View Full Version : Crossfire tank issue

12-15-2009, 06:31 PM
I have a crossfire 68/4500 cf tank. I took it to be filled at the scuba shop today and the 1800 burst disk blew. Correct me if I'm wrong but should the high pressure blow before the low pressure? From what I gather this could mean something wrong with the reg.

Assuming this is true, then I am really dissappointed in crossfire's quality. Because this was the same problem I had 4 months ago and I had to send it in for repairs and it is already having the same problem again. This tank was bought new this year.

Any suggestions on what the problem could be? I'm going to put a new burst disc in tonigt but I won't know if this will fix the problem. Could it be the way the scuba shop is filling?

12-15-2009, 06:42 PM
If the LP disk is blowing, either the reg is spiking past 1800, or the disk is faulty.

You say that this is the same problem you had 4 months ago...
Has the problem existed after you've gotten fills from the same source?
Have other people exeperienced the same?
Dirty fills could be the cause.

12-15-2009, 06:55 PM
No it was from 2 different places. But I was curious if someone inexperienced working the compressor could have filled it too fast causing the spike