View Full Version : Halo or Reloader on warp?

03-26-2010, 09:25 PM
Wondering if the eyes or the ear is a better option on the warp. My first thought is eyes, since the hopper only needs to spin when the warp needs paint, not when the gun fires, but I am biased because I use either a Revy or Rico on my warp and either have ball sensors in the fedneck...

Reason I'm asking is that I was interested in an Invert Halo Too because they are pretty cheap, but they are sound activated where as a regular halo is eye driven.

On that topic, how are force fed hoppers on the warp? Any issues, more brutality on balls, jams?

03-26-2010, 09:43 PM
Well I don't know what to tell you on that one. I don't have exerience with either loader. However I do know that vf-xx is working on a project to see if a force feed hopper like the halo will have enough power behind it to feed balls like a warp without actually having a warp. In fact I sent my cracked warp shells to him so he could start it. I wonder how its going for him.

03-27-2010, 12:06 AM
It's going slowly. I"ve had the idea for the better part of a year now. I finally have all the parts to test, and then I took a week's vacation to go skiing. I'm still trying to get back on schedule after all that.

Back on topic. All reports I've heard suggest that forcefeeding a warp is a bad idea. It would really only be an issue if you're putting out long high speed strings of paint. The warp seems to act as about a 10 shot buffer of high speed bursts. If you're shooting strings longer than that a force feed may work.

Honestly, between the two, I'd say you're fine with the halo, for the reasons you've listed: Rico's and revvy's work just fine on warps, stands to reason this should work ok too.

Or, just hack it to run off of your intellifeed too.

03-27-2010, 01:29 AM
Thanks for the update. You'll have to let us know what you find out after testing, if its a promising thought or not.

03-27-2010, 02:10 AM
I've been testing a backpack hopper with magna guts in a hybrid shell (the one you can pull the top shell off) It's got enough oomph to get the balls up 3+ feet of hose. All that's left to do is make the pack for everything to fit inside. I'm using the RF chip to send the balls up the tube. :cheers:

03-27-2010, 05:25 AM
honestly, it just adds too much weight. you are better off with just the halo/reloader. i have used a halo and warp setup and it's a little slower and a little less responsive than just a halo. while it works well with slower hoppers like a revvy and ricochet you are really just slowing yourself down when using a warp with a halo or reloader.

i've used a warp on a spyder(mech and electro)with ricochet ak and evolution 2. prefered straight rico
2k2 timmy with evo 2, halo b, and evo 2 with warp. prefer evo 2.
emag with warp and halo b, halo b, rico ak. prefer halo b.

i haven't used it in a while for another reason, placement of a halo b on a warp is just obnoxious. the hopper to avoid crimping the hose needs to be turned rather far outwards at the nose. pushes you away from the gun a bit and you aren't as tight. i've also found off hand shooting annoying with the warp. it was much better with the rico; the nose is narrower and you can actually get your other hand in there. even the shoulder switch technique while keeping your hands in the same position was uncomfortable because of the size of the halo. if you want me to i'll try and find the parts and put it back on and take pictures.

if you are looking to shoot ropes of paint i'd say go with a halo or reloader solo. if you are using it for snap shooting and wanting to stay small and tight, keep your current setup.

03-27-2010, 10:05 AM
Thanks for the input, guys.

The real reason I'm looking for an alternate to my Rico, is that the feedneck recently cracked and thus one of the shells currently has a good portion of it made of JBWeld... Apache shells are impossible to find, and the hopper itself is proving difficult to find at a reasonable price. I have an AK, but it is old, slow, and the feedneck is too thin for the warp so I have to tape it like crazy for it to fit.

I was considering picking up another Revy to melt the pocket into, but I really don't like the rear facing lid. The more top oriented lids on Ricos and Halo/Reloader Bs seems much better.

Plus I was looking for a decent loader to run vert semi in, now that the 2K9 Micros are back on schedule.

I can't stand eggs. End of story.

What else do people warp with good results?

03-27-2010, 05:37 PM
I have a warp on both my emag and rt. I use a halo on both with no problem. I do have the 12v setup on both warps and it keeps up with the halo just fine.. even in hyper mode

03-27-2010, 10:15 PM
I favor my Magna on my warp more then anything. It sits slightly further back due to where the feedneck is but also keeps you from having to finagle the hopper to get the hose connected to the marker. Makes everything look nice and clean. I can post a few pics of my setup if you like Watcher.

What sold me was with a E-Mag, you can purchase the RF chip which comes with a "Y" cable and allows you to connect the chip and warp cable at the same time. Doing that allows for faster ROF with a 12v mod.

03-28-2010, 07:10 AM
I always used a revy on my warp without any issues. Unless you are slinging paint nonstop, the warp will compensate for any gaps in feeding from the hopper.

03-28-2010, 08:45 AM
I've run a Halo B on my warp for around seven years and have had no issues.