View Full Version : How brittle of paint can the Level X handle?

03-09-2010, 07:53 PM
I finally got my scuba tank filled today and wanted to see how my new RT ULE would do with more than 1000psi in the tank, lol.

Not wanting to waste the precious Marballazers I have, I put about 30 marbs in my Prophecy to give the gun a quick test. Now, I think everything is tuned pretty well - the bolt stops on my finger and resets, the ULT resets quickly, etc. I've been practicing walking the trigger just dry-firing and it's actually fairly easy to walk. :shooting: During my test run I probably hit a burst of 13bps, give or take. I can't imagine how it will be when I pneumag it!!!

But in my quick test I experienced one chop. I suspect it was because I was down to around 10 balls left in the loader, but I got to thinking - is there a way to make the lvl 10 even softer on paint? Marbs are fairly brittle. When I stick my finger in the breech and pull the trigger, it doesn't hurt, but seems forceful enough that it might crack a brittle paintball like a Marb.

Could walking the trigger and short-stoking cause a chop? I thought short-stroking would just cause velocity dropoff, or worst case a ball running into another ball in the barrel.

03-09-2010, 08:42 PM
what spring do you have in it?

03-09-2010, 09:20 PM
Put the silver spring in it. That's about as soft as your going to get on the paint.

03-09-2010, 10:49 PM
I've only got two springs - one that extends about 1/2" past the end of the bolt, and the other is about 1/2 - 3/4" longer than that, and fits rather tightly around the bolt. So I use the shorter of the two.

I should also mention that there are two lvl 10 shims installed as well. Would adding another shim make it vent sooner, possibly reducing the force on the paintballs? (or at least how far the bolt goes forward before being vented.)

03-09-2010, 11:03 PM
Be sure your detents are good for the paint and loader settings you are using also. A level 10 can still push a second ball behind the first to get normal pressure on that last ball. I've shot a few doubles down range, but they usually blow up near the back of the barrel. I've RT'd a case of Marbs with a relatively fresh gold spring (standard, middle, etc.) without a problem, other than being out of paint after a couple of hours.