View Full Version : Your experience with Reballs (or imitations)

11-13-2009, 08:00 PM
So, I'm looking at getting some reballs (or an imitation reball). What has been your experience with the real thing and/or something generic? Is there any difference between the two? What are the best for the money (links, brands, etc)? I've got some of the velcro balls, but those don't really feed that well and I just wanted something that I could fully test the limits of my Classic RT or Pneumag. It would mainly just be for messing around, not game practice or anything. Let me know what you're thoughts/experiences are.


11-13-2009, 08:05 PM
my biggest problem with them is that they're smaller than any paint. And they tend to jam up my loaders.

Don't think you're going to be able to fully test the limits of high speed marker with them.

11-13-2009, 09:52 PM
Hmm, I've been meaning to try reballs too, what kind of loader do you use vf-xx? Wonder if my Fasta might have fewer problems due to design

11-13-2009, 09:56 PM
Jams up my reloader.

Works ok in my Apache.

Haven't really tried it in my revvy.

11-13-2009, 11:53 PM
stay away from the imitations, A-balls, Rufus balls, etc all work for crap

Reballs work better but not great, seems an agitated hopper like a apache, revvy work better with them. My halo and prophecy are deffinately a no go with them

The Pinokio should work good though based on its design - anyone test this?


11-14-2009, 01:13 AM
stay away from the imitations, A-balls, Rufus balls, etc all work for crap

Reballs work better but not great, seems an agitated hopper like a apache, revvy work better with them. My halo and prophecy are deffinately a no go with them

The Pinokio should work good though based on its design - anyone test this?


agreed about prophecy, mine jams when trying to shoot at any speeds with rufus balls.

11-14-2009, 02:06 AM
You can make it work with various halos if you have the right cone. I bet a freeway would help too. Mine works fine and full speed with the stock cone, but jams with a delrin cone I have (I think NDZ). I think more fins on the cone is better.

11-14-2009, 04:36 AM
so actual "reballs" are the way to go? no comparable or better brands?

11-14-2009, 12:04 PM
You can make it work with various halos if you have the right cone. I bet a freeway would help too. Mine works fine and full speed with the stock cone, but jams with a delrin cone I have (I think NDZ). I think more fins on the cone is better.

I thought it was because of friction (they're rubbery)? A more advanced cone hugs the ball better and puts more force on the reballs causing them to hug the the catch cup feednecks walls causing friction thereby slowing/jamming the hopper. I know a couple of brick and mortar shops that use them for testing, the balls are smaller so when the marker chrono's at 300 fps on a 14 inch barrell it should equal to ballpark 275-285.

11-14-2009, 07:04 PM
I've come to like generic ones that I buy on ebay from the user Fotonutt. They're a very realistic size and quite robust, I use them for all of my prototype testing. I've gotten two batches from him over a year apart and the old ones were almost identical in size and weight to the current (blue, pictured) batch.

10 balls
20 balls
30 balls

11-14-2009, 10:06 PM
I thought it was because of friction (they're rubbery)? A more advanced cone hugs the ball better and puts more force on the reballs causing them to hug the the catch cup feednecks walls causing friction thereby slowing/jamming the hopper. I know a couple of brick and mortar shops that use them for testing, the balls are smaller so when the marker chrono's at 300 fps on a 14 inch barrell it should equal to ballpark 275-285.

No, the jams are actual ball offset type jams, so I think the wider spaces in a cone that has fewer fins allows more ball misalignment, causing outright jamming.

11-14-2009, 10:25 PM
My pinokio feeds reballs and vballs fine. As a note reballs are supposed to be cleaned and lubed after each use to help from preventing jams. Most places don't really adhere to that, but it is what is suppose to be done for optimal performance.

Some lube may help with the ball offset type jams that drg was speaking of.

11-15-2009, 03:31 AM
I think real reballs should not need lube of any sort ... that's part of the deal with genuine reballs

11-16-2009, 10:30 PM
When the reball advertisement videos with Max Lundquist were released, he said to break maybe 3 paintballs and mix the fill in with the reballs to lightly lubricate them. Everyone forgets to do this.

You should be able to find those videos somewhere on YouTube.

11-16-2009, 11:10 PM
i have the real reballs not the imatations they are great they never need lube and you never really have any jams maybe wonce in a wial there great tho i use them all the time

11-17-2009, 02:40 AM
When the reball advertisement videos with Max Lundquist were released, he said to break maybe 3 paintballs and mix the fill in with the reballs to lightly lubricate them. Everyone forgets to do this.

You should be able to find those videos somewhere on YouTube.

Nobody "forgets" this, because you aren't supposed to do it:

Q. Do I need to use a lubricant like the other synthetic balls? A.No. In fact, never use lubricant as it can damage Reballs™.


11-17-2009, 04:28 AM
TechPB-Mike did a series of videos testing various loaders and reballs. You can probably find them on YouTube.

As for the balls themselves, I've only tried the RufusDog ones. Tested in a 12V Revy and a Tippmann Cyclone feed. Experienced jamming in both systems, don't ask me how in the Revy...

11-17-2009, 10:31 PM
Nobody "forgets" this, because you aren't supposed to do it.

OMG I almost wet my pants when I read this. Seriously, I cried, and I really don't know why. Thanks, drg!! :rofl:

11-18-2009, 06:36 PM
Nobody "forgets" this, because you aren't supposed to do it:


By "lubricant," they mean synthetic oils like Gold Cup. I'll find you guys the promo videos on YouTube later tonight when I have the time. Do you replace your lens everytime you get gogged just because the instruction manuals say to do so?

I've used ReBalls extensively and if you do what Max Lundquist suggests in the old promo video, you'll hardly ever have major jamming issues.

ArmyEngineer: Yeah, he owned me good. :rolleyes:

Also from that website:
Q. Does temperature or moisture affect Reballs™?
A. No! Reballs™ are impervious to all weather.

Yeah, I'm sure ReBalls work well in muddy conditions and in the rain.

11-18-2009, 08:38 PM
ArmyEngineer: Yeah, he owned me good. :rolleyes:

Lol. It's happened to me a few times too. I guess my sense of humor just appreciates that sort of sarcasm.

As far as reballs go, our field here (hardly a field... its in a small one room warehouse) switched a few months ago. The guy that works there most of the time doesn't seem to like them too much for actual play, but he loves not having to clean up all the paint. Personally I think it won't be too long before they either shut down or go back to paint. You have to play with a completely honest group if you want it to be enjoyable, and that can be hard to find. I understand the purpose of the reball, but I don't like the way they shoot. Maybe it's just the brand they use at that field.

11-18-2009, 09:02 PM
I have about 500 or so reballs and they jam in all my hoppers unless I lube them. I do on the occasion get a jam with them lubed but it's one in about 40 or 50 balls. Un-lubed is one in ever 3-6 balls.
But even with lube, trying to use them in my Q-Loader = No-Go.
I can't get it to work for some reason :( I've smashed and cracked 3 of those plastic rings that sit at the top of the pod already.

11-18-2009, 10:19 PM
The only issue i ever had w/ reballs is how much i had to "de-tune" my mag. At the place i used them at, the max fps was 245. My xmag jut did not want to work flawlessly that low...however when using a marq and clean reballs in my Halo, i had no issues...

11-19-2009, 03:21 AM
You have to play with a completely honest group if you want it to be enjoyable, and that can be hard to find.

Touche. I think Reballs are only really suitable for practice purposes where if you don't call yourself out it just means you're cheating yourself.

Most of the problems can be attributed to Reball field owners/users not washing their reballs after 3 uses or so. It's amazing how some players think they should clean their gun and hopper, but not their reballs.

I suggest everyone at least TRY breaking 3 paintballs and spreading the fill into a 500 count of reballs as a lubricant. I've rarely had issues with reballs in a Halo B or Reloader B if this procedure was performed (after washing reballs in the dish washer).

Yes, the Reball website says to not "lube" up, but think about it: dry rubber + friction = jams. ;)

NOTE: I tried looking for the video I posted about in a previous post, but I can't seem to find it on YouTube. I emailed the ReBall CS address asking for it. If I ever get a response, I'll be sure to post it.

11-24-2009, 06:02 PM
The Viewloader Evolution a.k.a Eggy was the best loader I've used with Reballs. No jams.

And yes, you want to use the real Reballs. I tried "RusBalls" through a Shocker once, and there was a burnt rubber smell afterwards. I gave them away soon after because I didn't see the point in purposely running broken paint through my hopper and marker.

The other thing with Reballs is that they don't work that well for tuning, as they are much lighter than paintballs. I remember spending a late night tuning a marker with Reballs, only to find out at the field that my settings maxed out to something like 240 fps or so with paint.

11-25-2009, 10:35 AM
"dry balls + friction = jams."

Fixed this for you :headbang: