View Full Version : Pneu'd Mag or Emag.....which do you prefer and why?

01-07-2010, 06:48 PM
I've been doing some research on Emags and after talking with a few people, I've heard that some prefer their Pneu'd mags over Emags.

Which do you prefer and why? :confused:

I'm thinking about going one way or the other with my mag....help me decide!

01-07-2010, 06:59 PM
do you want light and fast or not so light and fast?

Cause that will definitely point you in 1 direction over the other.

Do you plan on using functions like ramping or burst?

Again that will limit your options.


01-07-2010, 07:01 PM
do you want light and fast or not so light and fast?

Cause that will definitely point you in 1 direction over the other.

Do you plan on using functions like ramping or burst?

Again that will limit your options.
Well, I prefer light and first. I don't see myself using the modes that much but it'd be nice to have the option. I like messing around with my tank and making my gun RT as well but Im assuming you cant do that with a pneu'd mag.

01-07-2010, 07:07 PM
Iv had both.

First a pneu. I did the mod myself and it worked alright, I could walk it alright didn't have a high speed hopper at the time but I'm not much of a paint slinger. Only reason I stopped using it was cause I got a Z grip for cheap and enjoyed using that. Had plans to pneu that but never did. Sold it to buy my Emag.

Pros. Light trigger if mod is done well can get high rates of fire. and its lighter then Emag.

Cons. (for me cause my mod was eh...) not reliable causing down time

Emag. Mine does not have a normal Emag board, Its a morlock(sp?) an older one that seems to have some trouble getting into any other mode then semi but thats all we can use where I play so not worried about it. super easy to walk and get high rates in semi.

Pros. E and M mode. just lot more options in one complete package. Very solid build can last a life time. Edit: can RT

Cons. Heavy (for me I like it, some people don't). not sure what else to put :rolleyes:

Hope this helps I'm not best at explaining my reasoning... or thoughts just ask my wife

01-07-2010, 07:18 PM
Well I think maniacmechanic might be making this decision easier for me than I anticipated :rolleyes:

01-08-2010, 01:43 AM
or you can do a pneumag with a solenoid and board, and be able to have the lightness and the electronics/modes

01-08-2010, 02:43 AM
Can't speak for a pnuemag's playability, since I haven't used one much; however, Mag's are gas hogs already, and it seems that pnuemags are even more so.

I love my E-Tac, I don't know why anyone would say the trigger is heavy all I have to do is tap mine.

Other than that the mode selection and functionality are awesome. I think pnuemag is more of a fun thing than it is a better option.

01-08-2010, 09:14 AM
I have both, i use both...i love both :D

My p-mag is the most reliable marker i have. Extremely light trigger, it will shoot as fast as i can pull the trigger.

The Emag "with xmod" has modes and ramping if your into using that stuff.

It will cost you generally less to buy a P-mag over a Emag

I would recommend a Magnus frame with Cyberave Kit "also get the magnet mod" that with the magnets on the frame will make for one killer trigger pull, Use a RT or better valve, you can use a rt or ult on/off but the rt is recommended.

As for air consumption.....Its a Mag, i honestly do not see a difference with my Emag and Pmag on the field. I'm sure that technically the Pmag is using a bit more air per shot but with a 68/45 i can shoot every pod i carry.

01-08-2010, 09:31 AM
Also, you can look into Zaps cheaterr. It takes a lot of the complication out of a pneumag, and it really light, pretty much an electronic feel. I love it. I had tried the regular pneumag before, and like Kcombs, I had done it myself. Not perfect, but pretty good. The cheater eliminates most human error. The only thing you need to do is set the lpr. and it will drop into almost all frames, so you are not locked into a 45 or 90 frame, like you are with the emag and Magnus frame, respectively. This is the reason why I preferred a cheater over the Xmag that I had. Truth was that I really didn't use the modes, and it was a bit heavier. Not that much though.

Personally I am a 90* frame preferred user. I didn't mind the weight of the Xmag, but the grip frame just wasn't for me. I thought I would be good with it, but in the end, I went back to the 90 frame. In addition, I usually play in any conditions. Light rain, snow (If not too cold cause of paint), so I was constantly worried that I would get the Xmag wet and ruin the circuit board.

01-08-2010, 11:44 AM
Paintball is a funny thing, it is all about preference. My suggestion is to give them a whirl and see what works for you.

For me, I will grab my pneumags first. All of my pneumags are extremely reliable and I am confident that I could pick any of them up and play with just a few drops of oil in the valve, as with any Mag. I like shooting fast with no batteries, that is just my thing. There is one problem, walking a pneumag takes a certain level of skill, it is harder to walk than an electro and takes practice. The good thing is it will make you even faster with an Electro, at least is has with me!

If I really want to waste paint I will grab one of my Emaggos, which is bacially an EP (electro-pneumatic). I believe that the EP is the best of both worlds, light and fast with optional shooting modes if that is your thing.

I have 5 E/Xmags of varying configurations and have only played with one of them ever in a game. Funny but true, they are usually my loaners (ask smoothice ;) ). I have some that have never seen paint since I bought them. I guess that is the problem with being a collector (gun whore). :) Too many guns, not enough time. :rofl:


http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/8629/socal.png (http://img188.imageshack.us/i/socal.png/)

01-08-2010, 11:55 AM
I have to agree with Loguzzzzzz. It is all about preference. I haven't used an electro Pneumatic mag yet, so I can't speak to the subject. But I must say that if there was an emag that was as light as my pneumag, I might be swayed towards that.

Also, the Devil Mags. They are pretty rare, but I think that ATach was selling one. Really tight setup and light. No pneumatics, just straight electronics with a pancake noid.

01-08-2010, 12:18 PM
I like to think I've got the best of both worlds with my EtekMag. It uses an Etek Ego frame/board for the electronics and an electronic 3-way solenoid with one of cyberave's rams for the pneumatics. It's the lightest mag I've held and certainly the fastest I've used. I just have a stock board in it and with a classic valve I was shooting 12 bps over a chrony without really trying (I don't really have the fastest fingers anyway). The board is capped at around 15 bps, but there are other boards that will go as high as you want them. Plus, all in all, I spent only around $100 for the entire setup (Frame, board, solenoid, ram).

01-08-2010, 12:40 PM
Ive built 1 Pneumag so far, an EGOmag, a few EP Mags, and I own a few E-X/Mags.

I will say this with everyone else,... your gonna go one way of the other.

I LOVE my PTP Micro E-Mags,.. I have 3 of them and the throw an un-godly amount of paint in a game. Thats how I like to play,.. I just like shooting alot of paint at people, trees, bunkers, whatever.

The pneumag was built because I wanted to talk about it and not be "that guy that says but doesnt do". So I built one. It wasnt all that great, and my joints have problems so walking a trigger is alot harder for me now than it was 5 years ago.

I use my E-Mags most because I can pull the trigger fast and they dont fail me. They are all setup the same and if something were to go wrong with one Im using,.. I just grab another one and go.

With Pneumags, you get the ability to KNOW your setup is (90%+ of the time) going to work when you go to air it up and pull the trigger.

The EGOmag ( i feel) is half way between a Pneumag and a "full-build" EP Mag. Reason I say that is because if you can get the ram installed into the frame,... your basically done the hard part. Im NOT cutting EGOmags down,.. Ive built one as well. Im just saying that there is alot more into modifying,.. say an intelli frame for an EP setup than there is for a the EGO frame.

If I was going to put money on something that was to be my number one choice,... Id settle for the EGOmag. If you need the fire rate,.. its there. They are simple to build, they are cheaper to build if you can do it yourself, and they work just fine for anyone who wishes to try it out and never has before at the field.

My second choice would be a Pneumag over the E-Mag due to weight and price.

~ P8nt


01-08-2010, 01:45 PM
There is one problem, walking a pneumag takes a certain level of skill, it is harder to walk than an electro and takes practice.

I couldn't vote between an e-mag and a pneu (not having an e-mag), but I will certainly vote for the EP mags. I tuned and tinkered for years on my pneu so that I could walk it while I was playing and never got there, but my son would run it all day without a problem except outshooting his egg loader. You would think I couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time, but I can...really. After I converted it to EP, it works for me running, crawling, laying down, one-handed, etc.

01-08-2010, 06:03 PM
I have both and even though my e-Mag has the XMOD software loaded, I play with it adjusted to SEMI only. So I can say that both are equally fast.

What happens is that the e-Mag has a better trigger feel. The best ever, I think. And, as I use it with 1000 psi input, the RT efect makes it even better.

The pneumag, in the other hand is much, much lighter and sleek, due to the lack of the battery pack (I have mine with the CF Deadlywind front grip). It's trigger though has the same feel as the click of a mouse.

So, basically, I would say try both and see what you like better.

I've been playing more with the pneumag latelly.



01-08-2010, 07:36 PM
Well I accidentally just bought some Emag lowers......Anyone have a black Tunablade they wanna trade for a fireblade? :D

01-08-2010, 07:37 PM
mpsd, those mags are sick!

Maybe I'll build a pneu mag this spring...