View Full Version : 48/3000 on an automag

01-07-2010, 08:55 PM
Hey there,
Well I just got myself an automag, as well as a new loader over the holidays and I have been using co2 and I want to upgrade to a HPA tank. The only problem is I do not have 100-150 bucks to spend on a 68/4500, even though its what I really want, and since I am on a college budget It doesn't look like i will have that money any time soon. So I was thinking about getting a cheap 48/3000, but I am not sure how efficient automags are, So my question is how efficient is a classic automag and about how many shots would I get out of the tank, cause if i cant shoot my whole load out which is a full hopper and 4 pods (140 round pods, 180 round hopper) its kinda pointless to get it

01-07-2010, 09:00 PM
Hey there,
Well I just got myself an automag, as well as a new loader over the holidays and I have been using co2 and I want to upgrade to a HPA tank. The only problem is I do not have 100-150 bucks to spend on a 68/4500, even though its what I really want, and since I am on a college budget It doesn't look like i will have that money any time soon. So I was thinking about getting a cheap 48/3000, but I am not sure how efficient automags are, So my question is how efficient is a classic automag and about how many shots would I get out of the tank, cause if i cant shoot my whole load out which is a full hopper and 4 pods (140 round pods, 180 round hopper) its kinda pointless to get it

Buy used

01-07-2010, 09:02 PM
Buy used

01-07-2010, 09:06 PM
well ive looke dused and the cheapest i could find for a decent tank was around 70-80 plus shipping, and some needed hydro. I can get an 48/3000 for like 30 bucks at some places

01-07-2010, 09:14 PM
IIRC using a classic lvl 7 I was getting around 450- 500 shots off a 48/3K possibly a little less. The performance increase alone is worth changing for.

01-07-2010, 09:14 PM
Just sent you a PM....

01-07-2010, 09:15 PM
well ive looke dused and the cheapest i could find for a decent tank was around 70-80 plus shipping, and some needed hydro. I can get an 48/3000 for like 30 bucks at some places

if you can get it that cheap get 2 then you should be fine

01-07-2010, 11:47 PM
Get a 72/3K tank. I have an old Pure Energy tank that I use on my Automag. Sure it is heavy...but you can get around 650-700 shots off of it and they are pretty cheap (around $50) if you can find a good sale.

01-08-2010, 05:49 PM
I'd say save a little and try getting a used 68/45. You'll be able to find some good deals.

If you don't want to wait for another month or two, either go with a 72/3k or go ahead and get the 48/3k. With a Level 7, it should get you around 500 shots. I played with my Level 10 pneumag in december, using my 45/45 filled up to 3k and got around 350 shots with it. But a pneumag is always a gas hog.

01-08-2010, 06:26 PM
If you go cheap and only get a 47/3000 tank you won't get more than 2 pods and your hopper out of it on a mag.

01-08-2010, 06:32 PM
Well thanks guys, i geuss i am just gonna have to wait on upgrading to hpa