View Full Version : 8 hole mods

soilent green
02-05-2002, 12:00 PM
My mag came with an eight hole mod I beleive an ANS one but I had the original reg to so I've played useing the 8 hole for awile now but I decided to do a test and ultimatly switch back to the original so useing my ELCD frame I set it to 15bps and recorded with the 8 hole 5 good shoots before serious shootdown then I switched to the stock reg and repeated I got the same results as the 8 hole so while not being a scientific test this showed me that the 8 hole mode was a $40 wast for the previous owner I can't yet tell if it makes some difference but I don't believe its makes enough of one to be worth $40 so I'll let you know what its like when I actualy play this weekend.

02-05-2002, 12:19 PM
Yes, your experiment basically showed you the truth. Take a look at the hole going into the valve that your elbow is screwed into. That hole is the first passage air has to go through in order to get to the reg. So all you have to do is think about it and you'll realize that regardless of how many holes you have in that reg. body, it will only flow as much air as provided by the source. There are other restrictions in the system that make 8-hole mods useless.

02-05-2002, 03:35 PM
The 8hole mod derived from an AGD mistake. The reg hole wasn't always aligned with the valve. To compensate AGD drilled a bunch of holes in the reg.

Eventually they fixed this and went back to one hole in the reg.

Like Black explained - the bottle neck is not eliminated with the 8hole. And since the valve and reg align correctly - the 8hole is completely useless.

02-05-2002, 05:32 PM
Shaft it most likely was not a "mistake" as much as it was not
feasible to make the holes line up. A modern CNC lathe with
live tooling will drill the air passages to line up with
the threads, this is easy and an inherit part of the way the machine works.
Before this method was available you would have to screw
the two parts together, mark them for hole location,
align them in a fixture, and then drill, It was much easier (and cheaper) to just
drill a bunch of holes.

02-05-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by steveg
Shaft it most likely was not a "mistake" as much as it was not
feasible to make the holes line up. A modern CNC lathe with
live tooling will drill the air passages to line up with
the threads, this is easy and an inherit part of the way the machine works.
Before this method was available you would have to screw
the two parts together, mark them for hole location,
align them in a fixture, and then drill, It was much easier (and cheaper) to just
drill a bunch of holes.

Yeah well, I was just relaying what Tom told us at the tech tour. The exact methods in construction I don't know. Tom just mentioned it was a goof originally.

soilent green
02-06-2002, 03:54 PM
I got a question since I put my stock reg back on I have noticed it slowly works its way loose until the little pin hits the bodyrail is this a problem I can't tell any difference as it works loose and my recharge rate seems alright how could I easily remidy this without modifing the groove in the bodyrail and do you think I need to.