View Full Version : Paintball Retro company

02-03-2010, 09:45 AM
Is there a place for a paintball Retro company. I see things like AGD six packs in good condition going for $200+. What were they new? Turret changers - same thing.

My point is there is a bit of a retro movement in paintball. Some of these players are using markers that getting parts for are hard, and some of them are looking for functional things (Like the six-pack) at reasonable prices. My question becomes would it be possible for a company to make reproduction items and sell them? Obviously there are IP issues but I bet they could be resolved. Is there enough market?

02-03-2010, 10:03 AM
I would have to say yes and no. Yes being that there would be a market for it, however like most aftermarket mag parts, for example, might only be limited to pre-order runs. then again thats my opinion..

you could do alot of research to see how much interest that kind of company would have with potential customers.

just curious, are you interested in opening such a company?

02-03-2010, 10:18 AM
Its one of those ideas I often throw out and see how it sticks. If it had enough interest I would look into getting things together and having a machine shop do a few limited runs of things to sell.

Frankly I want a six pack or turret changer to use... I don't have any interest in paying $250 for one in good condition. If I could do a limited run of 10-20 of them from a machine shop and get them for $100 a piece and sell the rest as reproductions for $150 a piece I would pay for mine + the trouble of doing it. Since I am using it I am not interested in the "historical signifigance" of it as a wall hanger.

02-03-2010, 01:28 PM
A whole company... No. But you may be able to do small runs of certain items. As far as "classic" equipment goes, you will run into the problem of some people who wont buy anything that isn't original. Take that group out of the group of "old-school" players that would want in and I dont think you could support a company... Not for long anyway.

02-03-2010, 02:29 PM
I would like to see someone make the old school camo pullover baggy jerseys and pants for woods ball.

02-03-2010, 02:36 PM
Determine what items you would manufacture, and then start by looking at patents.
You dont want to waste money on something if you need permission to make it and cant get it.


02-03-2010, 03:27 PM
Yeh, probably be easier to just buy the six pack for $250 huh?