View Full Version : Which E-mag is the E-mag

02-06-2002, 10:54 PM
What are the options that all these emags have

the micro emag
the sfl emag
the dye emag, i think
or the extreme emag

btw money is not an issue

and next where do i get these guns

02-07-2002, 08:40 AM
As of right now you can only get two of those(maybe only one) The Micro is the only one readily available. Many online retailers carry them. The SFL is only available from BBT (www.buyshocktech.com) they have been selling them since the world cup, but they only had 50 bodies, once those are gone there will be no more until after AGD releases the extreme. Last I heard they were down to 5 or so. The AGD extreme hasn't been released yet, they are working some final kinks out of the design. TK said it won't be released untill it is ready. The Dye E-mag right now is just a rumor. TK mentioned that he talked to Dye about building there own version of the E-mag Extreme, but nothing has come of it yet.

As far as features go.

The PTP Micro has an aluminum body, milling and anno, and takes cocker threaded barrels.

The extreme has the aluminum body with the removable breeches(warp left, vert, warp right) takes cocker barrels, and when it is released it will have the ACE(anti chop eye).

The SFL and the DYE(if is is made) are modified versions of the extreme. With the the same features plus milling and anno from those companies. AGD is also releasing their own version of a milled Extreme, around here we are calling it the C+C, but we don't know what it will be really called.

02-07-2002, 08:42 AM
BTW--I voted for the SFL because I didn't like my Micro when I had it, and the other two aren't available yet.

Who voted for the DYE? How can you vote for a rumor?

02-07-2002, 12:32 PM
As far as I know, the Xtremes are available - in Europe!

02-09-2002, 10:15 PM
i voted SFL imo they are the best looking and performing e-mag

how can you people vote dye when there is no such thing yet if ever

02-10-2002, 03:50 PM
Well, the sfl is the milled version of the xtreme so the xtreme emag has 39 votes so far... wow! I hope that dye makes a version of the extreme emag.

02-10-2002, 05:38 PM
get an ir3 if money isn't an issue... it guarentees no chop ever.... and thats a lot. I had an e-mag and all i got was chops, this gun cannot break paint unless the bore size is to small (just my thoughts)

02-10-2002, 08:58 PM
In my opinion, anything from proteam is, umm, yeah.

02-11-2002, 01:20 PM
vil3 why would anyone want an ir3? It is one of the ugliest guns I've ever seen. It styles itself off the Brass Eagle Raptor. If I wanted an angel I would get a Fly, or a ripper all of which look better for less....Who wants infrared text messaging on a gun? That is the stupidest feature I have ever heard of for paintball. So teammates have to be within 15 feet to commuunicate? And aim there gun lasers at each other. Last I heard, this was paintball not laser tag. LOL. If you were going to buy a Ferrarri, would you want it to have text messaging so you could type messages during driving? No stupider then typing messages during a game of paintball. The only features I want on a gun period are features that make it perform better or help me win a game.And IR3 GUARANTEES NO CHOP EVER? The only way to guarantee that is if it never shoots a ball. No gun can guarantee that. Whatever the ir3 has is no better then the ACE.

02-11-2002, 02:56 PM
Vil3, I'd like to see some proof that you have that shows that the IR3 guarentee's no chops. I've researched all the materials I could find and all the reviews I've located, even at WDP's own website (http://www.wdp-paintball.co.uk/), don't guarentee that. :confused:

I may be remiss about this and if so, I apologize, but I havent been able to find any information to back up your claim.

If you have proof, feel free to post it here for all to see.

02-11-2002, 04:36 PM

ne ways, i'm leaning more into the SFL side, then the Extreme. I really like the Back of the EXtreme milling but i like the milling on the SFL too. LOL. I guess i'll wait and see which one is cheapest, or which one looks better hence the extreme is done. but keep em comming guys

and if i wanted to, i would buy the angel. but honestly. Angels are ugly, ugly, and once again ugly. the reason i'm going for emag is because it has the electronic/manual capability, comes from AGD, and is orignial looking. btw the IR3, please...

02-11-2002, 06:28 PM
Buy the extreme and have it milled any way you want to. It may be expensive for full custom milling but you'll have a completely unique design...

02-11-2002, 07:29 PM
I was thinking of doing that actually.....the Diamond Extreme :)

02-16-2002, 09:25 PM
and actually the real e-mag is called "e-mag"....all those other ones are milled e-mag extreems


02-21-2002, 11:20 PM
I haven't had any problems w/ my E-Mag Micro...

03-01-2002, 09:06 AM
Extreme E-Mag if you ask me.:)

Proud owner of purple fade to crome Extreme E-Mag
4500 Flatline
Purple warpfeed


Kaiser Bob
04-04-2002, 05:08 PM
I have to agree about that DYE emag :confused: It has 15 votes so far and it dosent even exsist yet! Does the DYE name truly carry that much hype behind it that an imaginary gun gets votes over ACTUAL guns???

04-04-2002, 09:45 PM
why the hell are ppl voting on a gun that dosnt exist(yet), i knew Dye was popular, but theres that much hype about a gun just because of the name?!?

i voted PTP cause thats the only one that ive shot, and the fact that PTP happens to be my local store.

04-05-2002, 06:53 AM
Whell you can't actually send messages with the IR3 while the gun is firing. About the only thing it is usual for is so you can transfer your custom firing modes from one IR3 to another, or try typing out messages in the staging area to someone sitting right next to you :P Question is, why would you even want to transfer firing modes, since the only usefull firing mode for tournament play is semi-auto anyway. Oh yeah and it can tell you what the temperature is :D I'm not dissing angels, it's just that most of their "features" are useless gimics that you don't need anyway.

I would wait for the C+C Extreme, they look pretty sweet.

04-05-2002, 07:34 AM
Me? I'm not buying anything that doesn't come 100% straight outa AGD's assemly room. Right now that is only the emag.

06-06-2002, 09:13 AM
The extreme wont chop at all, has an ACE, lvl 10 mod for very brittle paint.

06-06-2002, 11:08 AM
im saving my money now for an extreme emag i want one so bad