View Full Version : My $20 Pickup!!

11-27-2009, 12:16 PM
I posted this up on mcarterbrown.com and I figured I would see what you guys though of it!

I picked this up from a friend today for $20. I'm going to break it down, see what's missing and hopefully restore it to working condition and use it. Here it is so far:

Price So Far:
-Automag - $20
-Barrel - $19
-Airgun Designs Automag Parts Kit - $ 11.99
-Airgun Designs Automag Field Strip Screw - $ 8.99
-Airgun Designs Automag Power Tube Spacer Kit - $ 9.99
-Shipping - $6.17
-Part #802 Bolt Foamieless - $4
-Back Bottle Adapter - $13
-Shipping - $2
-Grips - $4
-Hose Fittings - $3
-Steel Line - $4
TOTAL : $99.97

Start - 11-18-2009
Update - 11-19-2009 - I've picked it apart a little bit. In the upper right are the macroline fittings, vertical ASA (not sure if I'll use either of these) and two unidentified parts. I would appreciate any help with those. As far as I can tell the body is in okay condition, useable. The rail is in good condition. The trigger frame/assembly is in good condition and all is useable. I don't really know all that much about 'Mags so I'm kind of screwed until I watch the videos. I tore down the regulator and the valve as far as I could. I have no idea if they're missing parts or if I haven't torn them down all the way or what. Obviously I'm missing a few pieces. The bolt, a barrel, a new ASA, and grips. I don't know if I'm missing more, if you see anything else feel free to tell me. Any and all input and help is appreciated!
Update - 11-19-2009 - Picked up a 14" barrel from "bacci paintball" for $19. To be shipped Monday. This project is moving right along.
Update - 11-19-2009 - I've rounded up all the parts I need so far.

Missing Parts:
-Part #116 Regualtor Seat (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #683 PT Spacer Kit (actionvillage.com)
-Part #432 Field Strip Screw Assembly (actionvillage.com)
-Part #798 Bolt Spring (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #802 Bolt Foamieless (bacci paintball)
-Barrel (bacci paintball)
-Back Bottle Adaptor (bacci paintball)
-Grips (bacci paintball)
-Hose Fittings (bacci paintball)
-Steel Line (bacci paintball)
Parts I'll Replace:
-Part #140 O-Ring Teflon - On/Off (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #123 O-Ring - Power Tube (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #113 Regulator Piston O-Ring (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #115 O-Ring - Regulator Body (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)
-Part #781 O-Ring - Power Tube Tip, RT (Included in Automag Parts Kit) (actionvillage.com)

Green = Bought
Red = Need to buy

Update - 11-20-2009 - Some more parts bought from "bacci paintball":

-Part #802 Bolt Foamieless
-Back Bottle Adapter
-Hose Fittings
-Steel Line

Update - 11-23-2009 - Still waiting anxiously for parts!


Update - 12-10-2009 - It's done!

11-27-2009, 12:25 PM
Nice, if you need any other small parts let me know.. I still have some older stuff kicking around, including a nice 12" J&J ceramic barrel I would've sold you cheaper ;)

11-27-2009, 12:27 PM
Yea, everyone told me to look here for better deals. The thing is it took me a while to get validated or whatever and I needed this 'Mag ready for December 5th for a game. :cuss: Oh well...

11-29-2009, 03:15 AM
man if Bangor wasnt basically in Minnesota i'd say stop by the shop Saturday afternoons and i could of hooked you up with free parts galore including a Dye Excel barrel :cool:

shameless plug

Paintball Sally's Inc
25614 75th St
Salem, Wisconsin 53168

11-29-2009, 11:17 PM
For real? *Hits up mapquest and rounds up buddies for road trip*

11-29-2009, 11:23 PM
but seriously, let me know when your heading down IF you do :)

11-30-2009, 09:00 AM
I'm considering it, it may not be this winter though. Got a few games planned already but my summer/spring is wide open. You guys have any big games or scenarios? Maybe small tourneys?

12-10-2009, 11:06 PM
It's done!!


12-10-2009, 11:18 PM
Congratz bro. Way to bring back a classic. Now don't go tearing it up for a new body, rail...ect...keep it the way it is. ;)

12-10-2009, 11:54 PM
I'm currently buying a new one to screw around with. :D

12-10-2009, 11:59 PM
Someone got the fever :p

12-11-2009, 03:12 AM
hooked before he could even play with it haha

12-12-2009, 10:18 AM
What can I say?!?! Just had to shoot it a couple times and now there's no turning back. :D