there. throwing down that kind of money for your kid to play screw that... hell if i had kids i'd be like ok well find a job and we'll go buy you a nice used marker.

last time i did go play which was a month or two ago i went to a place i haven't been in years, had refs actually hitting me up being like wow an old cocker, one thought it was a 97 instead of 99. i was amazed someone actually had a damn near guess at what i actually had. said that one of the managers that was running around just bought a 00' model none the less too. sometimes it feels good to get props for running something older or non electro.

i honest to god never see mags out where i am though. keep kind of hoping since i want one pretty bad. wanted one since i saw the minimags and the oooold rt's. just couldn't swing nitro back then for an rt lol.

11-10-2009, 10:09 AM
Im always open to answering other players questions when they ask. I have no problem informing them that my backup is a minimag thats ten years old and I've done nothing to maintain it other than cleaning after games and oiling...i've never changed the o-rings in ten years! Hows that for reliabiility. Anyway I did have one of the refs actually shoot my warped tac and said it was crazy. It's funny cause im out there on the speedball field tearing it up just as well. I always give respect to anyone including newbies. I started as a newbie and I was pretty inexperienced to start. Hell I bought a Brass Eagle Raptor because I didn't know any better. I always wanna see people come back and play, its fun running into people multiple times. The ones that go the way of the cocky tourney player because thats what they witness. I remember watching tourney a few years back and this guy THREW his $1500 Dark Angel because he was knocked out. And they're the first ones to make excuses or blame everthing else for why the get knocked out....how about player error or someone got a good shot on ya.

11-10-2009, 10:25 AM
100% know the feelings you've got there... been playing for about 10 years now and when i was 16 and bought my 99 autococker by myself that i still to this day use (till i buy a mag now...) i get crap for having old school a lot of the time and it's always kids with ions and crap. hell last time i went to the local shop to get a few parts i kid you not a child about 12, couldn't have been any older then that was there with his dad and all i heard was ok what did you want? he points at an ion, then he's like i'll need a tank for it so they throw down about a 47 i'd guess ci nitro tank, then a loader to keep up with it and all this crap like a few pods and pack blah blah blah, then the dad pulls out a card and i wanted to go up and slap the man right then and there. throwing down that kind of money for your kid to play screw that... hell if i had kids i'd be like ok well find a job and we'll go buy you a nice used marker.

last time i did go play which was a month or two ago i went to a place i haven't been in years, had refs actually hitting me up being like wow an old cocker, one thought it was a 97 instead of 99. i was amazed someone actually had a damn near guess at what i actually had. said that one of the managers that was running around just bought a 00' model none the less too. sometimes it feels good to get props for running something older or non electro.

i honest to god never see mags out where i am though. keep kind of hoping since i want one pretty bad. wanted one since i saw the minimags and the oooold rt's. just couldn't swing nitro back then for an rt lol.

The first time I went my dad bought me a marker...though it really wasn't mine. It was nothing fancy, just a Tippmann SL-68 2. From there everything else I had gotten was with my own money. I bought a Spyder Compact and added some usual upgrades like an expansion chamber and a new barrel. The reason he did this was to introduce it to me first rather than me going out spending the money on everything just to find out I didn't like the sport.

11-10-2009, 10:36 AM
bah that's different though, that's not blowing near a grand on your child especially if you shared a gun. my first gun was the original f4 illustrator and good god that thing had about the heaviest trigger pull of anything i've ever shot. also bought that myself from working hahhaha! almost bought a spyder though... came really close, i dunno why i picked the f4 instead honestly.

either way there's a real big difference when it comes to spoiled kids on the field and kids that are well manored even if their parents got them stuff. hell last time i played there was a bunch of kids out, granted they talked a big game they were all well manored and very nice. one had his own gun he told me that one of his dad's friends gave him it as a hand me down cause he bought something nicer, then had to go on and on about what it was and everything lol. all depends on how kids are raised i suppose. like the kid you ran into with the ego, spoiled little brat, that's all that comes to mind.

it is fun putting people like that in their place though, i always walk out humble cause hell you never know what someone can do even if they've got the most advanced thing out there.

Mr. Mouse
11-10-2009, 10:49 AM
silly speedball kids have no respect, o wait im one ;) most kids dont have respect when playing at fields like that let alone know how to tech their own guns LOL, i would of laughed if his bolt pin broke while cycling that fast

11-10-2009, 02:58 PM
took my mag out to my local field for the 1st time in almost 10 years and no one even knew what it was except for one of the refs and the owner of the place. Spent all my time between games answering questions it seems like. It was good times though.

11-10-2009, 03:21 PM
took my mag out to my local field for the 1st time in almost 10 years and no one even knew what it was except for one of the refs and the owner of the place. Spent all my time between games answering questions it seems like. It was good times though.

You know this might be a good opportunity for AGD to throw out some advertisements in a couple of the popular paintball mags. A lot of people are genuinely interested in the mags because they never heard of them before so they think they're new. I'd be willing to bet that might bring in some sales. After all Tippmann is re-releasing the SL 68 2 again. It seams to be getting quite the buzz. If they're even at that point anymore. I do know that the only two markers you can buy from them now is the RT and Tac-one. What happened with the Pro Classic?

11-10-2009, 04:00 PM
Unless they are putting advertisements out...and i'm just not seeing them. They last advertisement i saw for AGD was before the Tac-One was released. Maybe I'm crazy.

11-10-2009, 04:19 PM
Unless they are putting advertisements out...and i'm just not seeing them. They last advertisement i saw for AGD was before the Tac-One was released. Maybe I'm crazy.

Every so often a see a spotlight in some in magazines, the latest was a 2008 Jungle magazine with a Tac-One Longbow, but even then people think it is a SpecOps gun and not an AGD gun.

I've also seen an E-Tac article in a magazine my friend has, but I can't remember the year.

But since AGD isn't really making anything new, advertising is kind of out of the picture, I think. But every time someone asks me about mine I turn in to a walking advertisement for them :rolleyes:

I think we need Tyger to do an article/series in SPLAT about the old-school players and what you might see.
Hell, I'd do a "history of the Automag" article for free if the opportunity ever pesented itself. Not that I am a good author or anything, but spreading the mag goodness is never a bad thing :clap:

Im always open to answering other players questions when they ask. I have no problem informing them that my backup is a minimag thats ten years old and I've done nothing to maintain it other than cleaning after games and oiling...i've never changed the o-rings in ten years! Hows that for reliabiility.

I can't remember what it was doing at TDV, but I remember I put a few drops of life juice in the valve for you and it fixed the problem.

11-11-2009, 08:50 PM
That sucks. We're actually fairly lucky around here, I'm sure there are 'agglet' type fields but I've never played at one. My 'home' field is awesome and there's others around here that are also perfectly good. I play mostly woodsball and the regular group there is made up of Egos, Tippmans, Autocockers and everything else in between and I've never, ever heard anyone mock or badmouth any gun. Well, I give Tony grief about his Ion, but that's well deserved IMO.

That's Alright,I'll have my mag soon.I Noticed You never Worry About the TPX. :ninja:

We should Do A Mag Meet This Spring,Maybe Big Game in May??

Tony :shooting:

11-11-2009, 09:00 PM
That's Alright,I'll have my mag soon.I Noticed You never Worry About the TPX. :ninja:

We should Do A Mag Meet This Spring,Maybe Big Game in May??

Tony :shooting:

I just try to get smart parts off the field, that's all!

A mag meet up would definitely be cool, there's a couple of longtime mag users at the field still (me being one..)

I also heard the field owner has a brand new, unopened emag in box.. I've been trying to get him to give it to me for months now..

11-11-2009, 09:28 PM
maybe next time for an AO event, the maggers should mix in with the walk-ons vice going private party. :ninja:

Mr. Mouse
11-12-2009, 09:22 AM
even though ive owned timmys, angels, shockers, mini, emag, etc i still love my mag the best.. thats why im embarking on a winter project... you'll be happy to see this mag on the speedball field.. i also just got one of my main parts.. the rest is just putting it together mostly :D ;)