View Full Version : AE's Acid Wash Red E-mag 1/16

11-27-2009, 11:04 PM
Hey guys,
I got my new e-mag in today. It is in much better shape than the first one I bought. I need to disassemble the valve and clean it up, but the rest of the marker got a good bath today. It's not perfect, I'm missing sear and mode detents and there is a rash on the battery case. :cuss: A little bit of the chrome is also coming off around the detent. I wonder if I could get PK Selective to redo the battery box and what it would cost. Here are a couple quick photos. I was just trying the geddon on for size. I'll rebuild it before it goes on for good.



11-28-2009, 12:02 AM
even if they did, it wouldnt match right.

Put a sticker on it and be happy you've got a nice acidwash.

11-28-2009, 12:03 AM
leave the rash ; it gives it more character :)

11-28-2009, 12:08 AM
That's a good point. I actually just switched out the battery case for ablack one. I'm not putting the red back on until I have that hose wrapped.

I only paid $220 paypaled and shipped. :)

I noticed the bolt sticks a little, but no leaks as far as I can tell. Woohoo!

11-28-2009, 01:31 AM
That one used to be one of back ups. Nice to see something come around again. No I didn't put that rash there. It was however there when I bought it. The chrome coming off around the detent is probably my doing though. The threads of that possibly this same one which I got on trade many years ago were buggered some and I used a tap to correct them enough to use. It wasn't the most correct tap but it was very close. If that is the same body seems to me if you look under it near the firing pin there was flaking of the finish also.

Frizzle Fry
11-28-2009, 01:36 AM
I only paid $220 paypaled and shipped. :)

Where do you keep finding these things :confused:

11-28-2009, 01:39 AM
That one used to be one of back ups. Nice to see something come around again. No I didn't put that rash there. It was however there when I bought it.

Do you know whose it was originally? I'd love a history lesson!

Where do you keep finding these things :confused:
This one came from Duxbury, Massachusetts. :)

Frizzle Fry
11-28-2009, 01:45 AM
This one came from Duxbury, Massachusetts. :)

You... Damn. That's quite close to home :(

You're a lucky man. Any chance you can share your talent for sniffing out inexpensive emags?

11-28-2009, 02:02 AM
The guy I bought it off of bought it from another fella here in Wi. I don't know who that was. Chad was a friend of a friend whom got out of the army in 04-05. He never had a mag and only shot pumps. This marker he got was in serious need of work. It came with the board broke trigger stuck, magnets gone didn't have level 10 and didn't even have a body. She was a mess in pieces. I did all the work for this young fella put most of my own extra parts into it for him on the condition he played. We took it out on the maiden run entered a 3 man local tourney and took first. It was this mag, my brothers blue karta predator Emag and my tequila karta predator Emag. Despite having one or two hot penalties we crushed them. Fun day. Chad had serious family difficulties and needed some money since I had much invested time and parts I gave him the balance of what it was worth then kept it around as a back-up. I think it spent it's life here in Wi for most of it. I just can't remember who or where it went to when I sold it, but it looks now like it got around. My pride and joy went to Cali. It was brought for 1600 or so. Nicest Emag you'd ever did see. Wish it was back even though I haven't played in years. I put a lot of time and money into it. But that is all I recall about the Acid Emag. Glad I popped in. I haven't been on AO for years really. glad to see the new guard taking over

11-28-2009, 02:19 AM
The guy I bought it off of bought it from another fella here in Wi. I don't know who that was. Chad was a friend of a friend whom got out of the army in 04-05. He never had a mag and only shot pumps. This marker he got was in serious need of work. It came with the board broke trigger stuck, magnets gone didn't have level 10 and didn't even have a body. She was a mess in pieces. I did all the work for this young fella put most of my own extra parts into it for him on the condition he played. We took it out on the maiden run entered a 3 man local tourney and took first. It was this mag, my brothers blue karta predator Emag and my tequila karta predator Emag. Despite having one or two hot penalties we crushed them. Fun day. Chad had serious family difficulties and needed some money since I had much invested time and parts I gave him the balance of what it was worth then kept it around as a back-up. I think it spent it's life here in Wi for most of it. I just can't remember who or where it went to when I sold it, but it looks now like it got around. My pride and joy went to Cali. It was brought for 1600 or so. Nicest Emag you'd ever did see. Wish it was back even though I haven't played in years. I put a lot of time and money into it. But that is all I recall about the Acid Emag. Glad I popped in. I haven't been on AO for years really. glad to see the new guard taking over

Thanks, REDRT! That is really cool! It's nice to know a bit of the story behind this one! The guy I bought it from got it on ebay a while back for $500 and never really used it. It looks like it went in for warranty service at some point, cause the valve has a shallow drill. But rest assured, this marker is in good hands now! It's shooting great, but I need to fix that little bolt stick. :cheers:

Between the color scheme and the Smart Stainless barrel, I feel like I'm shooting a funky space-man gun. :) I love it!

You... Damn. That's quite close to home :(

You're a lucky man. Any chance you can share your talent for sniffing out inexpensive emags?

Sure thing! I'll keep doin what I'm doin and start posting my finds. I think my mag-itch is satisfied for a while. I need to get rid of that project e-mag now! I'll put it up in a couple of days when everyone has recovered from the Black Friday shopping. :)

11-28-2009, 02:30 AM
Thanks, REDRT! That is really cool! It's nice to know a bit of the story behind this one! The guy I bought it from got it on ebay a while back for $500 and never really used it. It looks like it went in for warranty service at some point, cause the valve has a shallow drill. But rest assured, this marker is in good hands now! It's shooting great, but I need to fix that little bolt stick. :cheers:

Between the color scheme and the Smart Stainless barrel, I feel like I'm shooting a funky space-man gun. :) I love it!

Sure thing! I'll keep doin what I'm doin and start posting my finds. I think my mag-itch is satisfied for a while. I need to get rid of that project e-mag now! I'll put it up in a couple of days when everyone has recovered from the Black Friday shopping. :)
Glad it is in good hands. I really liked the Emags. Had paintball not felll off to the curve for me it would have had a Karta and been sent to PK for re anno same color.
Here is a link to my baby I build it was custom top to bottom. Not pictured was the Xmag battery cover.

11-28-2009, 02:39 AM
Glad it is in good hands. I really liked the Emags. Had paintball not felll off to the curve for me it would have had a Karta and been sent to PK for re anno same color.
Here is a link to my baby I build it was custom top to bottom. Not pictured was the Xmag battery cover.

Man! I wish you had! Although I have a feeling it wouldn't be in my living room right now if you had.

That is one SWEET E-mag! One of the guys in that thread said he'd be afraid to take it out on the field. I would too! :hail:

11-28-2009, 03:16 AM
I punished myself severely playing with it I used my body to protect it like it was made of glass. That gun got me a lot of penalties though. DQ'd once or twice to. It was fast. Even without ramping people didn't believe it wasn't.

Looking over the classifieds I can see they haven't lost any value. Karta and Xmags are right up there yet, maybe more. Yeah you wouldn't have got that one so cheap had it have had that.

If you can find it. The karta on mine was like 1 of 12? ule kartas with the tail milled and a little relief up top for the sub- zero . Along with an xvalve and an Xmag battery pack it is lighter than an Xmag. Only a few ounces heavier than 06 proto in weight. The marker itself was pretty nice handling also find the a roller bearing trigger. That roller tuna blade on mine was fantastic. Load up some xmod or what ever is in vogue now and you'll have one heck of machine. Good luck. ;)

Frizzle Fry
11-28-2009, 03:28 AM
Sure thing! I'll keep doin what I'm doin and start posting my finds. I think my mag-itch is satisfied for a while. I need to get rid of that project e-mag now! I'll put it up in a couple of days when everyone has recovered from the Black Friday shopping. :)

PM me before anything gets listed... I'm a bit "marker poor" (more toys than cash) but I could use an R/T valve and some other goodies.

11-28-2009, 09:40 AM
Glad I popped in. I haven't been on AO for years really. glad to see the new guard taking over

were glad you poped in also , if you hang out a little you will see a lot of the "old guard' is starting to come back around , a number of them are getting back in the game :clap:

11-28-2009, 09:44 AM
were glad you poped in also , if you hang out a little you will see a lot of the "old guard' is starting to come back around , a number of them are getting back in the game :clap:

Yeah, it's funny and a lot of it even seems to be spontaneous. I came back after a 4 year hiatus to see a lot of others creeping in and it was purely just a random thought on my part.

Maybe there is something in the air... maybe it is Obama... who knows.

11-28-2009, 10:32 AM
Maybe there is something in the air...
Yeah and it stinks! :rofl:

maybe it is Obama... who knows.
Could be. The firearm market is finally starting to offer some reasonable prices. I had to get a nice e-mag first though. :)

11-28-2009, 03:12 PM
I've played or have been involved long enough to have seen many people come and go and back again countless times. Most stay gone after the 2nd go around. I'm not sure I'll ever play again myself. Still the tanks are all current in hydro. I've kept them up and the markers probably just need a good once over and some tuning. I don't think my Dye pants fit me anymore. I know if I gave it an honest go of it I'd be crippled the next few days after.

Tell you what. If someone could locate for me a cocker threaded 16" Dye TI boomer for my RT I'd have no excuse not to come out of retirement. I could maybe play some old school tournaments and definitely catch a few AO fun meets this next year. I'll make it so, but I want that barrel again before I'll even consider it.
Who knows maybe if it happens it just might cause the same chemical imbalance in the head for one last go around, building an epic new Emag. Yes I've thought about it in my padded room. I have a pretty good idea in my head just how it could look finished. Rest assured it will be an even bigger eye popper than the tequila one if I were motivated to do so and was able locate all the right parts.

11-28-2009, 11:40 PM
I've played or have been involved long enough to have seen many people come and go and back again countless times. Most stay gone after the 2nd go around. I'm not sure I'll ever play again myself. Still the tanks are all current in hydro. I've kept them up and the markers probably just need a good once over and some tuning. I don't think my Dye pants fit me anymore. I know if I gave it an honest go of it I'd be crippled the next few days after.

Tell you what. If someone could locate for me a cocker threaded 16" Dye TI boomer for my RT I'd have no excuse not to come out of retirement. I could maybe play some old school tournaments and definitely catch a few AO fun meets this next year. I'll make it so, but I want that barrel again before I'll even consider it.
Who knows maybe if it happens it just might cause the same chemical imbalance in the head for one last go around, building an epic new Emag. Yes I've thought about it in my padded room. I have a pretty good idea in my head just how it could look finished. Rest assured it will be an even bigger eye popper than the tequila one if I were motivated to do so and was able locate all the right parts.

Well, we are waiting with anticipation. I'll check my sources for a Ti Boomstick. :)