View Full Version : Which one would ppl like to buy more

02-06-2002, 05:53 PM
OK i have the choice of getting a boo yah elcd or a mako storm electronic trigger frame. I'm thinking about right away selling it or trading+cash for a hyperframe. Now which one would ppl pay more for and would b more valuable. Both will be new and never used. Also Plz help me do not just say they suck or something i really need to know!!!!

02-06-2002, 06:05 PM
wouldn't it be a better idea to just buy the hyper frame and save some money??

02-06-2002, 06:06 PM
NO NO NO i'm getting one through a trade, the guy couldn't get me a hyper frame so that was teh best he could do

02-06-2002, 06:37 PM
Boo-Yaah went out of buisness...Mako is the result. Mako are new Boo-Yaah frames. The Mako is better.

02-06-2002, 07:25 PM
The Mako is suposedly a good improvment on the Boo-Ya. I'd get that. Then, try it before trading for the Hyper. If you like it just keep it and enjoy. Just because the Hpyer is more expencive doesn't make it better. I've heard good things about both.

02-06-2002, 09:06 PM
Go with the Mako trigger frame, no doubts. It is the company that has to be called to fix it...

Booyah was actually a marketing company like PMI and BE. They had Mako make the frames for them. Mako has really been making them all along. Earlier ones had some problems, that were made worse by Booyah not being around to fix them.

Had Booyah been around, people probably would be saying that Booyah has great customer service, as they would break and be fixed. If that happens in a reasonable amount of time, their Customer Service is Excellent, and everyone kinda forgets that it broke in the first place. LOL. That is one of the great ironies of life.

As to which is more reliable between the Mako and the Hyperframe, that is kinda hard to judge right now. I will tell you that the Booyah was based on an earlier Hyperframe design. You can be the judge on style vs. functionality. Funny that the new Angel trigger frame looks oddly Booyahish... LOL.