View Full Version : A story I forgot to tell... I SHOT MYSELF IN THE EYE!!!

02-06-2002, 11:59 PM
Ok at the end of the day of the big scenario game at Paintball Sam's in Cali. I goto where my whole team is stationed. I had a chop in my cocker. So I decided to clean it out before the day is over. So I took out my bolt, and I look in the gun to see how much paint was in there and I seen a ball. And then I must have pulled the trigger(with safty on, cause thats how short my cocker trigger is) and the ball flew out of the back of the gun and smacked right into my right eye. I was so, so, so freaked, I thought that I would open my eye and not see anything. And I wouldn't even have an eye. I open it and it hurts like if someone is poking ur eye. And I see everything realy blurry, so I dont know if its cause my eye is damaged or i have white paint in my eye, so I ask for some water(very scared still) and all I can hear is laughing, and them making comments on how it looks like someone shizzed my eye(ya u know what i mean) and I got soo pissed and yell " I ain't ****ing playing now give me some ****ing water, and I threw my cocker down on the mud(omg that was a shock afterwords) and someone gives me some damn river water(can we say micro organisms?) and I throw it down and say dosnet anyone have some damn clean water, so I goto my bag remembering I cleaned out and filled an old hairspray bottle and I squirt my eye several times. like prolly for a few minutes, My eye still very blurry, hard to see. And I am freaked thinking it may not be fixable. And someone, says why does that water look pinkish. I say what do you mean, and they take it outa my hand, spray it, and say omg this is hairspray, obviously I didn't clean out the bottle good enough, and so my eye was blurry for about the rest of the day, and burned like a mofo, and it hurted to look at light for about 3 weeks. So that kinda made my day bad. Ok so now my team still makes fun of me for shooting myself in the eye, and then of course spraying hairspray in my eye. But now I can see good again, with no probs but was I freaked.

02-07-2002, 12:03 AM
at least your ok.

what does this tell us?

ALWAYS wear goggles. Period. Throughout life. :D

02-07-2002, 12:08 AM

that must have hurt like heck. i'd still get the eye checked out if i were you. there may be resdiual damage to the eye and it may manifest itself later on. i don't know how fast that paintball came at you, but get it checked out...or at least tell your doctor what happened.


jae park

02-07-2002, 12:13 AM
I can't resist saying this I was standing right next to blood when it happened (hes on my team)it was soooooo funny. I knew it couldn't have done that much damage because his autococker chopped (surprize surprize) and the ball didn't hit him in the eye, just the paint. OOO geez then when he started with the hair spray......:):):) man he sure keeps me entertained.....sorry blood :)

02-07-2002, 12:36 AM
That's halarious but i feel bad for laughing...

I'd have to say that it's hard not be a jerk in this scenario...

02-07-2002, 12:53 AM

02-07-2002, 01:49 AM
Whoa. Scary, but kinda funny after realizing that only the paint hit you! :)

02-07-2002, 04:43 AM
only a part of a ball hit you? dude. the whole time i was reading that i didn't think it was funny at all. i was all concerned. then i got a few posts down to where magman said the ball didn't hit you only the paint. damn i was so relieved. glad you're ok.

02-07-2002, 07:12 AM
The Cocker tried to kill you! thats why i dont have one, there elves are evil i tell ya!

02-07-2002, 11:35 AM
Call me crazy, but I don't see the humor in this...

02-07-2002, 11:38 AM
i was refering to his spraying himself in the eye with hairspray being funny and would give me a laugh not him shooting himself with paint..

02-07-2002, 11:46 AM
The entire situation isn't funny. Ok, ok, its fun to chuckle at him after the fact that he sprayed himself with hairspray. But I am sure no one would be laughing if he ended up causing damage to his eye.

02-07-2002, 11:59 AM
It's a shame your saftey dosen't work. This is a good example of why you should never mess you trigger/frame up so badly that the saftey doesn't work. I used messed up on purpose. I don't care how "great" and short you trigger is. If your saftey dosen't work then you've messed your gun up and I wouldn't want to be around your gun unless I was wearing my mask.

I am glad you didn't put you eye out.

02-07-2002, 12:49 PM
you took apart your gun with the air source still on????

02-07-2002, 12:52 PM
kinda reminds me of what happneed yesterday. my friend and i were playing, just the 2 of us, for a little bit. just having some fun. had some free time and some paint to kill, so we decided to play a little. in between one of our games, we werer cleaning up, gettin more paint and such, when i noticed his gun was pointing right at me when i didn't have a mask on. i told him to point it else where and he was like "but the safety's on". i yelled at him(not seriously) and beat him up a little(again, not seriously). he moved the gun and kept insisting it wouldn't shoot due to the safety. couldn't have been more than 10 minutes later, we were walking back after a game, when all of a sudden his gun(it was a spyder) started shootin and choppin paint kind of like a runaway rt. i think he just has a bad sear cause it happened a few times that day. anyways, he couldn't understand how it shot because the safety was on. then i beat him up some more for not listening to me. but that just goes to show you, always be careful. just because you don't intend to shoot someone in the face, it doesnt' mean it can't happen.

02-07-2002, 01:12 PM
I watched a guy take out his cocker bolt, look down the barrel from the rear, and pull the trigger..

splort - paint in eye and out the barrel

he was the local field idiot...

02-07-2002, 03:46 PM
on a cocker ya can take out the bolt w/ no problem.

02-07-2002, 04:25 PM
im only laughing cause ur ok! :p

02-07-2002, 08:28 PM
Well I dont know about only part of the ball hitting me because I felt an impact and just slatter dosent make ur eye hurt for a couple weeks, I told the doctor he said it was probably just bruised. So i still think that it was more than splatter...

02-07-2002, 08:34 PM
oh ya, and the safty thing, I didnt mess with my frame its the way I have my cocker adjusted. And I was realy freaked and I didn't find it funny at all until i look back on it now. And also I just took out the bolt and for a Cocker thats no prob doing with air. Thats why I like my cocker, Its so easy to clean while playing a game, take out bolt, stick a squeegy though barrel and chamber and pull stick bolt back in and ur set.

08-17-2002, 01:39 PM
Up for all the newbs here...

08-17-2002, 01:49 PM
lol,this is even funnier since i havent read it for like a month...

we arent laughing AT him..we are laughing WITH him:p

08-17-2002, 01:50 PM
man that sux..at least ur aight

08-17-2002, 02:38 PM