View Full Version : call to action

02-22-2010, 09:41 AM
Topgun is where we have held tunaball for the last 4 years. They need our help now

I received this Saturday from Carl Atkins, owner of Topgun Paintball in NJ;

Call To Action:
Alvin Johnson has been part of the TopGun Paintball Family for more than 10 years. Originally reffing to pay for the cost of playing paintball, Alvin has moved up to become part of TopGun’s management staff.

Historically, when someone in the Paintball Community needs help we’ve seen how supportive we all are of our paintball brothers and sisters. On Thursday February 11th, during the second blizzard blanketing the northeast in two weeks, Alvin’s Mother-in-law and her three children woke up to their home engulfed in flames. Although one of the children sustained third degree burns they were lucky to survive the inferno. The only thing salvaged after the fire was a couch and a TV set. All other personal processions were destroyed. Anthony Jr, the youngest of the children, was very upset at the loss of all of his paintball gear. He had been waiting for years to play with Alvin and his friends and family and had just reached the age where he was legally able to play paintball. Now all his gear was unrecognizable, mixed with the smoldering debris which was everything his family had owned. Later that day, while driving the family car to Alvin’s one bedroom apartment which would now hold Alvin, his wife and young daughter plus four more people, the car slipped on the snow covered road and narrowly missed plunging into a lake.

Alvin’s In-laws need our help. Even beginning to replace their belongings will be a daunting task. We are asking that you contribute what ever you can to support Alvin’s family in their time of need.

All donations, cash or check can be made to TopGun Paintball Games, and every penny will be given to Alvin’s family. In addition, if you would like to make a donation using your credit card, TopGun will absorb the cost of processing your Visa, Master Card or American Express credit card.

If you would prefer to donate product in lieu of cash, we will be holding a raffle during our next scheduled Big Game, “The Vengeance of Galarom” taking place on March 21st. Again, all proceeds of the raffle will be given to the family. Time is of the essence in lending support to these members of our paintball family. Please help, however you can.

Our mailing address is…
567 Monmouth Road
Cream Ridge NJ 08514
Our phone number is 732-928-2810
Email [email protected]

02-22-2010, 11:29 AM
It's not quite that simple.

If you don't have an itemized list of everything, it can be VERY difficult to replace items. And it's really more than just a few week process. And that's assuming that the insurance company doesn't come up with some BS way to get around paying for things.

02-22-2010, 05:51 PM

I need to work out the logistics / details, but put APX down for a gift certificate for a pair of Thrasher's and a Ghost Jersey.

02-22-2010, 06:00 PM

I need to work out the logistics / details, but put APX down for a gift certificate for a pair of Thrasher's and a Ghost Jersey.

Thank you very much for your generosity. I will get you in touch with the right people.


02-24-2010, 01:23 AM
im gonna see what I can come up with.