View Full Version : Footwear...

04-13-2010, 09:08 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just curious what everyone uses. I have been playing for a long time, on and off, and when I returned about 3 years back, I noticed that there were a ton of people with cleats. I used to just throw on an old pair of sneakers, and go out and play. Lately, I picked up this pair of light boots, waterproof and pretty good treads. Good for woodsball, especially since I am inclined to twist my ankle. Feel free to post up with your experiences and/or suggestions. I would like to hear from those who use cleats and those that no longer do, if there are any.
Thanks everyone :cheers:

04-13-2010, 09:24 AM
stay out of cleats...

Bro in law was using them, and foot got stuck on the floor while knee turning...Now might need knee surgery on the ACL

I say boots all the way!

04-13-2010, 09:36 AM
if I'm playing in the woods or on grass, I wear cleats. If I'm playing on turf, I wear a pair of Nike's.

04-13-2010, 10:28 AM
steel-toed combat boots :D

(Once I got shot in the toe and didn't notice until after the game when someone else pointed it out. Oops. :rolleyes: )

04-13-2010, 10:48 AM
Trail running shoes. Like sneakers but better tread for woods / dirt.

Currently a pair of North Face trail running shoes.

04-13-2010, 10:54 AM
Depends on the terrain, like Om3n said, but I may try some trail shoes like vf-xx said... something in a hightop. Nike still make their ACG line?

04-13-2010, 11:29 AM
Several of the fields I play on have streams, that have to be crossed, so I wear something waterproof. Current choices are: a pair of old Timberland hiking boots or Bates zip side tactical boots. The Timberlands are awesomely comfortable and built for full day of walking. The Bates are higher though and much more waterproof.

My favorite of all time was some kid wearing a pair of airwalks during a winter game. Once his socks got wet, he ended up wrapping his feet in papertowels and paint bags. Surprised he didnt lose a toe to frost bite.

04-13-2010, 11:46 AM
I use a set of lacrosse shoes.

04-13-2010, 11:48 AM
I use the Jt hightop cleats. They arent cleats like football ones, they ar emore like hiking if anything. I cant find them anymore in my size which sux because they have been the best ive used.

04-13-2010, 01:00 PM
I have a pair of cheap, water proof hiking boots that are about gone. I'll start looking for the same thing with a little more sole support and cushion (scenario play). I'm not sure if just the boots got old, or if we both got old.

The water proof part was definitely appreciated though.

04-13-2010, 01:22 PM
Given the general climate where I play, I don't go in for waterproof. I go for shoes that have good drainage and wool socks. Works great for me.

Mr. Mouse
04-13-2010, 01:32 PM
depends what kind of day it is and where im playing, if its wet out most likely wear cleats, or if im playing speedball i wear cleats, anything else i usually wear running shoes or a pair of old sneakers

04-13-2010, 01:50 PM
when i play indoor i wear a pair of sketchers running shoes. they are comfy. if i'm playing at the badlandz where the terrain is uneven and lots of branches and logs i'll wear an older pair of work boots that aren't quite broken but not in good enough shape to wear at work. helps from twisting my ankle as i'm sprinting around and jumping over the wood piles.
if it's a full grass field or concrete, running shoes. i'm not sliding and the terrain is pretty level.
regardless of terrain if it has rained within the last 2 days i'm wearing boots. before i started doing that i've almost lost a few pairs of shoes because of mud. one game my shoes got stuck in the mud behind a bunker when i ran out. i played on without them. :rofl: got some interesting looks from the refs during the game. wasn't fun trying to pull them out while trying not to get stuck myself
only time i wear cleats is when i'm playing Ultimate.

04-13-2010, 01:50 PM
scarpa zg65 gtx... Totally bad @$$

04-13-2010, 02:12 PM
I mostly wear steel-toed boots because I mostly play woodsball. On the rare event that I might play X-ball, I might throw on a pair of cleats...but that's rare. I mostly wear boots because climbing over logs and rocks in cleats is just silly.

04-13-2010, 02:22 PM
I use the Jt hightop cleats. They arent cleats like football ones, they ar emore like hiking if anything. I cant find them anymore in my size which sux because they have been the best ive used.

big time ditto !! best shoes i have ever got for paintball.

04-13-2010, 03:00 PM
steel-toed combat boots :D

(Once I got shot in the toe and didn't notice until after the game when someone else pointed it out. Oops. :rolleyes: )

I wear a nice pair of steel toed work boots I used to use when I worked for UPS. They're some of the most comfortable boots I've had, nice and sturdy, waterproof, good traction and a lot of ankle support, can't remember the brand off hand though.

I like to shoot myself in the toe from ~18" at least once in front of other people who don't know I'm wearing steel toe, tell them it's my pre-game ritual to see if they'll do the same. :rolleyes:

paint magnet
04-13-2010, 03:08 PM
I have been wearing the same pair of Adidas hi-top cleats since I started playing (2001), was using them for football before that.

They're light, padded, and have good support and aren't too "grabby," since the rubber knobs on the bottom have worn down over time. They make a huge difference in traction on wet grass, snow, mud, etc. They aren't waterproof, but I've found anything that's waterproof and comes up high enough to keep your feet dry in a creek is generally impractical for running.

04-13-2010, 03:25 PM
Been wearing these for going on 3 years now on the field and off, have never wore a more comfortable set of boots. The traction on these hase proved sufficient for indoor and outdoor play.


04-13-2010, 03:39 PM
Hiking shoes are generally pretty decent. Anything with ankle support is never a bad choice. I still wear my cleats when I know I'm not going to have to watch out for sticks/rabbit holes on a certain field but in the woods I've tripped more times than I can remember due to a cleat getting caught.

04-13-2010, 06:50 PM
I've tried many different types of shoes for playing; "paintball" cleats, boots, golf shoes, hikers, runners and trail runners. by far my favourite to use (outdoor and indoor) were puma 5000m's, amazing traction and ease of movement on all surface types. I went through a few pairs over the years, but unfortunately they had to discontinue them. after searching every local store and the internet for some leftover's, I tried out a winter trail runner made by adidas called the Kanadia. they have performed incredibly well and lasted a long time. the traction isn't as great as the 5000m's but it still grabs onto paint covered ground very nicely. I would put them on par with the puma's because they are incredibly comfortable to wear all day and have great arch support.

04-13-2010, 08:58 PM
I appreciate all of the replies. I was looking at the JT cleats, seem to be the best option. High ankle support and good treads, but the only place that has them in my size wants $80 after shipping. Might need to keep looking. I am also going to look into some of the other suggestions. Thanks!!! :cheers:

04-13-2010, 09:00 PM
I've found that an old pair of running shoes works best for me. Plenty of grip, and easy to run in.

04-13-2010, 09:15 PM
i wear whatever old ratty pair of shoes i have laying around. Size 16 cleats are fun to find and never cheap. well hell nothing in a 16 is cheap but you get the point.

04-13-2010, 10:30 PM
Having played for almost 20 years I would have to agree with spaz. The 5000m's were the bee'z knee'z. So sad they arn't made anymore. Just use your best judgement and get what suits you. Comfy is a must, waterprof if thats what you need. Football cleats have worked well for me in the past.

04-14-2010, 05:43 AM
It depends on the terrain I will be playing on. If playing in the woods, I wear hiking books with ankle support. If playing on a grassed speed-ball course, then I wear my Nike football cleats. If playing on turf, I wear turf shoes. All of my shoes have ankle support. That is one thing that is important no matter where you play.

04-14-2010, 07:38 AM
Put my feet in Converse tactical boots (8877) a few years ago and haven't worn any else since. These have the all day comfort of sneakers. They're waterproof, breath, and an all weather solution.

04-14-2010, 09:16 AM
I am also going to look into some of the other suggestions. Thanks!!! :cheers:
Yeah, thanks! I'm definitely looking around now too.

04-14-2010, 03:06 PM
Blackhawk tactical boots work for me. A bit pricy, but very comfortable.

04-14-2010, 03:34 PM
this thread reminds me of the "what marker should i buy" threads on pbn...not one similar answer yet.

but since ive already started to post, ill add my "opinion" to the fray


I bought a pair of Magnum Elite Spiders. They were a bit pricey but so far so good. plus they are as light as my normal sneakers.

before those i had Magnum Stealth 2's.. which held up for a year of basically no maintenance and very hard use... I would go Magnum all the way. very well made and most of the "basic" styles are fairly affordable. but with Magnums, you get what you pay for. I would like to try the converse or bates though, someday :rolleyes:

04-14-2010, 04:30 PM
Magnum Stealth Force 8" WP SZ for me. Great boots and waterproof. Comfy as sneakers, lightweight, breathable, and a good tread on them. I wear them anywhere. I prefer having hightops as they support my ankle better. If I didn't wear them I'd get all twisted up...
Can't say how long they'll last as I only had them since this winter, but so far there is no visable sign or wear other than a scuff on the toe.

Before that I had a pair of Bates Enforcer 8" boots ($60 at SEARs). They were comfy, not waterproof, breathable, and had a good sole, but I eventually wore them out. They lasted me a whole season of paintball and working in trailers at UPS. I liked them a lot as normal working footwear, and being so cheap they were expendable, but for paintballing I wanted something waterproof or something a little more solid in construction.

I'm considering a pair of Altama 8" Lite Speed boots. We have a pair at my store that is my size, don't know how we got them as they are the only pair we have but they were mixed in with the Desert Exo Speed II boots so I think it was a mistake from our supplier.
Anyway, they are probably pretty durable and made well, seeing as Altama is supplying our military with footwear, are very light, and look very comfy.
I was thinking of getting them as a hot weather boot. They aren't waterproof, but if I'm playing on dry ground or speedball I won't really need something waterproof. Just something like a gym-shoe with ankle support.
I was also going to use them when I go biking. I'll have to try them on, though.

Or I might just go with another pair of the Bates...

04-15-2010, 05:05 AM
I always used to wear Hi-tec (as they were then) Magnum classics:

Then moved onto Tanel 360s which were all the rage in the early/mid 90s.


Stopped wearing the tanels a couple of years ago after a combination of my age and the heel/toe spread of cleats gave me plantar fasciitis. Ouch. :mad:

Now wear JT pro cleats with a supportive Orthaheel orthotic.


http://images.chemistdirect.co.uk/images/productimages/large/org_orthaheel_sports_orthotics_medium_(unisex)_152 227.jpg

04-15-2010, 08:39 PM
I bought a pair of these on clearance and REI just for a boot. I wear hiking boots all the time. After using them a couple of times paintballing in the woods, I want to get another to use just for that :P


I have a hard time finding a narrow enough boot to fit my foot and the wire speed laces on these are just awesome, wish work boots would start coming out with them.

04-15-2010, 10:15 PM
I bought a pair of these on clearance and REI just for a boot. I wear hiking boots all the time. After using them a couple of times paintballing in the woods, I want to get another to use just for that :P


I have a hard time finding a narrow enough boot to fit my foot and the wire speed laces on these are just awesome, wish work boots would start coming out with them.

How are those speed laces tightened? Ratchet wheel on the back of the boot? If so, that's exactly what the north face's I have do.

04-16-2010, 01:41 AM
regular old football cleats for me. :headbang:

04-16-2010, 02:57 PM
Used to wear some waterproof boots (survirors I think), but they eventually fell aprart. When G.I.Joes went out of business, I bought some brand new Nike soccer cleats for about $15. They work great as long as I am not in a staging area with concrete floors (super slippy).