View Full Version : Why is paintball horrible after christmas?

01-09-2010, 08:55 PM
Played today at the indoor field in south jersey today after work. And low and behold it was me (25 and playing on my paycheck [rent be damned]) and looked like 400 million kids. All of them with brand new electros and full matching gear. I have never been overshot so bad, that i can remember (20-30 after the whistle or at the exit). I know there kids and really want them in the sport to help it grow again but there is a part of me the wants to pull out my RT and rip these kids up.

Any one else have similar experiences?

01-09-2010, 09:05 PM
No I don't get that many kids at my field... count your self lucky :rofl:

01-09-2010, 09:14 PM
Played the day after Christmas and it was fun.
But outdoors/woodsball and it was a pretty big field.
Lots of refs so none of that went on.

I've only played a couple indoor fields and I didnt care for the indoor stuff at all.
I will stick with outdoors....much better.


01-09-2010, 09:51 PM
A competent reffing staff should have recognized the issue? Making sure kids listen to the rules is adamant. Although I think parents need to start the kids of with a basic marker and work their way up from there. It's like giving the kids the keys to a sports car when their experience is playing rad racer/project gotham racing video games. It's an accident waiting to happen.

01-09-2010, 09:52 PM
Going Home I wish I lived in a warm climate so I wouldn't have to trudge thru 2 feet of snow to play outdoor ball.

Never had the opportunity to play right after Christmas. :cry:
Wish I had an indoor field near by worth playing at.

01-09-2010, 10:09 PM
Played today at the indoor field in south jersey today after work. And low and behold it was me (25 and playing on my paycheck [rent be damned]) and looked like 400 million kids. All of them with brand new electros and full matching gear. I have never been overshot so bad, that i can remember (20-30 after the whistle or at the exit). I know there kids and really want them in the sport to help it grow again but there is a part of me the wants to pull out my RT and rip these kids up.

Any one else have similar experiences?

Should come with us to Topgun tomorrow for the Polar Bear vs Penguins game. :p

01-09-2010, 10:18 PM
Played today at the indoor field in south jersey today after work. And low and behold it was me (25 and playing on my paycheck [rent be damned]) and looked like 400 million kids. All of them with brand new electros and full matching gear. I have never been overshot so bad, that i can remember (20-30 after the whistle or at the exit). I know there kids and really want them in the sport to help it grow again but there is a part of me the wants to pull out my RT and rip these kids up.
Any one else have similar experiences?

What were you waiting for? LOL. i would have done that immediatly, haha

01-09-2010, 10:43 PM
1: I will try to make it to the field live out side of AC, and need to get my aunts car fixed so might have trouble pulling it all off in one day.

2: Can't just rip the kids up on day 1 want to get a few of them to keep with it, we need fresh meat. But apparently it was my fault for using a mechanical marker. But next time..... Classic RT 1100 psi and a halo.

01-10-2010, 01:15 AM
i just got home from playing, i was using my e-mag in mech because my battery is dead, trilogy cocker(more ion parts than cocker soon), and ion. i was having a blast with all of them, mostly the e-mag. there wasn't much overshooting but there was tons of Hot shooting. field claims the chrono was broken the day prior. :tard: i was told to just judge it. i have a nice cut on my chin because of someone and another on my arm. i guess start playing with mech only players. we shoot less. i think at one point i went 4 rounds on one hopper with my cocker, and that's with getting people out and not getting out myself. :dance:

01-10-2010, 01:40 AM
I worked at the field the day after christmas. I had to show a kid how to turn on and adjust the regs on his brand new Dye NT. :tard:

Guess he was too young to read the manual...

01-10-2010, 01:58 AM
Called my local store. They ran out of paint! All Sold Out! :eek:

Guys, I guess it's time to buy one of those padded vests! :rofl:

01-10-2010, 09:23 AM
I had an issue last year with getting over shot. Just one of those things, it happens. I just try to remember who it is and have a talk with the fellow after the game. :nono:

01-10-2010, 10:33 AM
Guys, I guess it's time to buy one of those padded vests! :rofl:

And a cup those kids aim low must be all those pods.

50 cal
01-10-2010, 03:59 PM
No indoor fields near me, so I guess I got it lucky, sort of. There are a lot of kids that get new gear for Christmas. Most don't overshoot. They are trying to get used to it.
I try to help them out if they don't have attitudes.

01-11-2010, 02:57 PM
Find an outdoor field that is open, those skinny lil kids wont want to get their new cleats dirty.

We played last week outside in 14 degrees, wasnt too bad actually. The emag worked perfectly, whereas my friend went through 4 electros all with issues before eventually settling in with the C3 I got him for christmas last year. That gun is great, and doubles as a hand warmer after about 20 rounds!

01-11-2010, 11:13 PM
there wasn't much overshooting but there was tons of Hot shooting. field claims the chrono was broken the day prior. :tard: i was told to just judge it. i have a nice cut on my chin because of someone and another on my arm.

Was this at a legitimate field? Only one chrono on the premises? Get the hell out of there, and come back to play another day. There is no WAY anyone should let a team of un-chrono’ed markers shoot at them. Dude. They could have done some serious damage… to everyone!

Talk to the field owner. INSIST that he purchase at least 1 more chrono. Any responsible field owner should know that! I own about 7-8 radar chronos, and each one of my refs EARNS a microwave pocket chrono upon completion of the ref school. They are cheap! If the field owner won't spend the $60 for a pocket chrono, buy one yourself. This way you won't make the drive for nothing, when the field does not have a chrono to offer.

01-11-2010, 11:54 PM
If the field owner won't spend the $60 for a pocket chrono, buy one yourself. This way you won't make the drive for nothing, when the field does not have a chrono to offer.

that just reminds me about a place i moved to where paintball was dying out. everything was renegade ball, no established fields. after a couple of us purchased hand held chronos to keep everyone honest and under 300fps, everything picked back up again. people were just afraid to play because they were getting lit up by people shooting hot. as the word got out that the problem was solved, we had people start showing up again that hadn't been in months as well as a whole new crop of players from the high school that now wanted to buy gear and get in on the game.

oddly enough, another thing that helped out a bunch was to always have two rolls of different colored engineer tape. for about $6.00 a month we finally eliminated the problem of friendly fire by tying a bit of it on the hoppers.

these were two things that were simple, and for the most part standard just about any other place i'd ever played woods/renegade ball, but they'd never thought it of before in that town. sometimes a little bit of safety and organization goes a long way toward keeping things fun.

01-13-2010, 11:09 PM
oddly enough, another thing that helped out a bunch was to always have two rolls of different colored engineer tape. for about $6.00 a month we finally eliminated the problem of friendly fire by tying a bit of it on the hoppers.

It's amazing what a little bit of safety and sportsmanship will do!!! By "engineer tape", do you mean "flagging tape" (http://www.frostproof.com/catalog/mic01-3.html) Honest question... I just have not heard that term before.

01-14-2010, 12:20 AM
Hey Skeeter,,,

I think he ment Surveyors Flagging Tape,,, I know at Gator Paintball in Hudson,FL. they use Orange Surveyors Tape to mark one team by tying it around a players feedneck and it has to be draped where it can be seen...



01-14-2010, 09:01 AM
Hey Skeeter,,,

I think he ment Surveyors Flagging Tape,,, I know at Gator Paintball in Hudson,FL. they use Orange Surveyors Tape to mark one team by tying it around a players feedneck and it has to be draped where it can be seen...



Cool. Thought it was the same, but always looking for new ideas. We use it on the front of our goggles (a few inches worth, tied to the vent/chin area), for team identification. Seems to work pretty well, and not as messy & expensive as "duct tape" around the arms... The refs do get a bit tired of picking up little pieces of flagging tape at the end of the day.

Big'n slo
01-14-2010, 09:38 AM
Played today at the indoor field in south jersey today after work. And low and behold it was me (25 and playing on my paycheck [rent be damned]) and looked like 400 million kids. All of them with brand new electros and full matching gear. I have never been overshot so bad, that i can remember (20-30 after the whistle or at the exit). I know there kids and really want them in the sport to help it grow again but there is a part of me the wants to pull out my RT and rip these kids up.

Any one else have similar experiences?

PB Invasion?

01-14-2010, 10:00 AM
Cool. Thought it was the same, but always looking for new ideas. We use it on the front of our goggles (a few inches worth, tied to the vent/chin area), for team identification. Seems to work pretty well, and not as messy & expensive as "duct tape" around the arms... The refs do get a bit tired of picking up little pieces of flagging tape at the end of the day.


At Scenario Paintball Games in Rome, GA (aka Kruger's Field) they use red or blue tube sock tops you wear over your sleeve (sort of like larger sweat wrist bands).... They work great and at the end of the day you take them off and drop them in a bucket and they get washed... Want to talk about quick,,, easy and no-mess...

I will post a picture when I get home this evening...

Here are 2 pics :



01-14-2010, 09:06 PM
PB Invasion?

Yeah I know it is a gross exaggeration but frustrating any way.

01-16-2010, 11:52 AM

At Scenario Paintball Games in Rome, GA (aka Kruger's Field) they use red or blue tube sock tops you wear over your sleeve (sort of like larger sweat wrist bands).... They work great and at the end of the day you take them off and drop them in a bucket and they get washed... Want to talk about quick,,, easy and no-mess...

I will post a picture when I get home this evening...

We didn't use those at AO, in '07. That is an interesting option, but we have a pretty huge volume of players. We kinda need to keep team colors disposable & cheap. We can have 300-400 players on a Saturday (with good weather), so it would generate LOTS of laundry!

Random field pics:

