View Full Version : whats the diff?

02-09-2010, 02:25 PM
so i was looking through some mag parts and noticed the difference of some bolts

some had the little triangle thing stick out of the bolt and other had it flat with the surface.
also ran across the black one and don't know much about it.

like this

sorry there cell pics but i'ts all i had

so what the difference between them?

02-09-2010, 02:28 PM
not totally sure im not a bolt expert but is that a delrin sleeve on the black one?

but i think its something like this

dunno on the black one, lvl 6.5 bolt, lvl7 bolt could be wrong though

02-09-2010, 07:12 PM
I believe the black one is a SuperBolt. Like, the prototype. I read somewhere that they were trying to incorporate delrin into the design to save weight.

02-09-2010, 09:13 PM
The one on the left is an original superbolt. The idea was to lighten the bolt by using a derlin sleeve. Unfortunately, they didn't do so good in field testing. Many people experienced the derlin cracking and there was even the occasional report of pieces flying out the barrel during play. The design was ultimately scrapped, being replace by the superbolt 2 or 'lvl 10' as we now know it which added the nifty feature of not chopping paint.

The center bolt is a long-nosed foamiless bolt. It was a modified version of the right bolt, the foamiless bolt. The long-nosed version was developed to help reduce blowback up the feed tube. The (short nosed) foamiless bolt was developed to eliminate the need to re-glue foamies on the older lvl 7 bolts. Funny thing is, we wound up back where we started (with the foamie) once the lvl 10 bolt design was finalized.

Actually, the picture you have shows those three bolts from 'newest' to 'oldest' (L-R).

The superbolt never really made it out of beta testing. The other two were still considered part of the 'level 7' valve system.


02-09-2010, 09:30 PM
thanks. i figured it was something along the lines of that for the two ss bolts. but i had no idea about the super bolt.

02-23-2010, 07:08 AM
Found the official write-up on the Super Bolt.

clicky (http://www.automags.org/resource/tech/prototype/superbolt_1.shtml)