View Full Version : Cycling again

01-11-2010, 09:51 PM
I just picked up a new toy. First new bike since around the mid 90's.[800x600].JPG

Trek 1.5 Double.

I started riding again, a hobby that I enjoyed very much as a kid and young adult, about six months or so ago. My old bike....[800x600].JPG

GT Timberline

...that I converted to a hybrid and have ridden recreationally and commuted on for a while at one point. After pulling her back off the hook and riding it around again a lot of maintainance issues popped up, and was left with the choice to either fix it, or get a new bike. Since all of the freshening would have cost me around $250, I just chose to spring for a new one. Found this on Craigslist, had 130 miles on it, and payed half of what it is selling in store for right now, same bike. Very happy....except with the cost of new apparel.

Nice to be back on two wheels again, even if I am the motor.

01-11-2010, 09:55 PM
I would say the fact that you are the motor is the cool part.


01-11-2010, 10:59 PM
Wow.. Looks good. I need to get myself a new roadbike for training. I'm jealous, what's the component groupo? Trek certainly makes nice frames.

01-12-2010, 06:34 PM
Its got a Sora groupy with the Tiagra rear derailler upgrade. It is a fairly poor group, but at the price point of this bike, pretty standard, and should be servicable for a year or so. After that, I am going to upgrade to the 105 or Dura set. In particular, I want to move to the 105 shifter/brake combo just due to ergonomics. The "downshift" paddle on the Sora group is in an odd location that requires you to have hands on the brake hoods to reach. Can't get to them at all from the drops.

I am super impressed with the frame and fork, although I have been a little put off with the noise that is transferred up the carbon fork. This is my first Aluminum/CF bike, and didn't know they did this.

01-17-2010, 07:36 PM
taking up riding is great excersize.....back 25 years ago i road over 10,000 miles all over Ohio for 9 years worth of riding....i gave it up, but shortly going back to riding because i am retiring real soon from the workforce.....will be riding my old Miata road bike, still in the garage waiting for my return.....oh! yes Punkncat, i still have that great old black viking from you.....still shoots great and happy.....

back to you, my good man, you will enjoy the great out-doors of bicycling for good friends to meet on major bike rides....its great fun.....with me retiring i may look you up and ride, lolololol before i get real old.....

happy riding my friend (kenny) thegrayghost....

01-17-2010, 08:11 PM
Thanks Kenny, I am glad to hear you are still getting good use out of that Vike.
I have recently sold my collection down to one electro, and one mech, and a gun for my boy who has started playing with me. With the cycling intrest I can tell already that I am going to have a lot less money for paintball. I am already looking towards some new shifters and der., as well as some stronger, lighter wheels......it is a sickness.

I have not really been in the saddle for the past 15 years or so, and have wondered why I let such a good thing go.

01-18-2010, 05:26 PM
Wow, you got one heck of a deal! :dance: 130 miles, thats just a weekend worth of riding. I picked up my trek road bike a couple years ago and really enjoy it, but you got me beat on this one! Love the color too!

01-19-2010, 09:52 AM
Hey, thanks. I am really digging it. The red just screams too, and just enough white to keep it mildly subdued.

The guy had never even bothered to pull the stickers off the Trek symbol, or the "warning" stickers. It was about as new as it could have been w/o getting it off the showroom floor. He apparently had a back flat, and fixed it with a steak knife or something, and had messed with the rear derailler to the point that it didn't hit but 8 or the 9 cogs. With that straightened out, and some hard case tires, I have been riding the heck out of it...about to head back out today.