View Full Version : "We dont just say it, we prove it!" -New AGD marketing Lingo.

02-05-2002, 01:04 PM
I think the problem with AGD marketing isn't only that we need more customer exposure. We need more DEALER confidence.

Dealers are wowed by these catalouges that SP and Dye put out. The dealers take whatever information in that book and take it as the word of god. They then make suggestions and comments based on that information.

When I went to buy my e-mag the dealers didnt push it at all. They were like "oh its just a mag with an e-grip, it dosent have the long range of the shocker cause its a high pressure gun." They tried to sell me on Smart Parts LP technology. They told me how it is long ranging and more accurate a direct quote out of the SP catalouge, as I roll my eyes. The problem is this information snowballs by word of mouth.

What AGD needs is an AMAZING catalouge, dispelling myths and proving FACT and at the same time displaying they awesome technology of thier technology line. You will only get sales as long as your dealers belive in you,and YOU CAN PROVE TO THEM THAT YOUR PRODUCT IS BETTER. The customers will follow.

We must show that AGD is the pinnacle of technology, innovation, and performance. On top of that display our awesome customer service and straightforward no frills no BS facts.

Ever see a Honda/Acura catalougue? They show thier acomplishments and history in F1 and champ car racing, and technological innovations, on a timeline. They tell a bit about the company. On top of that they show how thier VTEC variable valve lift system works. How thier engines work... The marketing works really well, if anybody knows the import racing scene you know that VTEC is THE engine to have. In the cataluge they expain how the system works in detail and how it is supirior to other systems. This captures your audience. IT GIVES THEM A REASON to buy/market your product. Remember the quote from the Honda pre-owned commercial "even if we didnt do the 100 point inspection, you are still left with the reassuring fact that its a honda." Indicating that it is the pinnacle of reliability.

So why not model AGD marketing after that? Show your acomplisments with LE/and the Government, your random accomplishments and innovations. Then illustrate and show through pictures, HOW the automag system, HOW the RT system blows everybody else away... Disprove all the hype! Get back youre dealers, captivte them enlighten them!

To recap this is what you need to do in all your marketing...

1) Establish credibility , via showing acomplishments, major customers.

2) Show how others are jerking them around, like in politcs you gotta fight dirty to get anywhere, but don't lie then YOU loose credibility.

3) Show them your product, straightforward details about your products and the diffrences between them, and "suggested uses".

4) Show how it is better, to GIVE THEM A REASON to choose your product.

I propse the new...

"AGD, we don't just say it we prove it"

Marketing campaign.

Tom, its not that you don't have a product to market. You have an AWESOME product to market, you just have to take diffrent angles and play up the strong points.

Its not a matter of what to market, you have that already. Its a matter of HOW to market it. Nobody's gonna buy it if they dont belive that it is better. Gotta show them, thats AGD's job.

A point to ponder: The Acura NSX Acura's flagship sportscar is nearly as old as the automag. Nothing major has changed since its inception. Yet it is the ONLY high priced high performance japanese sports car still being sold in the US. This 10 year old $90,000-$100,000 car is still being compared to Ferrarri 355's and being touted as the "poor man's Ferrarri." This is because Acura can show WHY thier product is still good/or even better.

I have a catalouge outline that I am working on that will WOW the dealers. Ill realease ideas bit by bit as I have time.

02-05-2002, 01:25 PM
Sounds like a good idea, except for the comparing Mags to Hondas part... Mags are much better.


02-05-2002, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
I think the problem with AGD marketing isn't only that we need more customer exposure. We need more DEALER confidence....

I like it. Sounds good to me. Are you in marketing?

02-05-2002, 02:23 PM
Very good idea and get pictures of ppl actually using em like in the smart parts one.... i think it might help AGD out alot

02-05-2002, 02:29 PM
Not in marketing, rough days at class and work make me think about stuff like this. I would consider marketing but my artwork and computer graphics skills are horrible.

02-05-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Butterfingers
I think the problem with AGD marketing isn't only that we need more customer exposure. We need more DEALER confidence.

There's definitely truth to what Butterfingers is saying. However I would also like to add that unlike most other markers, the Mag doens't need a whole lot of upgrades and the dealers don't get as much "stuff" sold if it's just the gun. I love the fact that Mags are easy to maintained and also the fact that I don't have to spend money on making things better since it's already great, it's up to me if I really want to spend the money to make it even better yet.

02-05-2002, 03:01 PM
Many good ideas...

showing features and benefits is marketing 101...

I also liked the Tag line I Think JJ came up with:

Attitude by design...

brian terry
02-05-2002, 03:39 PM

02-05-2002, 04:14 PM
I TOTALY agree with you!

02-05-2002, 04:43 PM
Information, or the lack of thereof. Gotta give dealers information. This relates to the catalouge idea. Dealers can't sell an item if they have nothing good to say about it.

Call to Tom, or other AGD personel... Synreal and I are working on a catalouge mock up. It would be great if you can send us as many product pictures, action shots and technical cutouts as possible.

02-05-2002, 11:05 PM
Do you have still photos of that high speed video you took? It would be great for the "tech page" of the catalouge.