View Full Version : Automag Newb!

04-02-2010, 04:49 PM
Ok so im looking around and i find auotmags with RT, X valves, Retro Valves, ULE, and Pneu?
Can you guys put these in terms i can understand and what it does to your gun and performence?

04-02-2010, 05:29 PM
Mags may seem complicated but really that's just because there are tons of different names for the same things.
There are only two types of Automag valves, RT and Classic, that's it... the main difference is in performance, an RT valve has a very fast recharge rate and can obtain very high rates of fire, a Classic valve not as much.

RT valves are also made partly of or all aluminium while Classic valves are made entirely of stainless steel, though there are aftermarket parts for Classic valves that replace some of the stainless with aluminium.

Examples of Classic valves are, Automag classic, Automag A.I.R, Micromag classic/A.I.R, Minimag A.I.R and Smart mag, they are, for all intents and purposes the same valve just with a different name on the side.

Examples of RT valves would be, ReTro valve, RT pro valve, Emag valve, Micromag ReTro valve, and X-valve (an X-valve is an RT valve made out of all aluminium to save weight) again all of these are almost the same valve.

And one last thing, Classics can be run on Co2, RTs can not.

ULE stands for Ultra Light Engineering and is usally used to describe ULE main bodys for mags, this is just a body made out of aluminium (versus stainless steel) that uses cocker threaded barrels (versus twist-lock) and screw in detents of some sort.

Pnue mags or Pneumatic automags are mags that use a small pneumatic ram to trip the sear, kinda hard to explain soo here. http://www.zdspb.com/media/tech/animations/pneumag_5fps.gif
And also look at this http://www.zakvetter.com/pages/paintballs/automag_info/agd_valves.html

04-02-2010, 05:38 PM
Thank you1 you were right too! its not as confusing as it is! Now what does the pneu thing that tips the sear do to the performence? Like does it allow faster firing? And what will the ULT Do to it? Sorry but there are alot of things that confuse me!

04-02-2010, 05:58 PM
Pnue-ing your mag (if done right) will greatly shorten and lighten the trigger pull, since you're no longer triping the sear with the trigger directly, instead the trigger operates a small air valve that operates a small air ram that trips the sear, sooo to put it simply a pnue mag uses air pressure to trip the sear instead of finger-power thus alowing you to shoot faster.

ULT is Ultra.Light.Trigger, and I'm not sure how it works but it's just that, it lowers your trigger pull weight, some people say to use it with pnue mags but I'm not sure it matters much.

Answering newb mag questions is fun.

04-02-2010, 06:54 PM
Nice posts Jacobd, well done. :clap: :cheers:



04-02-2010, 07:27 PM
The only thing that Jacobd left out is the RT classic. This is the one oddball out of the mags and isn't as customizable as other mags. Its valve is a RT valve but it is not compatable with any thing other than RT classic rails and bodies. Air is routed through the rail and it uses a special banjo bolt thumb screw that air passes through to the valve. ULE bodies don't fit classic RT's.

04-02-2010, 10:56 PM
ok! thanks guys for your help! its all clear now! THis diserves to be a sticky!!! :D

04-04-2010, 11:50 PM
Thanks guys, and yeah there are two other guns that AGD made that I didn't mention, one is the RT Classic which is the first form of the RTs and is only really compatible with it self, and the other is the Sydarm which is a pistol designed for military/law enforcement training.

04-05-2010, 08:45 AM
http://www.airgundesignsusa.com/museum/ Yep, it still exists.

This is always a good reference as well, for most of the stock AGD stuff. I still find myself going to the AGD website to look at blow up diagrams once in a while.