View Full Version : Interchangeability of Bodies

Alpha {MWB}
01-29-2010, 02:18 AM
I have prolly a no brainier for some people out there... can you take everything from a Tac 1, and put a x-mag body alone on it? i am thinking about this because i LOVE the mobile feed neck feature... i recently got a warp feed and wanna use it as it is suppose to be used... (unless someone knows of a very cheap warp body for sale(don't care about scratches just cant be a super bright color))... but this is really for the question about the Interchangeability of the bodies. (or an e mag to tac 1 too)

Thanks guys

01-29-2010, 03:12 AM
I have prolly a no brainier for some people out there... can you take everything from a Tac 1, and put a x-mag body alone on it? i am thinking about this because i LOVE the mobile feed neck feature... i recently got a warp feed and wanna use it as it is suppose to be used... (unless someone knows of a very cheap warp body for sale(don't care about scratches just cant be a super bright color))... but this is really for the question about the Interchangeability of the bodies. (or an e mag to tac 1 too)

Thanks guys

Everything is interchangeable with everything except for the classic RT.

Basically you will take the grip frame and the valve and put them on an xmag body. **The x mag body doesnt need a rail.

01-29-2010, 08:28 AM
it can be done but it wont look like a tac mag, and if you are going to spend 1000$+ on a xmag...

Better off finding a Warp body/rail for 2-300$ or use a 90* elbow with your vert feed, not as clean of a look but works and will still turn heads with the warp on there.

<a href="Picture URL Here"><img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm247/combslbcm/0701091727.jpg" width="450" height="600"></img></a>

Alpha {MWB}
01-29-2010, 01:21 PM
it can be done but it wont look like a tac mag, and if you are going to spend 1000$+ on a xmag...

Better off finding a Warp body/rail for 2-300$ or use a 90* elbow with your vert feed, not as clean of a look but works and will still turn heads with the warp on there.

<a href="Picture URL Here"><img src="http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm247/combslbcm/0701091727.jpg" width="450" height="600"></img></a>

Yeah that is what i have now... i got it set up almost just like you have yours... but mycoil comes more from the back (minor difference)... thanks guys.

01-29-2010, 05:54 PM
The xmag has the rail integrated with the body. It isn't a body that sits on the rail. Its one piece. I would recommend buying a warp tac body and making my rail a warp rail using a file. Then you could sell you tac body to recover the cost. You should be able to sell your tac body for the same price as you buy one for if it is used.