View Full Version : Paintball refresher

12-27-2009, 02:04 AM
Okay I tried but I can't put anything together. Some give me a run down in brief on what has happened in the last 2-3 years. I'm like lost in the sauce of what has happened.

12-27-2009, 03:23 AM
Um Smartparts is still the evil empire- But they seem to be going down like a cessna over vietnam. Angels are now trash, x-mag's are worth more, everything else is worth less. Paintball is now a fashion statement- Stickers are out, Agg and sandannas are in. Ego's rule the world and autocockers disappeared about as fast as legwarmers and ghetto blasters.

Did I miss anything?

12-27-2009, 07:08 AM
Pumps have gotten more mainstream.

Tom Kaye is inventing a new toy.

12-27-2009, 08:10 AM
So pretty much the samething as about 3 years ago. Lucky I still have a cocker and my old pump.

No new toy's out there?

12-27-2009, 09:40 AM
No new toy's out there?
Nothing that's must have.

12-27-2009, 10:20 AM
Milsim,milsim, and more milsim

12-27-2009, 10:34 AM
The main thing of notability is all of the hoppers that have come out with the ability to be broken down with out tools. Rotor and prophecy are the most popular.

12-27-2009, 10:50 AM
paintball is returning to its roots, the businessmen are being shunned. NPPL died but is coming back in 2010...

12-27-2009, 11:15 AM
.50 cal was supposed to replace .68...

12-27-2009, 12:30 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
.50 cal was supposed to replace .68...

12-27-2009, 02:03 PM
Woodsball is showing a huge resurgence. So yeah, returning to our roots.

Frizzle Fry
12-27-2009, 05:03 PM
Pumps have gotten more mainstream.

In the last 8 months, "pump" has gotten "agg".

This doesn't just mean playing with a marker that needs to be manually recocked for each shot, but apparently something else involving 30bps hoppers on markers that can't cycle at over 5bps with realtree camo patterns and violently bright pepto-pink accents. I made the mistake of assuming that playing "pump" just meant playing paintball with a pump marker as I have for the last 15 years... I guess I was wrong! So I went to PBN for some answers from the "real pump players" who bought into the trend when it started (last June).

Memorable quotes in response to the statement that I sometimes use 3 pods in a game or use a 68/45:

a couple pods PER game? leave pump, now.

I'll buy a train ticket tomorrow; I know when I'm not wanted in pump! :rolleyes:

shooting a few pods per game isn't exactly pump.

Yeah! More paintballs make your marker semi-automatic!

pump is all about conserving paint and making it cheaper.

Of course, "pump" isn't 100% defined by whether you manually recock your marker before each shot or not.