View Full Version : Xmag Flood?

02-24-2010, 04:05 AM
So what's up? Is the recession really that bad? I count 7 xmags on the classifieds just on the first page! I remember when they were far and few inbetween! This is making me want to kick myself in the rear for not having the cash :cry:

02-24-2010, 04:23 AM
A-Tach-One started liquidating his huge collection for some reason and ever since then everyone else has been throwing theirs on the market, I feel the same way. Wish I had the cash to buy one of these beauties.

02-24-2010, 09:04 AM
They are CHEAP now. There is a euro one for less than 800 on another site.

02-24-2010, 11:25 AM
A-Tach-One started liquidating his huge collection for some reason and ever since then everyone else has been throwing theirs on the market, I feel the same way. Wish I had the cash to buy one of these beauties.

Last I heard A-Tachs feelings got hurt from a buncha mean E-Thugs and E-Bullies so he is leaving the AGD family - Then it probably turned into a holy crap they gave me that much for that non working Xmag, I'm selling it all!!! Guess it gave him a reason to come back to AO looking for buyers though.

Just wait, the market is flooded now, the prices will fall, and a lot of these Xmag owners are going to end up selling at a loss if they really need to get rid of them. Maybe this will get the Xmags back down to the 750-850 range where they should be anyhow.


02-24-2010, 11:32 AM
It sucks...I bought mine about 1 to 2 months too soon.

02-24-2010, 12:09 PM
This has actually happened before. And if you stay with mags long enough, you will see it again.

02-24-2010, 12:47 PM
A-Tach-One started liquidating his huge collection for some reason and ever since then everyone else has been throwing theirs on the market, I feel the same way. Wish I had the cash to buy one of these beauties.
The reason Atach started liquidating his AGD stock is a snowballing reason. First he had a sale thread which he posted an item sold and Beemer deleted it. That made Atach's butt hurt and he complained and supposedly nothing got done about it. Then he sniveled like a little sackless nancy to TK himself who didn't care to hear the story. What kind of fool goes to a retired man and complains about something so minor? A ball less butt hurt sniveling b*tch.
Atach was so hurt he decided to say fark it and sell off his entire AGD collection. Some of his collection didn't even work and he wanted top dollar. Talk about a scheisty prick. I hope whoever purchased goods from him had them inspected. Atach was certainly no tech!

/rant about a douchebag :mad:

EDIT.......................SEE ya in five days. Swearing, flaming, disruptive behavior.

02-24-2010, 01:00 PM
wow wow - that s harsh there. No need to go hardcore.

Whatever reason he has, his choice. AGD fans should love it since he has opened a great collection to the public. So... Enjoy?

02-24-2010, 01:05 PM
This has actually happened before. And if you stay with mags long enough, you will see it again.

in 05 they were dime a dozen. most were sold for 700ish

02-24-2010, 01:08 PM
Some of his collection didn't even work and he wanted top dollar. Talk about a scheisty prick. I hope whoever purchased goods from him had them inspected. Atach was certainly no tech!

I have always had good transactions with Atach. IMO he is one of the better members to buy from. I would be highly surprised if he were to sell something and try to "screw" anyone. All of the markers that I have seen that have been through Atachs hands (quite a few of them at AO south) were in top notch working condition.

02-24-2010, 01:16 PM
Just think if Greg Knight sold all of his Xmags as well....

02-24-2010, 01:29 PM
The reason Atach started liquidating his AGD stock is a snowballing reason. First he had a sale thread which he posted an item sold and Beemer deleted it. That made Atach's butt hurt and he complained and supposedly nothing got done about it. Then he sniveled like a little sackless nancy to TK himself who didn't care to hear the story. What kind of fool goes to a retired man and complains about something so minor? A ball less butt hurt sniveling b*tch.
Atach was so hurt he decided to say fark it and sell off his entire AGD collection. Some of his collection didn't even work and he wanted top dollar. Talk about a scheisty prick. I hope whoever purchased goods from him had them inspected. Atach was certainly no tech!
Somebody tell me why Atach keeps lurking here if he is done with this place also... Guess he can't keep away from AGD after all!

/rant about a douchebag :mad:

Atach is a stand up guy, and doesn't deserve your flames. In fact he created demand for xmags and has helped numerous xmag owners, and wannabes.

Any issue he may have with AGD and/or AO is his own and he has never dragged anything into the internet.

02-24-2010, 01:43 PM
/LAWL :rofl:

02-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Here I will add another.... Anybody want a gloss pewter ?

02-24-2010, 02:09 PM
wow :wow: what's that guys problem?

02-24-2010, 02:27 PM
in 05 they were dime a dozen. most were sold for 700ish

Yup, that is when I picked up a coupla them. For people with disposable income, now is the time to ride the wave, cuz the wave will go back up, x's will be in demand and you can make a buck or two on them.

And, I have not had any personal dealings with Atach, but I also have seen some of the markers that he has sold. No clunkers in that bunch. Atach may have started this new wave of selling, but his reasons are his own. And, until he elects to reveal his motivations for moving on from AGD, then everything else is speculation and guesses. If somebody has been screwed by Atach, then, let them post up about it. I only noticed one xmag that he was selling that was not in working condition, clearly stated in the thread that it was not working. And, it sold to a gentleman in Florida, I think. I havent noticed any negative thread by him yet. As to his prices for the mags, you dont have to buy if you dont agree to the price. When he started selling, xmags were demanding a premium, but the market is awash with them now and the prices will go down. That is just the way that it is. He had an incredible collection, but, time and tastes move on. He felt it was time to move on to something else. It happens, and it doesnt really matter why. For how long was it nearly impossible to find an SFL for sale? Now, there is one in the BST that is available and you can thank Atach for the opportunity. It really doesnt matter if you can afford it or not, but the opportunity is there. Now, there is a chance for people who have never had an Xmag to finally own one, to see what its all about. This is not a bad thing. I remember lusting after my first Xmag, I was obsessed with getting one. Hell, I was obsessed with getting a lot of things paintball and I found a way to get the things that I wanted. But, if they are not available, then you cant get them. So, ride the wave, let the market cultivate a new generation of X owners, and leave the drama to PBNation, where it belongs.

02-24-2010, 03:14 PM
Why does everything that happens have to be a big HS dramabomb (new word, I stole it from MCB). I know there are cliques on AO but do we really need to make an issue out of everything that might possibly be made controversial? So one of the members is selling some markers, possibly moving on from collecting paintball markers, or to collect some other kind. Is it really that big of a deal? Of course when large collections with a small niche market to sell to are open the price is going to wiggle some.

02-24-2010, 04:35 PM
just thinking about the post and the responses....

If you look at each of the 7 Xmags for sale on AO, each owner has there own reason for selling. Many people need the $$$ for various reasons.... Leaving the sport, new marker they want, broken down car, weddings, and even the economy. I'm not sure if any of the sellers are just getting rid of their markers because of what A-Tach is doing.

From what I saw with A-Tach the Xmag resale value is still pretty strong. He sold most of his collection within a few weeks for what he wanted ($1000+) and what you are now seeing is A-Tach liquidation the last few Xmags for cheap because he just wants to be gone with this whole AO/Xmag fiasco.

I agree with Kruger and think that this will benefit the community for the better. The people who dreamed of buying an Xmag in 2003 will now have the chance to do so in 2010. Shoot, if Xmags start to drop near $500-$600 I know I will be in ultra-horde mode and then people will be angry that xmags are so hard to buy and the price will skyrocket. All in due time! :D

02-24-2010, 05:52 PM
A handful of people may let xmags go cheap. Because they have tp, but I don't see them dropping far below 1k, quite frankly because some of us have a lot into them and aren't abt to lose our butts just because a couple guys were strapped for cash

Sure a bone stock emag wil sell for 900 once or twice. But the guys who paid over 1k and got tunablades, new software and nicer accessories aren't gonna sell at a huge loss, and enough of us don't NEED to sell that the prices will stay up

Aka guns stayed so high untill some of the younger agglets started buying and selling dc milled fresh annod. Rt valved super guns for far less than they were worth

Xmags aren't agg, so we don't have to worry about that

I won't sell my xmag stupid cheap, id rather keep it

02-24-2010, 05:53 PM

Find on xmag fs on AO as nice as mine, lol

02-24-2010, 06:34 PM
It is definitely nice to see them on the market, let's a guy dream eh?

I just remember they were far and few inbetween and selling at double emag prices, but now they are floating around an up'd emag's price.

It is sad to see such a nice collection be seperated, :(