View Full Version : What Makes a Mag RT?

Sweet Tooth
01-30-2010, 09:05 PM
I've been snooping around these forums for a while now, and I can't figure it out for the life of me. What component makes a mag RT?

The valve itself? I've seen ReTro vales on emags before. Wouldn't they RT?

I'm just a confused noob... :confused:

01-30-2010, 09:15 PM

zak has put together alot of info on the subject.

01-30-2010, 09:23 PM
The RT valve on/off and regulator or ported different from the classic valve. They see the bottle regulator pressure on top of the on/off pin, so the higher you are above 450 psi, the more RT effect you will get and the faster the valve recharges.

You need a bottle that can respond with pressure as fast as the RT valve. Since mags only recharge when the trigger is returned, it demands that the bottle respond quickly with good pressure. The better regulators can get you RTing around 850 psi, but a restricted connection or lazy reg may not RT at 950 psi.

01-31-2010, 12:39 AM
Aside from your bottle's reg as Spider already touched on, the ability of your mag to RT well is also largely effected by the individual RT/X-valve your mag uses. Even though they're technically 'all the same' by design, they're NOT. Every valve is different. Some are broken in more than others. Some will start to RT on a 850psi preset, some have to have over 1000psi cranked into them with an adjustable reg. Search the old threads on here and you'll find tons of stuff about 'why won't my X-valve RT', or 'my X-valve won't stop RT'ing'. They all react a little different. In the sales threads here some sellers will actually state if the RT/X-valve they're selling RT's better than others, as this is usually considered a positive attribute. You really won't know what kind of 'personality' your RT/X-valve has until you hook it up with a adjustable reg with a full tank of air to play with.