View Full Version : Warps own windows...

03-22-2010, 08:31 PM

Anyone else have any pics of themselves using a warp-feed in positions that a vert marker would fail in?

Here's another I have of me working a window, from LL2:


03-22-2010, 08:47 PM
These pics are recreations, but I was actually in this position in a game...



03-23-2010, 11:59 AM
nothing special, but my shooting lane was parallel with the wall, and nothing was exposed


this thread makes me miss my mag...

time to build a new warp mag!

03-23-2010, 02:54 PM
Don't even know if I can crouch like that any more.

03-23-2010, 03:16 PM
I don't have a pic but when I played at Badlandz in chi town they had a field call "window" and yeah I rocked the tape line with my warped mag took like 12 people out in that game (was something like 30 on 30)

Its called "window" cause on the one tape line you had a bunker that was kinda like an H at the 50 yard line. where the - was it had a window with mesh through it and was about 8' high the | | on each side were at and angle so you could lean out on the one side (could not lean out the tape side)

anyway I would tilt my mag bit more then 45* and peak out that side and own

Debating on doing warp at LL3

03-23-2010, 08:09 PM
nothing special, but my shooting lane was parallel with the wall, and nothing was exposed

Same way I am in the second pic, leaning slightly and peeking out enough to shoot down the side of the building, yet exposing little to nothing.

In my first pic I took cover in that position, and when I got like that I stopped taking fire so I knew they either couldn't see me or couldn't hit me. I then scored a double elimination (we were doing 2 hits an out, if you were hit once you could call out, whipe the hit, and be back in instantly. Whenever I was hit I went to a safe spot, then wiped and "revived", but many guys just stayed put, wiped, and kept shooting. If you were hit twice in the same volley, it counted as a second out and you couldn't instant revive. I hit him in the chest and in the mask!) and a hit on a second attacker. I whipped around and did the same thing on the window behind me and got 3 more people out before finally being hit on the head.

I moved into deeper cover to whipe the hit, but exposed myself from another angle and got hit in the lens...
6/1 is still a good ratio :shooting:

Kevdupuis, I know how you feel as I have developed a "ratchet-knee". I can't fully bend my right knee without it clicking on the way down and clicking again on the way up, sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't.
A good pair of paintball kneepads put me back in the game, though :hail:

03-24-2010, 10:08 PM
Some of those angles make me miss my q-loader. Had a good game where I just lay down prone put my chin on the ground inside a very small ditch atop a short hill with my gun laying flat up against the ground. Being at the top of the hill the only thing that was exposed was my mask and a few extra inches of forehead. Over 20 minutes I drained all 5 of my pods holding an advancing squad back solo at a big game- Getting those pesky hoppers out of the way rocks.

03-24-2010, 11:04 PM

Stop posting these pics, if I grab a warp my wife is going to kill me.

03-25-2010, 12:23 AM

Stop posting these pics, if I grab a warp my wife is going to kill me.


Tell her it is a vital apparatus that will result in a safer day of play. After all, exposing less means getting shot less :rolleyes:

03-25-2010, 09:59 PM
Sorry about the double post, but this is just plain awesome!


I got the out too :clap:

03-28-2010, 04:47 PM
I haven't had a chance to play with this yet, so no action pics, but this is my new take on my Warp setup for woodsball. I got the idea from the "Tactical Automag" thread on here a while ago, but only got around to implementing it now. With a custom close-mounted bracket, gas-through stock, and an eggy angled over the stock, this setup is as close to being centered weight-wise as I have been able to get. I think that addresses one of the main criticisms of the warp, which is that it is off balance. You could mount a tank pointing forwards for on-gun air and keep the balance. All I need now is a WL Tac body.

The balance of a regular warp setup doesn't bother me too much actually, my other E-Mag is (or will be once I get my 2009 E-Micro body) still a standard Warp setup with Luke's rear Warp mount.
