View Full Version : Halo V35 or Cheetah board?

11-12-2009, 04:50 PM
I have a V35 Halo w/ Rip on the way.

I found Cheetah boards on EBay for $10.
[I'm ONLY considering the Cheetah so don't suggest any other]

Would you keep the V35 or replace it with a Cheetah?

Why or why not?


11-16-2009, 01:48 AM
Becareful of the cheetah some have been noted they dont like exess voltage and have been know to fry up. If it is solid I would love to own it too haha. They are good in design and aspect but just make sure it's in working order if not see if it can be repaired(new owners of TAG/pred.?).
The V35 is a solid board and I still run one in every halo till I find a good cheetah to grab my dirty hands on. But most importantly I dont think you'll have to worry about your board because remember it only does so many things;turns on and off, attempts to clear jams with pulseing of the motor, ect. ect. But theres a reason why jams happen and you will certenly find out, its not always going to fix itself. So my advice is to when you get your halo(which sounds like a ideal start) take it out and use it. Use it till the batterys go dead, but figure out how most importantly how your halo works and rather than start swapping boards adjust the setup of the halo in general. Like a speedfeed, new drive cone, lazer eyes what have you that will help you and your halo to work together based on how you shoot or what problems you may have. Always troubleshoot and do your research my friend and you'll be shooting faces off in no time. :shooting:

P.S. you may want to delete your double thread before you wake the mods :cheers:

11-16-2009, 02:06 AM
Becareful of the cheetah some have been noted they dont like exess voltage and have been know to fry up. If it is solid I would love to own it too haha. They are good in design and aspect but just make sure it's in working order if not see if it can be repaired(new owners of TAG/pred.?).
The V35 is a solid board and I still run one in every halo till I find a good cheetah to grab my dirty hands on. But most importantly I dont think you'll have to worry about your board because remember it only does so many things;turns on and off, attempts to clear jams with pulseing of the motor, ect. ect. But theres a reason why jams happen and you will certenly find out, its not always going to fix itself. So my advice is to when you get your halo(which sounds like a ideal start) take it out and use it. Use it till the batterys go dead, but figure out how most importantly how your halo works and rather than start swapping boards adjust the setup of the halo in general. Like a speedfeed, new drive cone, lazer eyes what have you that will help you and your halo to work together based on how you shoot or what problems you may have. Always troubleshoot and do your research my friend and you'll be shooting faces off in no time. :shooting:

P.S. you may want to delete your double thread before you wake the mods :cheers:
Yeah, this isn't my first Halo but it IS my first V35. I did get it cheaply [45 shipped] in an almost new condition [it's sitting right here as a matter of fact...lol]. It works and I put a really WEAK 9V in it to see how it behaved and it works just fine.

I'm not concerned with speed because it's going into my Warp feed. I was just curious if there is a benefit t o switching to the Cheetah in regards to batter ysaving technology, consisency, etc...

If there's a double post, then my apologies [to the mods]. Wireless Interwebz is hinky at times.

11-16-2009, 02:16 AM
I dont remember how they were on battery life off the top of my head like I said I'm sure if you do the research you can find it. I would THINK because it turns faster and preforms more varient sequences it may use up more battery(don't hold me to it). But stick with the V35 untill your sure you think you need a cheetah or just spurge the 10bux and go for it. But a V35 and stick a rechargeable bone in there for battery life. The v35 is perfectly fine with the bone, wire it up nice and stick with it, a solid halo for any day.

11-16-2009, 01:37 PM
I have a Cheetah in my Halo. When it works it will out feed my Marq on uncapped ramp, as I don't rt my mag I have no idea how fast it will actually go. Having an always on led is a nice quick power and setting reference. It will also spin backwards if it thinks there is a jam.

When it breaks :tard: The biggest problem is they have a tendency to eat motors.

As far as battery life I have a hard time telling because I installed laser eyes the same time I added the board. I did get about 5 months of every other weekend of 5 hour days on 1 set of AA, I'd say half of those if was left on all day.

For $10 your not going to hurt much but may be a bit overkill for a warp.

11-16-2009, 07:21 PM
AGDL...yeah, I think I'm just going to stick with the V35.

hh1983....when you said "I have a Cheetah in my Halo. When it works........."

,,,,,that kinda killed the Cheetah for me...lol.

I'll just leave it as it is...or do a 9V+9V 'in series' mod to extend the battery life for big games/scenarios.

Thanks all. :headbang: