View Full Version : Very original, guys...

Frizzle Fry
04-01-2010, 07:17 PM

Way to go, Valken. This is revolutionary.

Seriously though, if this is anything like Valken's "looks good until it rips" clothing line it's gonna be doing Tippmann and BT a disservice if only because it looks so much like them.

04-01-2010, 07:23 PM
Looks very similar to a 98.


04-01-2010, 07:30 PM
Ugh... why must we have another sight rail happy clone of the 98? As a ref that cleans a ton of guns at the end of the day, all I want is a reliable rental without nooks and crannies!

Frizzle Fry
04-01-2010, 07:33 PM
There've been a lot of Tippmann clones and similar models from related companies and from competitors... Off the top of my head: Sheridan, RAP4, Ariakon, BT, Q-Loader, PCS, and Trinity. At least when PCS or US Army makes a $100 Tippmann it's got some redeeming qualities that make it more "worth it" than a $50 Walmart STBB.

04-01-2010, 07:36 PM
you could use the technique we use get a bucket o water and plung fire fire airdry ..... works pretty good ;)

04-01-2010, 07:39 PM
Probably real easy for you guys up in CT/RI considering half your state was underwater the past couple days :D

04-01-2010, 07:45 PM
The guys at Valken must be mind readers! I was just thinking: you know what this sport needs? Another Tippmann clone! :rolleyes:

04-01-2010, 08:10 PM
Probably real easy for you guys up in CT/RI considering half your state was underwater the past couple days :D
just go in my basement! indoor pool yea yea to bad i live on a damn lake :P: well now in one

04-02-2010, 12:11 PM
my field got 5 of these a few weeks back to put through the paces and see how well they did in abusive renter hands. So far theyre holding up great (And for the price we get them for it's a steal). the only problems we've had have been right out of the box problems. Leaky tombstone, hardly screwed on ASA, loose sights, all easy quick fixes. the feedneck, while plastic, is pretty thick and should take some force to break. The only thing I'm not a fan of with the feedneck is that it's rail mounted and has a quickstrip lever on it. This just means another thing for a renter to fiddle with and then say "uh... my loader fell off on the field, i swear I didn't play with the lever you told me not to".

why is it that they bring you the gun and tell you that... but leave the hopper on the field? :tard:

04-03-2010, 07:55 AM
Ugh... why must we have another sight rail happy clone of the 98? As a ref that cleans a ton of guns at the end of the day, all I want is a reliable rental without nooks and crannies!

well said.

why...cause these guys dont work at fields, they sit in offices :rolleyes:

04-03-2010, 07:01 PM
How do we not know that maybe Tipmann has an oem deal to make these for them?

Frizzle Fry
04-03-2010, 08:51 PM
How do we not know that maybe Tipmann has an oem deal to make these for them?

We don't. That still doesn't address the issue, which is, WHY?

04-04-2010, 12:32 PM
We don't. That still doesn't address the issue, which is, WHY?
Why? It sells. The answer is simple enough. The question should be why does it sell so well.

Frizzle Fry
04-04-2010, 06:53 PM
Why? It sells. The answer is simple enough. The question should be why does it sell so well.

Where does it sell?

WalMart doesn't carry it (though it is their level quality) and of the 5 major stores here in Mass only 4 had actually heard of it, and employees from 3 of the stores laughed, while one store ordered some and currently has them collecting dust at a $15 discount even though they're practically brand new. I'm not gonna be a dick and say "Pics of sales or Shens" but seriously I feel I would have seen one on a field or at least encountered a store in this state that's actually sold one.

04-06-2010, 12:31 AM
Where does it sell?

WalMart doesn't carry it (though it is their level quality) and of the 5 major stores here in Mass only 4 had actually heard of it, and employees from 3 of the stores laughed, while one store ordered some and currently has them collecting dust at a $15 discount even though they're practically brand new. I'm not gonna be a dick and say "Pics of sales or Shens" but seriously I feel I would have seen one on a field or at least encountered a store in this state that's actually sold one.
I didn't mean that it had sold, i meant that the whole milsim idea and copying other markers does. If you take something and make it cheaper odds are someone is going to buy it thinking it's a good idea. I wasn't talking about this marker in particular, i should have made that clear.

Frizzle Fry
04-06-2010, 01:09 AM
I didn't mean that it had sold, i meant that the whole milsim idea and copying other markers does. If you take something and make it cheaper odds are someone is going to buy it thinking it's a good idea. I wasn't talking about this marker in particular, i should have made that clear.

I can't argue with that. I'd say every 3rd kid at the small field down the street from me has one of those "US Army" branded M98 clones by Tippmann. A great $100 @ WalMart.

I personally just spent $99 on a Carver and it was WELL worth it.

04-06-2010, 01:16 PM
I can't argue with that. I'd say every 3rd kid at the small field down the street from me has one of those "US Army" branded M98 clones by Tippmann. A great $100 @ WalMart.

I personally just spent $99 on a Carver and it was WELL worth it.
I've never used those, but i've seen a lot of spyder clones and the like, some of them as good as the spyders i've used, some of them worse. Never used the u.s. army guns though, or most tippmann clones, glad to hear you can get a tippmann for fairly cheap that's still good.

04-06-2010, 03:12 PM
Gino has more money than you. I have a hard time believing he can build a new company into what NPS was, but... who knows?

04-16-2010, 02:52 PM
lol i was on paintballgear.com and saw valken and i was like sweet a new gun company then i clicked it and facepalmed,