View Full Version : Roll Call for Living Legends 3

04-15-2010, 01:08 PM
All those going say 'I'



04-15-2010, 01:31 PM

04-15-2010, 01:55 PM
Just registered a couple days ago, definitely looking forward to it.

04-15-2010, 02:13 PM

04-15-2010, 04:26 PM
I really want to, not 100% sure yet though.

04-15-2010, 04:44 PM
100% sure im there!

Swamp Thing
04-15-2010, 08:29 PM
I am so there!!

04-15-2010, 11:54 PM
Pre-regged early February.

Not missing any of these ever after going to LL2. It was epic!

04-16-2010, 01:39 AM
dang don't think I can afford the paint... :(

04-16-2010, 06:36 AM
dang don't think I can afford the paint... :(

Then stock class is your friend!

Pump Scout
04-16-2010, 07:01 AM
I'm set to be there! Got some new toys I'll be using, along with the ol' standby gear as well.

04-21-2010, 10:47 AM
Glad to see a good base of AO'ers are coming.

04-21-2010, 04:08 PM
I am tempted to go, however I am concerned about the availablilty of housing seeing as the NPPL event is the same weekend. Don't know if I want to share the place with 1000 speedballers. So I am undecided.

04-21-2010, 05:29 PM
dang don't think I can afford the paint... :(

Exactly! I'd like to go, but there's no paint worth $80/case and no event worth paying that much for FPO. :nono: Unless the paint is magical and can grow magic beanstalks or something... ;) At that price...I'd just walk around waiting for people to spill some paint and I'd clean it off and try to use it. :p

And no...I'm not going to sport a pump and get lit up by a bunch of punks with electros just because I'm too poor to buy paint.

04-21-2010, 06:32 PM
I am tempted to go, however I am concerned about the availablilty of housing seeing as the NPPL event is the same weekend. Don't know if I want to share the place with 1000 speedballers. So I am undecided.

Ya hows that gonna work?? Same place same time two events. :tard:



04-21-2010, 06:34 PM
Different fields! Ya its gonna be nuts there.

04-28-2010, 02:39 PM
So..... when is Tom going to reply to this thread???????? Is he going to leave us all hanging till the last minute to confirm?

04-28-2010, 10:01 PM
Exactly! I'd like to go, but there's no paint worth $80/case and no event worth paying that much for FPO. :nono: Unless the paint is magical and can grow magic beanstalks or something... ;) At that price...I'd just walk around waiting for people to spill some paint and I'd clean it off and try to use it. :p

And no...I'm not going to sport a pump and get lit up by a bunch of punks with electros just because I'm too poor to buy paint.

Take it from me, CPX alone is worth the $90 a case fee. Living legends is one of the most epic games of the year, and CPX is one of the best fields in the country.

$80 a case to play considering what you get out of the park (good refs, working facilities, concessions, great fields) is pretty good.

I'll agree that I can't afford to pay that much all the time, but a few times a year it is worth it. Plus I am a pumper so I can get by with half a case, usually.

Here's where I am confused, though, you said "I'm not going to sport a pump and get lit up by a bunch of people with electros," but you should have said "I'm going to sport a pump and shoot up a bunch of people with electros".

If your good enough, the people with electros will be out before their gun kicks over to the ramp...

I'll be rocking it old-school and stock-class for a good portion of the event.

I'll probably open with my T-2, use my various SC guns throughout the rest of the 2 days, perhaps use my 98 on the second day, then bust the 'mag out for the final battle.
And my PGP will be on my leg the entire event.

04-29-2010, 08:14 AM
I wish my Brass eagle pistol worked :( Id carry it with me along with my emag

04-29-2010, 10:40 AM
Take it from me, CPX alone is worth the $90 a case fee. Living legends is one of the most epic games of the year, and CPX is one of the best fields in the country.

$80 a case to play considering what you get out of the park (good refs, working facilities, concessions, great fields) is pretty good.

It's a park trying to make all it's money off paint. If they are a great field or it's a great event, just bump your admission fee or event fee a little. But to take a $30 case of paint and charge $90 is just robbery. I know that's how they make their money, but a player has to draw a line somewhere and for me, I don't go anywhere with paint that over-priced.

Here's where I am confused, though, you said "I'm not going to sport a pump and get lit up by a bunch of people with electros," but you should have said "I'm going to sport a pump and shoot up a bunch of people with electros".

If your good enough, the people with electros will be out before their gun kicks over to the ramp...

Ahhh....that old arguement! It sounds great except last time I checked, the sport wasn't headed towards more players wanting the advantage given to them by pump action markers. Why? Because there is no advantage to a pump action marker. If you're good with a pump, you'll be good with a semi auto, and better with a full auto. If it wasn't that way, every pro team would be sporting PMI Trracers.

You wanna challenge yourself by using a pump...cool beans...go you! :hail: But I've sported pumps before and it doesn't provide more "fun", it just provides more "challenge". And given the amount that needs to be shelled out to play paintball these days...I'm gonna have fun.

04-29-2010, 07:05 PM
It's a park trying to make all it's money off paint. If they are a great field or it's a great event, just bump your admission fee or event fee a little. But to take a $30 case of paint and charge $90 is just robbery. I know that's how they make their money, but a player has to draw a line somewhere and for me, I don't go anywhere with paint that over-priced.


if you bump the admission etc all yur doing is hiding the cost and confusing people more.

i believe in the chi town area, 80+ a case is the norm and fpo...correct me if im wrong.

in can they pay well over 100 a case...if your paying less than 60-70 where you are now i would consider yourself lucky

04-29-2010, 07:21 PM
aslan - dont want to go, don't go.

but this is THE event of the season. everyone who is anyone will be there. im not paying to play a weekend of paintball, im paying to be there for a weekend that happens to include paintball.

04-29-2010, 07:54 PM
aslan - dont want to go, don't go.

but this is THE event of the season. everyone who is anyone will be there. im not paying to play a weekend of paintball, im paying to be there for a weekend that happens to include paintball.

Okay...then tell me more. Since this thread is about the event, and I've already went on my rant about paint and pumps...tell me what makes this weekend so awesome that you are going there for the weekend and not necessarily the paintball. That probably serves the thread more good than arguing with me not to mention now I'm kinda curious.

04-29-2010, 08:12 PM
Okay...then tell me more. Since this thread is about the event, and I've already went on my rant about paint and pumps...tell me what makes this weekend so awesome that you are going there for the weekend and not necessarily the paintball. That probably serves the thread more good than arguing with me not to mention now I'm kinda curious.

Tom has hinted that he might be there this year... reason enough for me to pay only 10$ more a case and drive 3 hours farther then I do for my local field.

And all the Pro teams that will be there, the paintball vendors. ect.

04-30-2010, 04:48 AM
as for the question about hosting 2 events, they have a section away from the normal fields that is for tournaments. i assume the LL crew will be at the bedlam, armageddon, fort curage, woods fields while the NPPL will be off by Mounds and Mounds 2. at least in the one tourney i was at 7 years ago had it over there.

sadly, i won't be there. i would love to, but school is really kicking my free time this semester. plus the 65 for entry and air on top of paint is just nuts!! i would love to take my e-mag and possibly get Tom to touch it. and it would be possible for him to be there. i know at least a little bit ago he posted something here or on facebook about being in the chicago area working on getting parts together for the mini-compressor. (i swear i'm not stalking you tom, i just have an ability to remember some of the oddest things)

04-30-2010, 10:21 AM
I will be there, sporting my xmag for as much of the event as I can afford!

05-10-2010, 07:19 AM
So its a 26 hour game??? Play Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday??

Is TK going?

05-10-2010, 07:25 AM
So its a 26 hour game??? Play Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday??

Is TK going?

From Viper Scenario

Early registration and check-in will be available all day Friday

Opening ceremonies and mandatory player orientation start at 10:30 Saturday morning

Game on at noon SHARP

Stand down will be at 5:30

Dinner Battle will start at 6:00

Dinner Break will be from 6:30 to 8:30

Night Play starts at 8:30 and goes until 10pm (Alcoholic beverages allowed after 10pm. Underage drinkers, and those who provide it for them, will be ejected from the event)

Game on Sunday Morning at 9am

Stand down at 12:30

Final battle at 1pm

Game ends at 2pm

Scores, awards, and closing ceremonies (and THOU$AND$ of dollars in door prizes) to follow shortly after

You would be amazed how many people left and missed their chance at free markers and other paintball gear after the game. Don't leave before the prize giveaways!

And Tom mentioned he might show up when he did that interview a few weeks back.

-Do you still play regularly? When was the last time you did?

Tom Kaye: I am afraid I haven't played since the last Shatnerball. The place I live now doesn't have much in the way of fields. There is a good chance I will make Living Legends this year and will mix it up with all of ya!!

05-10-2010, 07:34 AM
^^^Thanks for the game times. Was just there looking and missed it. Neerd more COFFEE. :cheers:

05-12-2010, 08:58 AM

Blue Brothers was our pick, see if we get it at this late date.

05-13-2010, 09:44 AM

Yes, I know I'm very late. I'll be getting in Friday sometime and camping.


05-23-2010, 09:13 AM
My crew will be camping all weekend. If anyone would like to stop by and say hi, look for the campsite with a 'psycho cows' flag attached on it.

05-23-2010, 01:15 PM
Due to time and money constraints, I will not be playing this year. However, I'll probably be down there on Sunday to hang out and watch some of the action. I'll be wearing a gray shirt with a steak on it. Introduce yourself if you see me. I'd love to meet some of you.

05-24-2010, 01:19 PM
We'll be setup in the staging area next to the Bedlam entrance. Stop by and say hi.

05-24-2010, 03:55 PM
I.... will be there, but I'll be working, not playing.

05-26-2010, 12:25 AM