View Full Version : Feedneck question

03-27-2010, 07:28 AM
Has anyone tried an Empire Nano Clamping feedneck to fit on a ULE body? I read in an ad that it worked for an Angel 1 and Ion at ANSgear. Sakworldpaintball also has one for an Ion.


03-27-2010, 09:30 AM
I cant answer the empire question directly, but I just went looking for a feed neck for my ule and there was a lot of posts here warning to not use anything that said "ion threaded". I had a few ion threaded necks in a junk box = they sort of wobbled in- not good enough to play at all.
I just got a AKA rather than risk it. The AKA ULE feed neck fits very secure http://www.akalmp.com/feedtubes.html

03-27-2010, 10:18 AM
ULE bodies use Angel feedneck and detent threads. DO NOT use ion threads as it will wobble around quite a bit and cause damage to your threads in the feedneck hole of the body.