View Full Version : Need Help | NOW!!! HOW Do you remove locktide...especially when you cant see it?

02-05-2002, 06:33 PM
I cant get some fitting off. (asa adapter) and i wanna put a reg on it. I cant get it off....

02-05-2002, 06:39 PM
alright... i had this problem with a friend

three things to try

1. find a solvent for it
2. get a blow torch and heat it a bit and try unscrewing
3. vise grip to unscrew

i guess i put them in order of how much damage it did to the asa...

if ever again u need to seal something dont use loctite us teflon tape.... much easier to remove and just as leak free

good luck getting it off

02-05-2002, 06:41 PM
Got a good solvent?

02-05-2002, 06:49 PM
whats Loctite?

02-05-2002, 06:51 PM
its another way to do threading. Also its used on your tank. NEVER EVER USE IT...its stupid...

02-05-2002, 06:57 PM

02-05-2002, 06:57 PM
i used liquid wrench on my gun.
wd40 would work too. i think any petroleum based solvent in mass quantities works. just make sure to wash it off or your gun will stink.

Load SM5
02-05-2002, 06:59 PM
If you can immerse it in some boiling water for a few minutes and then try your wrench.

02-05-2002, 07:25 PM
What color is it??

i got some red stuff on my connections but i dont need to take it off

o ya how do i get my asa off? i dont thing i got stuff on it

02-05-2002, 07:29 PM
Hint: loc-tite wont work if you can see it cause it dries upon the absense of air. :D

anyway, the boiling water is the best approach. if that dosnt work, boil it again and go at it with a strap wrench.

02-05-2002, 07:39 PM
I used my stove to un-do my red loctite, i had a foregrip on a gun that i bought from someone that was loc-tited to the ASA. I held it over the stove heating element (non-gas of course) and it pretty much melted the loc-tite and i unscrewed the foregrip.

02-05-2002, 07:55 PM
NOW all i need to do is find an owner of an electric stove top...also was it easy after you did this. I tryed boiled water...wd40...good old elbow greese, wrench...nothing...

02-05-2002, 09:25 PM
try calling your local hard ware store :)

02-05-2002, 10:02 PM
for future reference, loc-tite is ok to use. you just can't use the permanant stuff. i think the purple is the stuff you want. just look on the bottle when you buy it....

02-06-2002, 01:08 AM
It is really amazing how many posts I see like this. There is nothing more refreshing than watching people do things to their guns that they have absoulutly no idea about. Some of you are on the right track, the rest of you have no clue at all. WD40 will NOT do a thing to Loctite. Petrolium based solvents will not do anything to Loctite. Loctite is NOT a way to do threading. Where do you guys get this stuff? Heat is the only way to neutralize Loctite. You can try the boiling water. That MAY work. If it does not you will need to use a torch and apply heat to the fitting for about 10-15 seconds. As soon as you see the Loctite begin to bubble turn off the torch and remove the fitting. If you cannot see the Loctite, then just apply the heat for 10-15 seconds and try to remove the fitting. DO NOT use Loctite on you gun unless you know what you are doing!!!! DO NOT use Red Loctite on your gun. RED IS PERMANENT!!!!! Use Blue Loctite for screws 1/4in and above and use Purple Loctite for any screws under 1/4in. Both Blue and Purple are removeable strength. Do NOT use Loctite on air fittings!! Use teflon tape!!!

02-06-2002, 01:37 AM
Do not use teflon tape on air fittings. Use Loctite 545 or 592 PST.

02-06-2002, 01:54 AM
There is nothing wrong with using teflon tape on air fittings. The sole purpose of teflon tape is to seal air fittings and pipes. That is what it does.

02-06-2002, 02:15 AM
Regardless, it's not suitable for paintball equipment where small air passages are common and air fittings are removed on occasion. You don't lose tournaments because shreads of your line sealant got stuck in your regulator if you use 545.

02-06-2002, 04:26 AM
Teflon tape is one of the major reasons for guns going hot and or electronic guns not working. Try asking Aaron from AKA what he thinks of the stuff sometime :) It is ok if you know how to use it and apply it carefully, but the majority do not, and even then it has the potential to be a pain.

I recommend not using it on paintball equipment just in case (you'd be stunned at how many electronic solenoid valves I have seen with bits of teflon in them stopping them working, and how many regs I've found with bits on the reg seat making them leak or go hot). Using a good quality thread sealant is a much better idea.

I never ever use RED loctite on anything. I just use blue.


02-06-2002, 07:31 AM
If you wrap the fitting like a mummy with teflon tape then yeah, I could see it being a problem. If you use it like you are supposed too then it is just fine. You are only suppoed to use a wrap and a half and you are supposed to start one thread down from the tip of the fitting. If you use teflon tape the way it is supposed to be used it will not give you any problems at all. Weather it is Loctite or Teflon Tape, if you use it the way it is supposed to be used it will work just fine. The problem is all of these players that have no business doing anything to a gun other that pulling the trigger. The majority of players I come across have no idea at all how any of this stuff is actually supposed to work. Yet they think they know it all.

02-06-2002, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by damageinc54
The problem is all of these players that have no business doing anything to a gun other that pulling the trigger. The majority of players I come across have no idea at all how any of this stuff is actually supposed to work. Yet they think they know it all.

Exactly :) and that's why I advise the majority not to use tape.


02-06-2002, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by RaV3n_Pa1ntba||
its another way to do threading. Also its used on your tank. NEVER EVER USE IT...its stupid... It ISN'T stupid. I use it, but in moderation it is fine and more reliable than teflon tape. it all depends on what color it is. Look at their website where they tell u how to remove it. Dont use a blow torch, just a heat gun works fine if u have red, if it is white, forget it, white is stronger than a weld joint.

02-06-2002, 08:03 AM
I had a set of elbows and SS line I suspect someone Super Glued on. I never got them apart. They went in the trash eventually. Heat and mucho cranking never worked.

Hey! I like teflon Tape. But the warnings about its use should be heeded. Carefull with it.

02-06-2002, 10:57 AM
Black is right, loctite is the best thing to use, I think the numbers he gave are for the air fittings kind, maybe it's just the non permanent. I know there's a special kind to keep bushings in place. Smart Parts says teflon tape will void the waruntee (I so spelled that wrong, and I'm in college, lol) The one thing I always do is make sure the loctite has plenty of time to dry, don't wanna take any chances. But I have never had problems with teflon tape either.

02-06-2002, 11:11 AM
Something else you need to remember about locktites is that you really cant just go by color.

the 545 I use is a line sealant and it looklike Red 271 when it dries. There are also some nasty wicking locking types that are Red / Blue and Green.

btw - Teflon tape is not for air fittings, its for plumming 60psi pipes and fitting to keep the joints from sticking together.


02-06-2002, 12:51 PM
BTW, someone on here (I can't remember who, sorry) told me that there is a different type of teflon tape for pneumatic fittings. They said it is thicker, doesn't shred and is a different color. I plan on trying it as I am a fan of teflon tape.