View Full Version : Mr. Kaye...My Science Project, Need Some Feedback

Sean Dolan
02-06-2002, 09:57 PM
Mr. Kaye,this is for a PJAS science project in pennsylvania. I'm going to compete at a local college with some judges and then if i take a 1st, i get to go down to Penn State and compete there for states. This is my project and how i'm going to perform it. I would like some good/bad and helpful feedback on how i'm going to perform it or just anything that would help me in anyway for this project. Thanks

I'm going to test co2 vs. nitro and prove which one has better accurate consistant shots on the chrono.

I'm going to use a tippmann m98 all stock with 16 ounce co2 and 68/3000 nitroduck tank. Not sure what type of paintballs i'm going to use yet, but it'll probably be marbalizers, zap something like that. I'm going to borrow my fields chronograph

I will set up a garbage can down in my basement where i can shoot so there will be no temperature change. I'm going to put the co2 tank on the tippmann, load the balls, and fire say....15 slow shots on the chronograph. I will record each velocity in a notebook. Then after i'm done with the co2... i will take the co2 tank off, load more paintballs, and wait about 10 minutes. Then i will screw in the 68/3000 nitroduck tank and perform it the same way, 15 shots and record each velocity. I've talked to my dad about this, and i think i will include the use of other guns like a shocker, spyder and maybe a mag.

Thats what i'm thinking of doing. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. You can post here, or please email me at paintballdude_16505@yahoo.com Thanks

02-07-2002, 02:31 AM
That sounds like a very good project I would do it like you described. You should read my Tech Tip on Statistics without Math, that will help you analize the results. Post them here!!

Good luck,


Sean Dolan
04-04-2002, 08:28 PM
well here. I've got my results in graphs. I know you guys will pick apart with questions maybe, but thats alright. Heres a rough over view of what i did in a email to Glenn Palmer...


I've been told that you are a big fan of Co2. And the Stabilizer has been designed for co2. Well, Iam a junior in high school in Erie, Pa. And this year for my PJAS (Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science) I decided to test "Co2 and compressed air fluctuation in the use of paintball guns." That was my title. Let me tell you how PJAS works, you perform your experiment, then write a speech including graphs and overheads and then give your presentation to judges at a local college. Then if you take a 1st, we get to go down to Penn State University in May.

I performed this experiment and wrote out a speech with graphs and I took a 1st place award! If you would like, I can send you a copy of my graphs and my whole speech if you'd like? But I thought you would like to see my results...

I borrowed my fields chronograph for testing. I used 4 guns. A Spyder TL Plus, Tippmann M98, Automag, and Defiant. Those are my 4 guns that I own. I used my 20 ounce Co2 and my 68/3000 preset Nitro Duck tank. I used the basic paintball materials such as a mask, barrel plug, chronograph, guns, tanks, hoppers, stuff like that. I shot 50 balls over a chronograph on each gun on Co2 and recorded the results. Then the next day i did the same thing but with compressed air.

Then I used the Standard Deviation Formula to determine more accurate and percise results. I found that the Defiant, Spyder, and Automag have better consistant velocities with compressed air than Co2. HOWEVER, the Model 98 performed better on Co2. I then checked around and people have said that their CVX valve was designed for co2.

After examining my data, my hypothesis was correct. I can show that compressed air has a better shot to shot consistency than co2 in 3 out of the 4 guns.

Half way through writing my speech, I got in contact with Tom Kaye over at AGD, and he liked my experiment. I just thought that someone like you would enjoy seeing a kid like me use science with the sport we love. Last year, I did a PJAS project with paintball and it delt with barrel length. I tested to see if the longer the barrel, the more accurate it was. And the results did show that longer barrels are more accurate. I did take a 1st award and went on to states at Penn State.

Please reply if you have time, and let me know what you thought about it. And if you would like to see a copy of my whole speech and graphs, I will gladly send it to you!

Sean Dolan

heres some of my graphs that show the main points. If you'd like to see my whole speech, i can send it to you.

04-04-2002, 08:32 PM
wow you called him Mr. Kaye... ive never heard him called that before. its kinda funny yet it makes sense. we all call him Tom or sometimes just TK or AGD. Tom which do you prefer

Sean Dolan
04-04-2002, 08:39 PM
eh well i called him that to be formal, i guess i thought it would get his attention and well i got yours with it so i did something right

04-04-2002, 08:43 PM
well ive always seen tom kaye as an adult with a very fun loving kid inside him. calling him Mr. Kaye gave me the realisation that Tom is an Adult and a successful one at that. but the kid i saw in him sorta got shot in the proccess of me seeing that name... i dont know how to explain it better then that

04-04-2002, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
...but the kid i saw in him sorta got shot in the proccess of me seeing that name...

You Killed Tom! lol, j/k

In 7th grade, i sorta did something like that, but i was doing which velocity is the most accurate... or something like that, lol.

Good Job. Looks like a great project

04-04-2002, 09:28 PM
did you refill each tank inbetwene each guns test? that way it was full to start out for each gun. i wonder if that would affect anything.

04-04-2002, 09:32 PM
i dont think it would affect it too much, it might slightly but it shouldnt do anything big

Sean Dolan
04-05-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Predater
did you refill each tank inbetwene each guns test? that way it was full to start out for each gun. i wonder if that would affect anything.

no i didn't do that cus it would cost money and i didn't feel like driving back and forth to getting it filled each time for both co2 and nitro

04-05-2002, 10:26 PM
not having a full bottle might affect the co2 a little bit, since its not regulated, but co2 sucks anyways. as long as the nitro tank had more pressure inside than the outpur was set at it would not make a difference