View Full Version : I find it rather amusing

11-15-2009, 09:01 PM
The little agglets will go out and spend $1000+ on a nice marker, but then won't spring for a decent box of paint. So, they are shooting raisins and want to know why they have terrible accuracy, bolt and barrel breaks...and why my $200 one shoots better.

I spring for the good paint. :ninja:

11-15-2009, 09:11 PM
I always buy Marbs if its a BYOP field or the best they have if its FPO.

The reason is I'm not very good at paintball, and when I finally do hit someone,
I dont want no stinking bounces.
And also the better paint tends to age more gracefully, if you know what I mean.


11-15-2009, 09:33 PM
I always buy good paint. Im ususally using marbz or allstar.

played a pump tourney with bad paint ( was free from a teamate) , and had so many elbow bounces on people hanging out thewir bunkers. after that, always get the good paint

11-15-2009, 09:45 PM
Glad to see that my favorite paint is popular for others as well. Marbalizers all the way, I'll settle for premium if I must, but you are right.

Funny thing is, I actually spend less money on paint than most guys do, because I know when I shoot the first shots count. I don't need to spray 100 rounds to take someone out.

11-15-2009, 09:50 PM
also, it's hard enough to get breaks nowadays, no matter what paint your using, with so many guys rocking the baggy, padded speedball attire. Just yesterday I got several solid leg hits on opponents that glanced right off, they would react to the hit and be as surprised as me that it didnt break!

My Minimag was shooting darts with Draxus paint and it got several complements. :D

11-15-2009, 10:09 PM
Today it was a beautiful warm day...and the field had already switched over to winter paint.

It was to the point where I was confident standing in the open knowing I was getting hit, knowing none were breaking from less than about 35 feet away. Oh boy were there welts.

11-15-2009, 10:17 PM
i have been using Ramp lately with great results :shooting:

11-16-2009, 01:23 AM
I see people do that with lots of things. They blow their wad on on component, and then neglect the rest, because they don't really have the money to spend in the first place. For example, some people will buy a high-end rifle, and then get crappy bulk ammo. However, the can't seem to understand why they are getting jams, fliers, and extraction failures. Or, they buy a 2500 guitar, and play it through a 250 dollar amp, and can't understand why it sounds like junk. Or, they buy 3000 speakers, and put them in a crappy room with plaster walls, and then their mixes sound like garbage. The list goes on and on.

11-16-2009, 07:38 AM
i usually buy midgrade and most of the time it shootsclose enough to the higher end so for me (a student who doesnt have a $1,000 marker) it works just as well adn with money saved i can play that much sooner

11-17-2009, 04:33 PM
Not me! i buy the cheapest paint my field has. Now they carry an decent grade of paint. Starting at $50 a case, and i buy the cheapest they have. My mag loves it all the same. I even buy the bags of paint with broken paint it in, clean it up fast and play with it that day I dont shoot alot of paint, usually 1/2 a case or a little more a day. Paint usually runs me between $25-30 a day. Whole day cost usually $40 or less. :D :bounce:

11-17-2009, 07:28 PM
Not me! i buy the cheapest paint my field has. Now they carry an decent grade of paint. Starting at $50 a case, and i buy the cheapest they have. My mag loves it all the same. I even buy the bags of paint with broken paint it in, clean it up fast and play with it that day I dont shoot alot of paint, usually 1/2 a case or a little more a day. Paint usually runs me between $25-30 a day. Whole day cost usually $40 or less. :D :bounce:

Thats about where I'm at! :D $50 gets me to the field (no small trek), entry, air, and paint! except that my Tippy's really been hatin on the cheap stuff lately... :mad:
