View Full Version : AO saved me!

02-04-2002, 09:16 PM
had to tell everybody this story. i was sittin in the computer lab at school browsin through the forums. the network admin comes running in and comes to my computer. he asks what site i was just on. i point at the screen and i tell him i've been there the whole time. he asks to see my history file. of course there's over 20 addresses of threads here. i scroll down and there's some porn site. booty something or other. he tells me that all the addresses that we visit pop up on his screen in his office. this address came up about half an hour ago. i tell him i have no idea how it got there. i never even saw the site. it's not like there was even a pop up or some link that i clicked on. he considered for a moment and then told me that he believed me and he would let it go because he could see that i was obviously browsing through AO and "i own an angel now but i used to own a MAG. they're nice guns."

he could have had me banned from the computer labs and if there had been children involved (either the site or children in the room while that site was being accessed) then the school might have pressed charges or taken some sort of other action. instead i ended up talking to him for a while about paintball, angels, and MAGS!


02-04-2002, 10:58 PM
you little horn doggie.....stick to AO, not booty.

02-04-2002, 11:11 PM
I'm sure you had "NO" idea where that "booty" came from...you cant fool us, we know what you were doing....perhaps, if u were in the babe of the day thread....one of those pics originated from a site containing the term booty? And somehow that adress got put onto the list of sites you had visited??

thats a BIG maybe

02-05-2002, 01:05 AM
If you had done some posting, you could have showed him the date/time stamps on the end of each message, proving you were visiting AO the entire time, presuming of course you needed to in the first place :D

02-05-2002, 02:15 PM
well i'm pretty sure history files incorporate time stamps. and i think my click through rate proved that either i wasn't looking at porn or i'm a real WEIRDO! i think i know where that site came from but there's really no way for me to tell if this is right. i believe that the person on the computer before me was looking at that site and the site set itself as the home page. i've seen this happen before at other sites. i rememebered about an hour after i talked to the guy that i had been about to leave approximately half an hour before he came in. i closed explorer and was about to shut down. then i looked at the time and saw that there wasn't enough time to go anywhere before my next class so i decided to stay. i reopened explorer,typed in www.automags.org into the address bar and hit enter before the home page had a chance to load. but maybe it got far enough along that it got loaded into my cache and got sent to him as a site that i visited. that's the only explanation that i could come up with. like i said there wasn't any popups or anything. i never saw it at all. i swear. really. I WASN'T LOOKING AT THE BLACK BOOTY! :p

*added* whoa! 100 posts. yay for me!

02-05-2002, 03:23 PM
LOL you should have tried to change the subject by showing your teacher one of the physics discussions in the deep blue forum.

02-06-2002, 08:29 AM
LOL! woo hoo AO!!

It would have been funny if after he said "I own an Angel..." you cut him off and said "Oh you mean a paint blender?" or something smart alleck. HAH! Then you would have REALLY been in trouble. hahah.

*Note: This in no way implies that Angels are paint blenders, they are great guns and I like them a lot!

02-06-2002, 04:19 PM
hehe pacification.

Originally posted by udtseal
they are great guns and I like them a lot!

that's exactly what i said to him. LOL.

02-08-2002, 08:05 AM
i love getting into paintball talks with my teachers... one said that he couldnt believe that there was a site dedicate to paintball but then he corrected himself and said "well i saw a site yesterday dedicated to petrafenalcloride(some chemical dont ask me how to spell it or what it is) so i guess im not too suprised"