View Full Version : Thoughts on Lapco Grey Ghost?

12-09-2009, 12:47 PM
Been reading about them a bit. I'm contemplating picking up a stock class pump next year. Still love my mag but those days when $ is tight and I feel like something different, it'd be nice to get by with a smaller amount of paint.

Just wondered how many people here own/have shot one and what your thoughts are.

12-09-2009, 12:54 PM
Put a small hopper on your marker. Go out with only 50 balls... PERIOD! Don't carry a pod pack.

If you are worried about money, I'm thinking the few hundred for the GG would buy you quite a bit of paint if you only took 50 balls each out. I mean think if you went SC, and had to get the 12G's all the time, plus the 10 round tubes, plus the new harness. Factor in how much you would take on the field at one time... say... hmmmm.. 20 10 round tubes for a total of 200 shots. How many will you shoot in one game? Say all of them. Well there isn't much difference in that than there is taking a pocket hopper and grabbing one of those little 2 pod pouches which can often be borrowed from the field and just take 2 small pods or 1 140 round pod out. LEARN to shoot less.... you don't have to buy a whole new set up to do RESTRICT that. You already have all the gear, just have to learn out to work it.


Oh and as for the GG... I don't care for anything that allows roll outs...

12-09-2009, 12:55 PM
True enough, part of it is wanting to do something a little different too. I'm with you though.

12-09-2009, 12:56 PM
Oh and as for the GG... I don't care for anything that allows roll outs...

The new one has a detent in it

12-09-2009, 01:01 PM
Well if ya want it just to want it, then by all means.... Just find it funny when people figure that buying a car that gets 28MPG for 10K is better than sticking to their truck which is paid for but only gets 25MPG.... That 10K PLUS Insurance and all the other costs can buy you a good bit of gas for the 3MPG difference.... Sure over time it may work out...

So yeah... iffin ya want one, go with one... Can't give ya much else as I know others here have em and can give you the low down...

I didn't know they finally got detents put in though...

Good to know.


12-09-2009, 01:11 PM

12-09-2009, 01:28 PM
Well if ya want it just to want it, then by all means.... Just find it funny when people figure that buying a car that gets 28MPG for 10K is better than sticking to their truck which is paid for but only gets 25MPG.... That 10K PLUS Insurance and all the other costs can buy you a good bit of gas for the 3MPG difference.... Sure over time it may work out...

So yeah... iffin ya want one, go with one... Can't give ya much else as I know others here have em and can give you the low down...

I didn't know they finally got detents put in though...

Good to know.


Yep, I'm totally with you there, if that was my only reason for wanting one I definitely wouldn't do it.

12-09-2009, 01:29 PM

Thanks, good link!

12-09-2009, 01:49 PM

You will see my answers provided in that link... If you need any more information please feel free to hit me up...



I now have a marker for you to use next time you come down to TN... 68 Classic w/Single trigger Benchmark frame,,, a 50 round winchester hopper and a 13/3000 to knock yourself out with :) ...

Have a good one Brothers :D


12-09-2009, 05:17 PM
Best Nelson pump ever!

Have two of them, plus a Grey Spirit:


You just can't go wrong with it.


12-09-2009, 05:18 PM
Only two?? What's wrong with you?

Thanks for the info and pics :)

12-09-2009, 07:04 PM

I now have a marker for you to use next time you come down to TN... 68 Classic w/Single trigger Benchmark frame,,, a 50 round winchester hopper and a 13/3000 to knock yourself out with :) ...

Have a good one Brothers :D


WK2, I don't have a 13ci to test with right now, but does that rig get much more than the 50 rounder off the air supply or is 50 about it? I'm assuming you've got it set up for about 650psi output off the tank reg?

12-09-2009, 07:20 PM
WK2, I don't have a 13ci to test with right now, but does that rig get much more than the 50 rounder off the air supply or is 50 about it? I'm assuming you've got it set up for about 650psi output off the tank reg?

Let me get back with you on that... I just put together this set-up and my tank is out of air... I will go to my local pro-shop probably tomorrow (depending on work schedule) and get some air... :)

but according to http://www.scubatoys.com/paintball/paintballshots.asp it should get about 130 shots...


12-09-2009, 07:52 PM
i use a 13 its hardmounted to my tacone longbow and 130 sounds about right.. it finishes all 5 of my feedsticks(100) and has enough to fire more i used to have 180 rounds in sticks and it wouldnt shoot all of it so i got the 22 tank for that LOL but sold that off and stuck with 5 feedsticks aka 20 a stick :rolleyes:

12-09-2009, 08:04 PM
I 2nd the limited paint comment.
I usually use a 100 round Sport Shot shake n bake on whatever I'm shooting.
Tried pump and personally its just not even as close as much fun as playing with a mech mag.


12-10-2009, 01:10 AM
If you can find a good condition old model, go for it.

New ones? For the money I wasnt impressed, try a Phantom for a lot less coin.

12-10-2009, 01:50 AM
Got my 2006 SC GG about a month ago. Since then played two full days with it. LOVE IT!!!
Compared to my old Phantom, it is a Corvette C6 compared to a Geo... No that is a bad comparison, the Geo gets better gas milage...

Anyway, I wrote up a comprehensive review on Model98.Org. You can read it here (http://model98.org/forum/index.php?topic=15645.0).

I was experiencing incredible effeciency and accracy from the gun, and it felt very balanced and light all day. I was never "aware" that I was holding a gun as i was playing, it felt like an extention of my arm.

VERY recommended as a high-end stock-class gun. Might not be such a good choice as a first stock gun, or especially a first pump gun, however. It can be a bit odd to work on for someone with no Nelson experience, and stock play is a huge challange for someone who has played semi all their life.

I'd get a nice open class pump gun, like an old Line SI Bushmaster, try out OC pump, then "graduate" to stock-class.

12-10-2009, 02:38 PM
Got my 2006 SC GG about a month ago. Since then played two full days with it. LOVE IT!!!
Compared to my old Phantom, it is a Corvette C6 compared to a Geo... No that is a bad comparison, the Geo gets better gas milage...

Anyway, I wrote up a comprehensive review on Model98.Org. You can read it here (http://model98.org/forum/index.php?topic=15645.0).

I was experiencing incredible effeciency and accracy from the gun, and it felt very balanced and light all day. I was never "aware" that I was holding a gun as i was playing, it felt like an extention of my arm.

VERY recommended as a high-end stock-class gun. Might not be such a good choice as a first stock gun, or especially a first pump gun, however. It can be a bit odd to work on for someone with no Nelson experience, and stock play is a huge challange for someone who has played semi all their life.

I'd get a nice open class pump gun, like an old Line SI Bushmaster, try out OC pump, then "graduate" to stock-class.

Well, the nice thing with the Lapco is you can easily make it OC as well..

12-10-2009, 04:18 PM
I don't know the price on GG's, but I really like my phantom. I would even go as far as saying I like it more than my mag :eek:

Plyaing stockclass, or just pump in general is definitely a challenge. It changes up your game. I like it because I am more mobile, refilling the feed tube with 10 round tubes in the middle of a fire fight is fun (I think so anyway), and even using 12 grams can be fun. When ever I travel to Missouri to visit my inlaws, I take my phantom to play paintball with a friend I have back there. I don't have to worry about a tank, a large hopper, I roll light with the marker, mask and small belt like harness. All in all, I will most likely sell or trade off all my markers over time for new ones, except the phantom. It will be an heirloom to my children's children's children. But, I think there will be a mag in that will too.

12-10-2009, 04:56 PM
I don't know the price on GG's, but I really like my phantom. I would even go as far as saying I like it more than my mag :eek:

Plyaing stockclass, or just pump in general is definitely a challenge. It changes up your game. I like it because I am more mobile, refilling the feed tube with 10 round tubes in the middle of a fire fight is fun (I think so anyway), and even using 12 grams can be fun. When ever I travel to Missouri to visit my inlaws, I take my phantom to play paintball with a friend I have back there. I don't have to worry about a tank, a large hopper, I roll light with the marker, mask and small belt like harness. All in all, I will most likely sell or trade off all my markers over time for new ones, except the phantom. It will be an heirloom to my children's children's children. But, I think there will be a mag in that will too.

A complete stock class ghost is about $350 (feed tube, 12gram, stock, lapco barrel etc)

Bit more than a similarly configured Phantom but not a ton more.

12-10-2009, 06:11 PM
A complete stock class ghost is about $350 (feed tube, 12gram, stock, lapco barrel etc)

Bit more than a similarly configured Phantom but not a ton more.

$380 built directly from Lapco...

Figure about $75 more than a stock Phantom, but seeing as it has all of the internal upgrades, a fine barrel, the detent, a slider frame, and a T-stock it is actually kind of a bargain.

12-10-2009, 07:55 PM
Grey Ghost might cost more than a similarly equipped Phantom, but the difference is night and day. The Ghost is just in every way better. Pump stroke is smoother. Pump doesn't twist and turn. The trigger is much better. The trigger frame is better (the Phantom 45 is all wrong). It is just so worth the extra money. I love mine. I am so glad I got it because it makes my friend's Phantom feel like a mass-produced piece of junk.

12-11-2009, 07:33 PM
I am so glad I got it because it makes my friend's Phantom feel like a mass-produced piece of junk.

I wouldn't go that far, the Phantom is a very well built gun with a very dedicated following (much like Automags). Also, with the right internals the Phantoms can be very effecient guns, and they are lighter than the Ghost.

However, the Phantom feels very... unrefined compared to the Ghost. It is like, if the Phantom was a half-blocked Orracle with a nice pump kit and the Ghost was a CCM T2...

One thing the Phantom does have over the Ghost, is stainless thread inserts. Recently my Ghost's feed-block stripped the threads right out of my body... Lapco told me they'd pick up the tab on fixing it, but if it had the stainless insert it probably never would have happened.