View Full Version : EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant ?

12-12-2009, 09:56 AM
What does this mean for the sport of paintball ?
Entry level marker packages most always include a CO tank.
If an HPA tank is now needed whats this going to do when little Johnnys mom
sees the pricetag of that Tippmann starter kit ?

I am of the opinion the sport must have new players on a consistant basis.
I dont use CO2 personally but I did when I first started playing, as do a huge percentage of new players.
Many places in the US and Canada HPA isnt even available.
(maybe Tom Kayes new invention will help this problem ? http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=247451 )

Maybe some lawyer types and people in the know can chime in on this CO2 thing.


Google search for the above subject line :



12-12-2009, 10:21 AM
If CO2 is a bad and they are putting laws into effect about it does that mean we all need to stop breathing ??? I mean seriously when we exhale don't we as mammals create CO2 ??? Does not vegetation take that CO2 and use it to produce more oxygen ??? Did what my Teachers in Earth Science and Biology be all wrong ??? There are alot of questions I have for the idiots that are going put this law into effect... I think the big toilet bowl up on Capital Hill needs to be flushed...

EPA Declares Human Breath (CO2) a Pollutant (http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech-mainmenu-30/environment/1022)

just my 2 pennies of ranting


12-12-2009, 10:26 AM
Could this be the END of stock class paintball ?


12-12-2009, 10:38 AM
Don't worry guys, things in this country need to ge alot worse before they can get better. Americans need to be to be forced to realize all the inherent freedoms that our forefathers bleed and died for the freedoms that we have lazily sold for carnal security. This will be just one more tyranny added onto americas back, hopefully wewill wake up and get off of our lazy behinds and fight for our rights.

"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants, it is its natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson

12-12-2009, 10:39 AM
Well, not that I don't think the ruling is a bit of a stretch, but considering you can pick up a 48/3000 tank for under $50, if it really came down to that I think there'd still be cheap starter kits.

Honestly, everyone knows the only reason this ruling came down was to allow the EPA to get involved in the whole climate change discussion/enforcement. Whether it will amount to anything remains to be seen.

12-12-2009, 12:32 PM
If this makes the cost of 12 grams go up I'm going to be pissed! Those things are already expensive enough :shooting:


12-12-2009, 01:21 PM
Well, if we're going the way of Europe, I think they were regulating BBQ's. If they are willing to go that far into it, there is no telling where they'll stop. Although, Shirow is right in that this is meant to go after large industry.

We may as well just off ourselves for the sake of the planet :tard:

12-12-2009, 02:16 PM
Is whole thing is rediculious. Plants use photosynthesis, photosynthesis uses Co2. We need oxygen, photosynthesis, makes oxygen. Solution? Grow more plants!!!! :eek:

12-12-2009, 02:17 PM
I saw this mentioned the other day and in reality the drive to the paintball field creates much more CO2 pollution than the guns do. According to the EPA burning a gallon of gas in your car/truck creates 19.4 lbs of CO2, a gallon of diesel = 22.2 lbs of CO2.

At that rate, a few cars in the parking lot would account for the entire days use of CO2 in guns at most fields.

My local field has switched to compressed air only in the past couple years, they'll rent you a tank instead of filling CO2, a pleasant side effect of not using CO2 is the mosquitoes are no where near as bad as they used to be. If a field has a compressor it's cheaper and easier than dealing with CO2, of course the compressors use gas...

Whatever lets play paintball.

12-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Could this be the END of stock class paintball ?


No. Your post just gave me some interesting ideas... :ninja:

12-14-2009, 02:09 PM
Sadly it could be. I don't like to sound like Dr. Doom, but if idiots keep getting put into high places, well we can all see the writing on the wall. Paintball would become more expensive. I like using Co2 on my classic mag because I run out of compressed air all the time and a 20 oz. tank last me a long time.

12-14-2009, 04:38 PM
does that mean we all need to stop breathing ??? I mean seriously when we exhale don't we as mammals create CO2 ??? Does not vegetation take that CO2 and use it to produce more oxygen ??? Did what my Teachers in Earth Science and Biology be all wrong ??? There are alot of questions I have for the idiots that are going put this law into effect... I think the big toilet bowl up on Capital Hill needs to be flushed...

No, this will be an excuse to create a co2 tax. The libtards will see you and I taxed for breathing.

12-14-2009, 04:46 PM
We may as well just off ourselves for the sake of the planet :tard:

Haven't you noticed? That is what they want. Look at the #1 rule.
