View Full Version : Do those electro belts work?

02-06-2002, 06:17 AM
I saw an abtronic for sale at this store and i was thinking about buying it. it was only 30bux and it looked like a decent product. i have my doubts about it but then again I never tried it.

02-06-2002, 06:26 AM
funny-after channel surfing tonight I was wondering the same thing.... anyone got one of those?

02-06-2002, 06:31 AM
Nope. My local newstation did a report on how worthless those things were.

Think about it, if those could stimulate muscles just as good or better as they claim than regular excercise, then people would have electrodes wrapped all around their bodies and would all end up looking like professional body-builders. Too good to be true, sorry.

02-06-2002, 07:38 AM
I think they might build muscle SLIGHTLY.

The problem is, they don't burn off any fat. Even if you do get slightly stronger abs, they'll still be buried under any fat you have there, whether it be a little or a lot.

"Hey ladies, look at me, theres a 6 pack under this beer gut, I swear!"


02-06-2002, 10:33 AM
From the special report I saw, they do not work.. at all. Yes they do make your muscles move, and that in itself can help the muscles stay toned.. but it does not build any new muscle or strength. As Thordic stated, it does not help if you have a layer of fat over the muscles anyway, since it does NOT reduce fat…. Better eating habits and exercise help that, not a strap on belt (unless your hands are strapped between it and your belly. ;)).

In the special report I saw, it even had one of the Doctors who “endorsed” the product.. and he was not pleased. He said they took what he said WAY out of context, and then only used part of what he said. He also stressed that this technology DOES work, but this is how….

It is used with paralyzed patients to build and maintain muscle tissue. However, the levels of electronic stimulation needed to do this would make it impractical for people who can FEEL it.. simply put, it would just be far too painful.

02-06-2002, 03:17 PM
i dont know about that one but they do work. my dad has an elctro stimulator, because he has somthing wrong with his shoulder and it helps it. anyways, it send the electro pulses and it makes the muscle tense up so if u put it on ur arm it and it is turned up enuogh it will be like lifting weights because it flexes the muscle. although this one was like 200 bucks compared to the cheap 30 dollar ones that probably dont work.

02-06-2002, 03:21 PM
We have one at our house. Its actually pretty cool. I wore it for about 10 min. and the next morning I was feeling it pretty bad.

While it was on It felt like that feeling you get after doing like 100 situps, the nagging throb from deep inside.

It worked for me. Just toned/defined the abs.

02-06-2002, 03:51 PM
yeah I didn't expect the $30 belts to work as good as the $150+ system. but it's one of those things i felt like getting cause i had money to burn. And i'm pretty sure Bruce Lee used one of the more expensive models, so i figured these new style belts might do somewhat of the same.

02-06-2002, 05:53 PM
A while back on the local news there was a story on these belts... Someone got an electrical burn from the belt!

02-06-2002, 06:13 PM
Yep, can help you stay tone... but will not build muscle. Gotta lift those weights.