View Full Version : Yet another newbie with newbie questions! :)

02-06-2002, 05:51 PM

First of all, I am very new to paintball, in general. I am 22 and played for the first time 2 weeks ago. I felt I did pretty well and was instantly hooked. Since then, I've been doing constant research on the internet about everything paintball related, much to my wife's dismay.

I have a few questions. First of all, I just got taxes back and have a bit of money to spend so I may be buying a deal that my friend just got off of ebay. It is an Automag RT with some sort of drop forward (not sure exactly which at this moment), a 47ci nitro tank, 88ci nitro tank, and a fairly new evolution loader (though I've read nothing but bad things from these), all for 480 bucks.

Being a newbie, is it smart to get such a gun? My logic is that I will want to upgrade soon anyway if I bought a Spyder, Pirahna, Tippman, etc. so I might as well bite the bullet and get the good stuff now. Good idea? Also, from what I gather, this is a fairly good deal. The gun is being sold from a pro-shop for a customer and has been inspected, so to speak. What do you guys think? The 88ci tank is brand new while the 47ci is 3 years old or so.

Well, I look forward to any suggestions or comments and any provided will be much appreciated. I just can't wait to get started.

Sorry for the bombardment with typical questions. I did read the FAQ, but I still have questions. By now, most of you probably have a file somewhere on your HD with common answers that you cut and paste, eh? :)

02-06-2002, 05:55 PM
well, 480 is an alright deal. i would try to get rid of the 47ci tank, seeing as ytou don't need 2. and maybe get the guy to lower the price a little. you can then use that money to buy yourself a 12volt revolution, and ditch the evolution.

02-06-2002, 06:10 PM
well first off... welcome!!!

second, that is a very nice deal and you can't really go wrong with an RT. yes it may seem like a big thing for a first gun but you gotta start somewhere and mags are a great starter gun, they will get you through plenty of games trouble free, which is what most newb's are really looking for... you will be happy just make sure to stay on this forum for all ur problems and you should be set!!! every one here is great and always helpful! Next you might want to make sure you got a few friends in paintball that can help u get setup and everything...

i guess thats about it! good luck! :D

02-06-2002, 06:10 PM
If i where you i was try to sell the 47ci tank and ditch the evolution loader and get a halo or a viewloader....then eventualy get a inteliframe from your local store/agd and a superbolt....the stock triger is ok but the inteliframe is so much nicer.....

viewloader $50-$60 or halo $110-$130
Inteliframe $110-$130
SuperBolt $55

Oh ya the stock barrel is not by any means bad but make sure you get a good match with the paint you buy...i found Proball ($60 a case) works really well in my rt barrel...

I have a Rt-Pro, Inteliframe, 12v viewloader and a new Superbolt...and i love my gun to death and as long as you remember FULL TRIGER PULL AND RELEASE then you should be fine

02-06-2002, 06:14 PM
welcome Mercury!! Enjoy the forum and hopefully your new gun.


02-06-2002, 06:25 PM
Welcome aboard!

That sounds like a pretty good starter package. I wouldn't worry too much about replacing parts and accessories just yet. Just play with the gun and have a good time. experience will tell you what add-ons you'll need to get, so don't get too riled up by all the suggestions.

It's good to get a decent gun right from the get-go. My son and I got involved in paintball LAST tax season, and went through 4 low end guns before settling down. The RT is a great way to get started. It will grow with you.

02-06-2002, 06:33 PM
Wow, you guys are fast! :)

Thanks for all the welcomes and such as well as your comments. They are greatly appreciated.

A few things I forgot to add. It also comes with a Dye (not sure which particular type) 14" barrel so that is one less thing to worry about right now. Also, the two tanks are just 3000psi tanks. I've heard a few things about these markers being gas hogs and hard on paint. Is there any evidence of this amongst you all? Also, what is the difference between the RT and RT Pro? I don't recall seeing any RT's being sold brand new anywhere, just Pro's. Are the Pro's newer and better or something? I remember reading a few differences between the two somewhere, but can't remember what they are or where I read them.

Thanks in advance.

02-06-2002, 06:36 PM
Welcome to AO!!!!

02-06-2002, 06:54 PM
Welcome, Hey I am 23 and just started playing not long ago, I bought a RT Pro and a air america tank along with about $300.00 worth of other odds and ends. I have spent over 1200.00 on everything! It is addicting. I am also playing in a tournament the 2nd of March and have two others scheduled already! Ok as for the RT and RT pro. There is only minor differences but anything that is important can be fixed at AGD. There was a defect of some sort on the RT that I heard they could fix if you send it in. I bought the RT pro for 500.00 new tanks 150.00 used and 12V Revy for 50.00 new so that is already 700.00 without a spare tank so I think you are getting a good deal on it. I would buy it. About chopping paint---I have shot over 4000 rounds in my gun and not one ball broke, and the trigger is AWESOME! Good luck and have fun, any more questions e-mail me [email protected]

Mild 7
02-06-2002, 07:14 PM
Seeing that it's your first post, I just want to say, welcome to AO and enjoy the world of paintball.

$480 for the RT and a couple of nitro tanks sounded like a descent deal to me if the pro shop stated it's all good to go.

What I would invest next would be the following if you either have it already or plan on purchasing the following items:

Gun accessories for RT:

1. New barrels: Lapco, DYE, J&J, or SP Freak..etc.
2. Revolution 12V or others such as Richochet, Halo, etc.
3. Intelliframe is a nice upgrade by it's optional.
4. RT First Aid kit - It will come in handy.

Other accessories:

1. A mask that have thermal lens.
2. A comfortable harness.
3. Straight shot squeegie.

You may purchase the above items after doing some research of your own. I think none of the upgrade is really a necessity 'cept for the 12V motorized hopper and the RT Frist Aid kit. Try out the RT for a few games and you may decide to throw more money down at it if you find it necessary.

02-06-2002, 09:55 PM
As for RTs being gas hogs and hard on paint.... myths. They arent the most gas efficent guns around, they are about average. And as for being hard on paint, If you are breaking paint it is most likely user error. Just keep your nubbins in good shape, dont short-stroke the trigger, and dont ever forget to turn your hopper on! Do some reading on this forum.... many common questions you may have once you get your gun will already answered. Good Luck and Have Fun!

02-06-2002, 10:46 PM
hey welcome to AO. i'm also new. just got into paintball and AO a few months ago. things move really fast on AO. you'll find that if you want to keep up with the conversations you need to come here like 4 times a day. don't worry about your questions. it's a very specific question relating to your particular situation. nobody minds answering it. i can relate to your buying situation. i just got a used retro mag off of the classifieds here. i'll post when it arrives guys. ;) i think it's a good idea to get a higher end first marker. the mag is a good choice because there's not a lot of things to mess around with. and possibly screw up. since you're buying used make sure you get a parts kit. i'm surprised nobody mentioned that you should register with agd and get a manual and video. read and watch them. they'll tell you about basic maintenance and such. switch the evo with a 12V revvy. and pick up a mask, harness, and ammo tubes. after that i think you're set. any questions you have absolutely ask here. the guys here are great and extremely helpful. but i'm sure you already noticed that. :D

btw. i don't know if you noticed this. see that guy AGD a few posts up. that's tom kaye owner of AGD. neat huh?

02-07-2002, 06:36 AM
You guys really are extremely helpful. I think I will definitely buy it and a parts kit. As far as the mask, I've picked up a Proteus from actionvillage for about 40.00 and it should be on it's way. I definitely learned the value of a mask when my rental kept fogging up the other day. I didn't want to skimp out on this as I believe I could have done much better had I have been able to see! Other than that, this marker seems to have everything I could want in a marker as a newbie. :)

I've also heard things about newbies getting such markers and not properly developing their skills of not starting with a more "difficult" marker. Hopefully, this will not be the case with me. I seem to do alright. I am a Marine by trade, so that seems to help me a bit, at least as a newbie. Then again, a few very young paintballers walked all over me a few times when I played.

I am really overwhelmed by all of the quick replies and the warm welcome I have recieved here, as well as the welcome from Mr. Kaye. It speaks volumes about the caliber of this community. I will be glad to be a part of it. :)

02-07-2002, 07:06 AM
i disagree with that developing skills by using a difficult marker. i couldn't do squat with the rental gun my first day out. as soon as i borrow my friend's (udtseal's) minimag my skills increase exponentially.

being a marine will help with understanding team tactics like cover fire and flanking maneuvers but that doesn't happen too much in recball. you either need to get lucky and get a good team or bring some friends so that you know that they'll help you pull off some strategic moves. it's so great when your team lays down enough cover fire to make the other team hide and not notice you moving to a position to shoot all of them in the back. :cool: however i think shooting a pb marker instead of shooting a real gun and dodging paint instead of bullets will take some adjustment in individual skills.

and don't underestimate the young ones. some of those little guys are crazy!

02-07-2002, 07:54 AM
Man, I wish I started out with an Rt 5years ago, but I am only 17 and only until recently could I afford the higher class markers. I was just wondering what type of paintball do you plan on playing (most predominant)? wood, speedball (tourney), biggame?
I may be a little late in telling you about rt's but I will give you some advice. I have probably had one of the worst experiences with them, but I still love them. weird uh? After my first year with it I learned alot of things I did were my fault. First please, dont do ANY trigger work to the RT! Dont mess with the trigger rod or any of that. I did a wicked trigger job with adjusting the rod length, but I didnt know that agd setts them to certain lengths for a reason. I ended up shortshoking more, and eventually bent the trigger rod. Another thing is do not buy a benchmark trigger frame. They look great but are complete and utter garbage! There pull is much tooo long. If you do decide to get another trigger frame, buy an intelli, or a z-grip. (zgrips have the best mag triggers available).Also make sure ur wirenubs are alright in the barrel, if not u will chop. I have had a micromag most of the time, and even there antidouble feed had down falls.

02-07-2002, 10:18 AM
if you can ditch the smaller nitro tank, sell it to a local shop or something, get a good thermal mask. Fogging up really gets old, and cheap masks can be uncomfortable sometimes. The eggolution should go too, but otherwise I think you're good to go, have fun with it!


02-07-2002, 10:33 AM
Welcome to AO, AGD, and the community of Proud Automag RT owners. Unlike you, I started with an "entry lvl" marker and found myself upgrading a year later, basically losing the money I invested in the first one, so buying an Automag RT from the start is a great idea. It is also the perfect marker for someone fairly new to paintball because it combines top of the line performance with durability and simple maintenance. Once you get the marker, you should call in to AGD to register it. AGD is such a great company that if you purchase one of their products used, you can call in and they will send you a free copy of the manual and maintenance video -- very useful stuff.

I think $480 for the RT and all it comes with is a great deal. I agree with everyone here that says dump the evolution loader. I had one and could barely chrono in without that piece of junk jamming. I also would not worry about the RT allegedly being a "gas hog." Most RT users, including myself, get between 600 and 800 shots out of a 3000psi 68ci tank, so you should be fine with your 88 ci tank. I personally don't have a problem running my 3000/68 tank.

Again, welcome and good luck!