View Full Version : Question on automags and psp rules.

02-23-2010, 08:08 PM
PSP rules state that:

A marker with no electronic components May not fire more than one shot per press and release of the trigger,62 and May only fire a shot when the trigger is pressed, and May not increase or decrease the force required to pull or hold the trigger to or at
any position without the use of tools.63
8.3.8. A marker with settings, whether mechanical, pneumatic, or electronic, that may be
adjusted without the use of tools to allow the marker to operate in an illegal manner is
illegal.64 A player who operates buttons, switches, valves or other adjustable device on a
marker on the field of play without the permission of a judge will be assessed a minor penalty.
A player who operates buttons, switches, valves or other adjustable device on a marker on
the field of play after being instructed to provide the marker to an official, or prior to being
instructed to do so, will receive a gross penalty and that player will receive a minor
8.3.9. Marker barrels may be equipped with porting, but may not have a sound suppressor
attached or integral to the construction of the barrel.
8.3.10. A marker with any valve, expansion chamber, or other item or device except a barrel or
screw-in air source65 that may be adjusted on the field of play to increase or decrease velocity
without the use of tools is illegal.
8.3.11. Any person possessing a marker that is attached to an air source, does not have a barrel
sock properly installed over the end of the barrel, is not at a designated chronograph station
being chronographed and is not on the field of play during, in the 10 seconds prior to, or the
10 seconds immediately after a point,66 will be assessed a minor penalty.

I am thinking about ordering a new mag that I would be competing with:

ULE body
Die cast old school grip frame

I don't know all that much about mags. First, how many shots would I get off of a 68/45?
Second, would this be a PSP legal gun?

Thank you for your information!


02-23-2010, 08:13 PM
If you tune the ULT to remove all trigger bounce/reactivity then yes, pnuemags are a safer bet as they wont possibly gain trigger bounce with pressure fluctuations.

02-23-2010, 08:15 PM
Is that hard to do on a single finger trigger?

02-23-2010, 08:20 PM
Pneum it. You'll rule the field and people will be pissed at you :D

02-23-2010, 08:22 PM
make sure ur pushing only 700 and it will be fine on the field no rt bounce ....

02-24-2010, 06:58 AM
Yes, retro mags meet the PSP rules.