View Full Version : freek and warp question.

02-04-2002, 05:16 PM
first, is the freek a good barel. i know that it is expencive.
How well do ball breaks clean out of it?
are the inserts realy that benificial?
if you come up with any other tecnical info please fill me in.

last, i have ben thinking of getting a warp feed and was wandering how good they really are. most of the guys i play with make fun of them. i really dont care what they think but it got me wondering about how i might like them.

any input on these subjects would be helpfull.

02-04-2002, 06:12 PM
AHHHHH The Freak System, Great Barrel/s, but pricey, I used to use one on my Impulse. In one word, AWESOME!!!!!!!! As for your questions, no, they wont shoot clean, you have to squeege, them then to get it totally clean, rinse the tip. Another method is to close the powerfeed, make sure there is no ball in chamber, put hand over end of barrel, shoot 2-3x to clear paint from holes, this works best on field when water isnt available. The only beneficial use for this barrel is if you play Tourneys, it lets you match the paint to your barrel, we all no tourneys use different types of paint, some good, some not so good, with a FReak barrel, it doesnt matter, shoots anything well. Also it lets you customize your barrel system to your playing style, if you want a long/short barrel, buy a new/different size tip. Also if you upgrade to a different gun the whole system is transferable, just have to buy a different back piece that matches the threads on your particular gun. Simply put, its the last barrel you will ever need !!!!!!!

As far as the Warp feed goes its simply the best feed system out there. You can combine it with Halo, Revvy, Richochet, whatever, basically its a supercharger for your exsisting electronic feed system. Combined with an Intelliframe, with the intellifeed option, nothing will beat its performance on the field, not to mention it also lowers your shooting profile making you less of a target on the field, it will change the way you play.

02-04-2002, 07:36 PM
thanks warlord, i think i will get the warp feed when i get the money.
the freek sounds good to me because i will probably use it for 5 or ten years. the inserts will let me use what ever paint is handy at the time.

if any one else has a comment or a thaught on the subject please post it. good or bad.

02-04-2002, 11:04 PM
When you get your warp, make sure you give yourself time to adapt to it... It took me a while to learn how to use it. But once I did, It has made me a much harder person to take out.

soilent green
02-05-2002, 12:41 PM
I love my freak but yes it dosen't shoot clean it is however very accurate and quiet it does squegee clean easily and it is wonderfull to use different paints at feilds without worry I also like proball but it tends to vary between batches in size so its nice

02-05-2002, 01:27 PM
Why again is it needed to have EIGHT inserts? :)

I sold my freak because it was a poor design, inefficient, cheaply made, and too easy (too tempting) to match paint too tightly (for Xtra accuracy :rolleyes: ).

For about the same price, I had J&J built for 12" Ceramics with reduced porting (8.5" acceleration length) and in .686, .689, .692, .695 bores. They charged me $225 + shipping and delivered within 4 weeks.


All it takes is an email to Josh at info@jjperformance.com and a cc. :)
