View Full Version : Your gun and you: When was the last time you crapped yourself?

01-05-2010, 09:33 PM
Last week I met a friend at the airport. I musta had a sheer look of panic when the security officer told me he needed to pop my trunk. Thankfully, my milsim'd DM3 was not in my car, and my minimag was under a panel... I had no idea they weren't there.

01-05-2010, 09:45 PM
got pulled over for speeding with 3 of my friends in my car on our way to the field. Trunk was packed full of close to 10 PB guns a more. cop didnt check, but when i told him we were on our way to play, he wanted to see some of our stuff. Ended up not geting a ticket, just a nice stern warning.

01-05-2010, 09:53 PM
Okay not me but

Ssp and ssp reaper being pulled over after a half dozen of us just made illegal turns to park at the restruant for tb3

So none of us were pulled over, but they were, and the officer said they didn't have a seat belt on, they did, then he said they smelled like pot, ssp said check the car, the officer wrote them a seatbelt ticket anyways, and we were across the street taking pictures and video taping the whole thing, lol, I think we pissed the officers off, lol

Frizzle Fry
01-05-2010, 10:57 PM
Most recent?

I was driving to FriendlyFire with two buddies, and we were all camo'ed out for a day of woodsball. In the back of the truck we had gear bags, open, with two RAP4 magfed rifles, a milsimed out A5, and one T8 per person as well as a RAP4 P226 clone. To top it off, I was carrying my .357 (as always) and my friend in the back seat had his 9mm (I think it was a p210?).

We're on the highway, leftmost lane, doing about 70mph. We were moving with the flow of traffic, not much chance for getting pulled over, and suddenly we hear a LOT of sirens. Looked back, and there's 3 state troopers with their lights on, two state vans, and a bike cop coming up directly behind. They're on our asses within about 15 seconds.

I'm ready to crap myself so I try to pull into the next lane, but I'm blocked by an 18 wheeler. Fighting my urge to slow down to the speed limit, I'm yelling at the guys in the back to shut up and not try to hide the markers or make and furtive movements. Suddenly the lead officed gets on the loud speaker and says; "Blue Ford Explorer, please accelerate to 80 miles per hour, and pull into the right lane ahead of this rig. You will not be pulled over".

This all happened over the course of maybe a minute... It was a few days after they caught some nutjob terrorist who had planned to shoot up a mall near where I live, and all the LEOs had itchy trigger fingers. I honestly almost crapped my pants.

01-06-2010, 02:48 AM
I'm ready to crap myself so I try to pull into the next lane, but I'm blocked by an 18 wheeler. Fighting my urge to slow down to the speed limit, I'm yelling at the guys in the back to shut up and not try to hide the markers or make and furtive movements. Suddenly the lead officed gets on the loud speaker and says; "Blue Ford Explorer, please accelerate to 80 miles per hour, and pull into the right lane ahead of this rig. You will not be pulled over".

What were they doing? Just trying to get through traffic to a different emergency?

On the way to Fox paintball with GRimm for Training Day V, we pass a cop on the shoulder in the middle of nowhere.

It was like 5 in the morning, going on six, still dark out, and I was following somone.

In the back of my Jeep, in plain sight as windows on my hardtop are huge, are tons of dufflebags, cammies, boots, my rifle hard-case with a Piranha and a Phantom, and since I have no more room anywhere I have my milsim Tippy 98 in between two duffles.

I also have knives of varying sizes attached to the roll cage.

As we pass the cruiser, it starts to pull out in our direction. I turn to GRimm and say "That's disconcerting," and instantly the lights come on.

I'm nervous as all hell, and as the cop comes walking up he shines his light in the back. Then he just asks me for my liscence. I hand it over, and he asks me what I'm doing way out there away from where I live. I tell him we are on the way to play paintball, and he asks where. I tell him and he says to me that he's heard of the place. He looks in the back again and asks if that is all my gear for playing. I said it was.

He then asks me if I know why I was pulled over. Turns out I had a headlight out. He just wrote me a warning, and looked in the back again as he was leaving.

I was amazed that he never asked to see in the back, and we made it to Fox on schedule, had a good day of paint, and never gave it a second thought.

I'm going tohave to get a bag for my 98...

Frizzle Fry
01-06-2010, 03:07 AM
What were they doing? Just trying to get through traffic to a different emergency?

To this day I have no idea, but I'm guessing somebody important was being transported in that van. It was early in the morning.

01-06-2010, 10:40 AM
Haha I have an old paintball / pulled over story. I wasn't worried about the guns though.

This is way back, probably 2000, maybe 2001. Me, Riotz, his sister, and his sisters BF are headed to play. I think we were going to FBM South. I'm going around 75 - 80, empty highway at like 7AM, and all of a sudden theres a cop behind me. Crap.

I get pulled over, and feel something hitting my elbow as the cop is walking to the door. It's Jeff (Riotz), he's in the backseat pushing a box of donuts up to me (we had stopped at DD for breakfast). He's like "Give him one, maybe he'll let us go". The cop comes up and is asking for my papers, etc. Jeff keeps pushing the box to me and whispering "Just give him a donut...".

I'm trying not to laugh and push the donuts back as I'm handing the cop my stuff.

Ended up just getting a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.

I've always wondered what would have happened if I had offered the guy a donut...

We were in camo and had a trunk with a few guns in it, but it never crossed my mind to worry about it, and the cop didn't blink an eye.

01-06-2010, 01:58 PM
The only time I can recall having an "oh crap" moment involving paintball......We played for several months on a pipeline in back of a neighborhood near where I used to live. We had asked the water company if it was ok to be there, and they gave us the ok. So, we had a pretty good setup going there after a few games, had put a lot of work into it. One afternoon mid game, some guy comes down onto the field and starts yelling at us about being on his property and to get off. An argument insued, some pretty mean things got said back and forth.

Long story short, the next time we were there, the police showed up, guns drawn and pretty apprehensive of coming down into the woods with a bunch of paintballers. We came out, talked with the officers for a while, got everything straightened out. It was indeed the man's property, and we had to take all the bunkers down, etc. But ended up shooting the bull with the officers for a while afterward, and two of them played with us for a few years after that.

01-06-2010, 02:21 PM
When I first started playing, we found this makeshift field in huntington beack in a park called hidden valley

When we went to play there, we met another group and they told us to only play a couple games then leave for a while then come back later, they said just do it, we didn't ask why

So we played there a few times, and one day we decided wed play more than a handful of games, well during one game we hear the ghetto bird, the police helicopter hovering above us, we didn't know wtf was up, then we heard an officer on the loud speaker on the hill above us where we parked saying if we didn't come out with our hands up, all of our cars would be towed

We all hesitated then an officer came into the bush and yelled for us all to come out, so we did, atleast 4 players popped up from bushed, out of trees and trenches around the officer and scared the hell out of him, we all came out and walked towards the officer, he said we couldn't play there because it was private property, then my buddy sys NUH UH!!!! Drops his marker, runs into the trees, and comes back a minute later dragging a sign buried in the trees

The sign said the park was public, but they still kicked us out because another group of guys had lit up a homeless man, and we then found out why we were only supposed to play a handful of games, the stores that were near our field complained of us using there parking spots

So we got booted, and the field was eventually torn down, but the reaction of the officer when everyone came out of hiding was priceless, like wtf are you guys, some kinda damn commandos? Lolol

01-06-2010, 03:26 PM
When I first started playing, we found this makeshift field in huntington beack in a park called hidden valleyl

my brother walks his dog past there every day. He use to call me and tell me how many people were out there and watch the cops chase all you fools around

01-06-2010, 03:33 PM
Bwahahahahaha lol

01-06-2010, 03:43 PM
I get pulled over, and feel something hitting my elbow as the cop is walking to the door. It's Jeff (Riotz), he's in the backseat pushing a box of donuts up to me ( He's like "Give him one, maybe he'll let us go".


Temo Vryce
01-06-2010, 04:32 PM
I had an "Oh Crap" moment a few years back.

It was after playing a tournament for the day. During the last game I got lit up bad. 2 or 3 players all a line on me at the same time. I think that we were able to find atleast 15 or 16 separate welts after the game.

Once everything was done for the day, my team decided to hit up a Chinese Buffet on the way home. I start walking up to the place wearing combat pants, boots and black t-shirt with some military style emblem on the front. I'm still sore from getting lit up so I'm limping a bit. One of the guys on my team feels like being smart and makes a comment about me looking like I got hurt today. Not evening thinking about it. I responded with,

"You get shot 15 times and see how you feel!"

As I look back to the restaurant there is little girl no more than 5 or 6, who has just stepped outside. Her mouth is wide open, face is white as a sheet and staring at me like I'm some kind of monster. Her father has her by the arm and pulling her away from me like I'm going to pull a gun any second.

That's when I realized just what I had said. So I did the only thing I could do. I just kept on limping along and had a good laugh about it over dinner.

01-06-2010, 08:15 PM
On our way back from the 2006 SPPL michigan event, we blew a tire on the trailer we had borrowed on the interstate, right outside Gary Ind., right around midnight
the trailer was loaded with 8 guys gear (tents, duffel bags, coolers.....) and covered in a tarp
there was 6 guys riding in my Explorer
luckily we actually had a spare tire for the trailer, unfortunately we didnt have a jack that would work
so 4 guys grimy from camping in the rain, and paintballing for 2 days, decked out in camo and black, lifted the trailer up and held it while I quickly changed the tire
just as we finished, a state troopper rolled up, lights on, looks at our out of state plates, looks us up and down and says
"Is everything Ok here?"
we reply a simple yes
then he just took off

I had really expected a huge load of BS

01-06-2010, 11:04 PM
3 Times I have had guns drawn on me for playing on "private" property, or because someone called the police and said we were poaching deer, or because the field we used for 3 years with permission from the owner...no longer belonged to the same owner :)

Been pulled over twice will a full load of gear in my car -1st time cop fired off a hopper into a street sign, chatted a bit, and sent me on my way ( classic ),- Second time... ticket for 70mph in a 25mph school zone and tubby cop telling me stories of covering himself in mud like Rambo and shooting all his buddies last time he played - suuuuurrrree..

The cop pointing his gun at me from 8 ft away scared the piss out of me though - my days of outlaw ball were done after that.


01-06-2010, 11:45 PM
Doing a buck forty something pulling on a 5.1L Fox mustang running meth and seeing 2 staties in the median. My brakes work alot better then the fox's. They pulled him though lucky for me there was this big pickup in the center lane I used for vision blocking during the rapid decel. We had guns in the car.

Frizzle Fry
01-06-2010, 11:58 PM
Doing a buck forty something pulling on a 5.1L Fox mustang running meth and seeing 2 staties in the median. My brakes work alot better then the fox's. They pulled him though lucky for me there was this big pickup in the center lane I used for vision blocking during the rapid decel. We had guns in the car.


01-07-2010, 12:01 AM

Racing fail

Frizzle Fry
01-07-2010, 12:15 AM
Racing fail
Slightly less than sober, I thought he was talking about smuggling meth and hitting a fox :tard: