View Full Version : invert mini

03-22-2010, 01:25 PM
What do you guys know about the invert mini? How much like the emag is it? Just appearance or is it similar in other ways? I saw one at my local store which was wierd cuz all they have pretty much is tippmanns.

03-22-2010, 01:40 PM
-Uber small and light
-Fast as hell
-Average consistency
-Not very user friendly at times
-Can be problematic
-Hall effect trigger switch
-Battery and board in teh front grip
-cocker threaded barrels, although not all will fit


Frizzle Fry
03-22-2010, 01:45 PM

Hit the nail on the head...

Gen2 (4-hole ASA is the easiest way to identify it) has less problems and is a bit more user- and barrel-friendly than Gen1 (2-hole ASA).

03-22-2010, 02:14 PM
86000 shots through my first one, and the Jack Mini is working on close to about 40k after the winter sessions and still going strong. I get about 1000 shots on a full 48/4500 fill. Consistency is about +/- 5 once the reg is broke in. ( had +/- 1 this weekend on mine )

I think any cocker threaded barrel fits now, the originals Mini's had too tight of ID on their bodies, so some older smart parts barrels didn't fit them.

V2 and V3 have fixed most issues users were having by replacing poppets, replacing the main board, fixed the hall sensor magnet so it cant pop off the screw if over adjusted, and the detent length was changed to work better.

As far as user friendly... its only got like 5 internal parts including the velocity adjusting screw. 9 times out of 10 its an o-ring causing your problems - the 10th time it's your solenoid which is rebuildable. Hoseless design means no more worn out fittings or blown macro line.

Main weak point for me is the trigger geometry is a little off so the stock trigger especially can be mushy feeling - I have found adding a magnet from the prophecy or magna kit to the frame makes any trigger I put on much more responsive.


Similarity to the Emag?
Battery in front grip ( 9Volt, not 1 lb brick of cells )
Hall Effect Sensor ( different placement, but its still a Hall sensor )
Bolt and Spring look similarish...
Single tube design

03-22-2010, 02:14 PM
I have owned several, and just ordered another one, new. Great little shooters.

03-22-2010, 06:44 PM
I have owned several, and just ordered another one, new. Great little shooters.
reg carefully. my friends mini was running at ~200 psi which is what the manual says, and it blew out the bottom of the noid. still trying to fix it without having to buy a new one.

03-22-2010, 07:01 PM
I have one that I purchased new when they came out. It has worked fine for my wife. I have never touched anything on it. Their only downside is that they are too small for my hands.

Frizzle Fry
03-22-2010, 08:27 PM
reg carefully. my friends mini was running at ~200 psi which is what the manual says, and it blew out the bottom of the noid. still trying to fix it without having to buy a new one.

Had that problem with the Gen1... Us AS guys shot them when they'd just came out, and we switched to Protos because of it.

Gen2/3 shouldn't be an issue.

03-22-2010, 09:43 PM
I love my mini because it's light, small, easy to maintain, and feels very smooth with a CP sling trigger (spring return instead of magnet). I hold it to be one of the greatest bargains in paintball.

03-22-2010, 09:52 PM
I enjoy mine as well. It has become one of my primary electro marker along side my Tac1. The only problem that I've had with it was the the slight leaking down the barrel. But I seem to have found a solution by using Dow33 on the poppet oring (I use Slick Honey on the rest of the marker). It has been very dependable. I like it so much that I am considering stocking up on them when I find cheap ones, but I don't know when I will ever get to use the back up ones since my main one is so dependable. The others are right, for the money it is an awesome little marker.

03-22-2010, 10:38 PM
Everybody has made really good points on the mini here. There isn't much more I can tell you other than I have sold about 30 of them in the last 4 1/2 months and I have only had one come back. That was for a broken lower transfer tube, and Kee sent me the parts to fix it for free for the customer no questions asked. They are good little shooters for the price. If your really interested in a new one hit me up and I'll make you a heck of a deal on one.

03-23-2010, 12:30 AM
how unique is the design? is it similar to the angel? I keep hearing about poppets.

I feel like I'm being annoying because I have no intention of ever buying one but I was intrigued by the marker. It's so stinking small!! and of course it looks alot like an Emag.

it also stood out as being almost the only non-tippmann marker there. I think I saw a proto too. Overall not impressed with the store. (not that I need a local store, I can get everything I need right here on AO) but I do miss the old shop who's owner was a mag user and could work on my mag and actually hold an intellegent conversation about them.

03-23-2010, 12:32 AM
Never used one personally, but a few of our local players have, they tend to prefer the G3. Either way, both seem problematic. It's not good when you need to replace several stock parts. Thats why I love my mag.

03-23-2010, 02:01 AM
Never used one personally, but a few of our local players have, they tend to prefer the G3. Either way, both seem problematic. It's not good when you need to replace several stock parts. Thats why I love my mag.

that's why I love all 4 of my mags :shooting:

and that's why I'm less than impressed with my tippmann :confused:

03-23-2010, 06:41 AM
its the lowest kick, quietest, shortest shot i ever heard or felt

but this is with a NDZ bolt and spring, and cocker like thought in tuning

once i can get an extended foregrip designed i will buy one

honestly the mini should of been a dual noid closed bolt gun

03-23-2010, 11:02 AM
honestly the mini should of been a dual noid closed bolt gun

Why? So we could deal with twice the possibilty of noid related issues AND rollouts as well?

03-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Why? So we could deal with twice the possibilty of noid related issues AND rollouts as well?
the mini already has noid issues, if it used 2 noids(humphey,skinner,asco,mac) it would have less issues, rollouts......thats what idiots who cant match paint get

03-23-2010, 12:17 PM
the mini already has noid issues, if it used 2 noids(humphey,skinner,asco,mac) it would have less issues, rollouts......thats what idiots who cant match paint get

Hey, that's funny pump.....especially when bores under certain sizes are near impossible to find. Only as of late are any manufacturers and private makers addressing the issue....and even at that, there is only the lurker, a CP barrel that may or not be made, an Ty's TWO inserts under .68 (well really one if you want to get really technical)

And, IMO the only "noid issue" the mini has is when the user runs the input pressure too high and blows it out. That is hardly a manufacturing defect. The inline noid they are using is directly involved in how small and simple the operation of the marker is. Nothing wrong with it that the proper input pressure can't "fix"......

03-23-2010, 01:36 PM
Hey, that's funny pump.....especially when bores under certain sizes are near impossible to find. Only as of late are any manufacturers and private makers addressing the issue....and even at that, there is only the lurker, a CP barrel that may or not be made, an Ty's TWO inserts under .68 (well really one if you want to get really technical)

And, IMO the only "noid issue" the mini has is when the user runs the input pressure too high and blows it out. That is hardly a manufacturing defect. The inline noid they are using is directly involved in how small and simple the operation of the marker is. Nothing wrong with it that the proper input pressure can't "fix"......

Agreed. Between the three minis that my friends and I use, we have had ZERO noid issues.

Frizzle Fry
03-23-2010, 07:54 PM
Hey, that's funny pump.....especially when bores under certain sizes are near impossible to find. Only as of late are any manufacturers and private makers addressing the issue....and even at that, there is only the lurker, a CP barrel that may or not be made, an Ty's TWO inserts under .68 (well really one if you want to get really technical)
Scepter and Freak both have inserts under .68 and I use'm both. That said, there are a lot of big barrels out there.

03-24-2010, 12:35 AM
Hey, that's funny pump.....especially when bores under certain sizes are near impossible to find. Only as of late are any manufacturers and private makers addressing the issue....and even at that, there is only the lurker, a CP barrel that may or not be made, an Ty's TWO inserts under .68 (well really one if you want to get really technical)

And, IMO the only "noid issue" the mini has is when the user runs the input pressure too high and blows it out. That is hardly a manufacturing defect. The inline noid they are using is directly involved in how small and simple the operation of the marker is. Nothing wrong with it that the proper input pressure can't "fix"......
well i never had anything that .682 didnt work on, also.....nail polish

and i have seen many noid issues here in Hawaii, maybe those are the old ones that the core doesnt rise up, either way, normal pneumatic noids arent something that go down much

and tuning for 2 noids isnt hard either

03-24-2010, 10:40 AM
I had one, it was ok. Got a hopper and two pods off a 45/45. I sold it, then got a threshold.

03-24-2010, 02:07 PM
how unique is the design? is it similar to the angel? I keep hearing about poppets.

The design is fairly unique - on first look, they appear to be spool-valve markers, much like the Matrix and Shocker, but upon closer inspection, you realize they are actually a poppet-controlled spool (animations and an explanation can be found here (http://www.zdspb.com/tech/misc/anim_pcp.html)). So, are they similar to Angels? No. They have poppets, but the poppet is solenoid pressure controlled, not solenoid pushed ram controlled like in most of your poppet markers.

03-24-2010, 03:29 PM
the invert mini works by simultaneously increasing the opening force and decrease the closing force on the poppit. a simple design in concept, but a very dynamic gun with all the fluctuating pressures.


i had a gen1 one that i liked a lot. the things i disliked about it was the system used to clamp the reg on was poorly designed, the reg is not user serviceable, and it was a bit kicky/hard on paint.