View Full Version : e-mag lowers problem- HELP

03-21-2010, 09:11 PM
So I just sent out my lowers to be anodized and got them back today, and when I put everything back into the frame and then attatched my battery, nothing would power on. I tried charging the battery for a couple hours, but nothing different happened. I tried looking at the board to see if anything unusual had happened (i.e. cap blown, wire un-soldered, etc.) but saw nothing unusual enough to note. The board will just not power on... it worked totally fine 1 week ago. What in the world?? What can i do to figure out what's going wrong with this thing?

If I have to buy new a board, I will probably go kill myself first

03-21-2010, 09:21 PM
I'm no expert but check the ground, when newly anno'd you may not be getting a good contact through the screw on the board?

03-21-2010, 09:23 PM

what he said. you will need to tap it to strip some of the anno

03-21-2010, 09:40 PM
I think I have been told before by much smarter people that the contacts get covered with the anno and need to be cleaned off so that bare aluminum is visible.

I think where your board screws into and on top of the frame. Something like that...

Edit: Yeah what they said. Thats what happens when you start a post and finish it 20 minutes later...

03-21-2010, 09:50 PM

what he said. you will need to tap it to strip some of the anno

Ok thanks for the help guys, tap it- like thread tap?


ok... I now understand what your talking about. I don't have any taps that size.. I will try something else first


So your talking about the screw right above the LCD, right? It should be able to make contact with the bare aluminum frame?
Well I just got done spending several minutes screwing in/out that screw while applying pressure on a different side of it each time I screwed it so that the anno would wear away... and it worked fairly well. However, still nothing is turning on...should i try harder?

03-21-2010, 10:48 PM
Yep... you guys have the problem nailed down. I jumped from one ground to the other with a wire, and the gun turned on. Now I just gotta figure out which ground is the problem....

03-21-2010, 11:03 PM
new problem... so when I pull the trigger, the gun doesn't register that the trigger was pulled.

Does the polarity of the magnet on the back of the trigger matter? I may have accidentally reversed that magnet when I was gluing it back onto it's little screw-pedestal... Does the hall-effect sensor care what that polarity is?

03-22-2010, 04:34 AM
new problem... so when I pull the trigger, the gun doesn't register that the trigger was pulled.

Does the polarity of the magnet on the back of the trigger matter? I may have accidentally reversed that magnet when I was gluing it back onto it's little screw-pedestal... Does the hall-effect sensor care what that polarity is?


03-22-2010, 07:50 AM

alright... I guess I'll have to take the trigger out again :rolleyes: What a stupid mistake...

03-22-2010, 08:11 AM
Ehh thats how we learn sometimes. How did the anno turn out?

03-22-2010, 08:33 AM
Ehh thats how we learn sometimes. How did the anno turn out?

Here is a teaser pic, I'll post better later. Near the barrel there is an area where the metal is showing through... I didn't notice it until after I got the gun home. I'm gonna keep it anyways, but other than that, it looks AWESOME. Next I gotta get a tuna-blade, and I'll be set


03-22-2010, 10:59 AM
It looks good !! I like how the olive doesn't fade until after the grip.

03-22-2010, 04:26 PM
It looks good !! I like how the olive doesn't fade until after the grip.

So after messing around with it forever... I figured that it was the the ground post that touches the battery and not the ground screw that's attached to the board. I discovered this by touching the positive terminal to the positive screw on the frame, then using a wire to jump from the ground screw on the board to the negative terminal on the battery, and this turned the gun on. I then bought a tap and tapped the hole in which the battery ground post attatches, tapped that hole (lol) then went to put a screw in it to finish up my mag- and then I realized that i didn't buy a screw to go with my tap :tard:

SO... back to the hardware store I go. I'm bringing my dumb gun in there this time and not leaving till I get this thing working. Hopefully the people in the store don't care that i'm walking around with a paintball gun :ninja:

03-22-2010, 10:52 PM
well, I sanded down the stand-off where the board is screwed into the frame, so the metal in the board can touch the metal on the frame, allowing it to ground. Now the gun turns on properly (i think). However, as soon as the gun turns on, the solenoid turns on and won't shut off, i.e. it engages the sear and continues to pull until it gets super extremely hot. Also, the trigger won't register if it is pulled or not, regardless of how the rear trigger magnet is oriented. What does this mean :/ I'm really really getting worried....

03-23-2010, 12:15 AM
phew... finally got it fixed. I pinched a wire that connects the solenoid to the power... not good. Hopefully I didn't shorten the life of anything :/ The mag is now ripping again- I will be posting pictures in another thread here soon

03-23-2010, 07:22 AM
Awesome, take some videos too ! :clap: