View Full Version : When you feel the urge to build your own E-mag

02-07-2002, 04:56 AM
Just need to get the proper LPR mounted......
Any thoughts?

02-07-2002, 05:47 AM
Very nice :)

I'm guessing it is running a small ram and solenoid valve to operate the sear?

I built one like that but nowhere near as pretty, and I know that's similar to how proteam had an e-mag prototype many moons ago.

It looks real smooth and I'm guessing it would be lighter through not having the huge stak of batteries?

Great work.


02-07-2002, 05:49 AM
Oh just wondering where is the air input? At the bottom of the front grip/electronics pack? If so that is real nice and a very slick set up!


02-07-2002, 06:05 AM
Looks great punisher, Are you satisfied with it's performance?


02-07-2002, 06:09 AM
I forgot to ask....where did you have your gel-sticker done for your grip? Was it a kit you bought or professional? I have tried with clear fiberglass resin and hardner, but didn't have the results I was looking for. Any help would be great.


02-07-2002, 06:52 AM
:cool: Details! please?

02-07-2002, 06:57 AM
How much :)... Id be interested and I would sell my current mag for one :)..

02-07-2002, 12:47 PM
manike: Right on all points.
I built this little ram for the job....tiny huh?

kilaueakid: Yeah for the most part. The original solenoid valve I bought ended up not having enough flow......don't know how I missed that....it's normally the first thing I check in the specs......too many late nites I guess....
But yes. With the proper valve, it simply rips!

Also, I made the jewel, it's not too hard.....want something?

luke: Like what? What would you like to know?

Dubstar112: Drop me a line via E-mail or PM and we can chat. This grew out of a different project, so I haven't really calculated a set price yet......now's the time!

02-07-2002, 01:14 PM
Punisher - I want the crack you are on - thats cool!

Hey - you need to check ou the thread in the dealer forum - I have some some scenario game mods for the RT Pro that I think would be cool an up your ally.

02-07-2002, 01:40 PM
Could this be the basis for an EZ-Mag ???

BTW... Nice work (As Usual)

02-07-2002, 01:44 PM
Thats about the coolest thingamajiggie I seen in a while. Love it.:)

02-07-2002, 02:00 PM
Webby: No crack.....just sleep deprivation! It's not just for breakfast anymore!

danEboy: EZ-Mag?

cphilip: Glad you like it!

02-07-2002, 02:40 PM

An EZ-Mag is an E-Mag with a Z-Grip.

As I understand it, it cannot currently be done because of the angle required for the solenoid to operate.

02-07-2002, 05:33 PM
I think it good be a pretty good base for an EZ Mag... You can fit a heck of a lot in a z-grip... especially if you don't mind machining it out somewhat and making custom panel grips (should be simple enough...)

I wonder if you can get all but the reg into the grip with a little careful packaging... :)


02-07-2002, 06:44 PM
You planning on making anymore? Cause this seems pretty nice mite do this instead of a 2ndary bushy. Like I build a mag...and send you in my gun and you do the mod? Also are you using a rock reg

02-07-2002, 06:58 PM
Aaaah! So cool! Get a digi vid cam and record that sucker shooting!! Must hear!

02-07-2002, 07:16 PM
Haha that's like angel-cocker-distorted-e-mag there.
Angel Ark blade trigger, dye mag double grip frame.. very nice.

02-08-2002, 11:44 AM
manike: If anyone wnat to step up, I'd be happy to build an EZ-Mag......

RaV3n_Pa1ntba||: Yes, I has two more that just got ordered.

personman: I should do that......

zads27: Actually it's a DYE Cocker that's been modified for the pivot trigger. The trigger I made in-shop.

02-08-2002, 12:04 PM
Awesome. Does the barrel help with the preformance. It looks different.

02-08-2002, 12:59 PM
The barrel is a stock MiniMag barrel. It looks a bit long for a MiniMag barrel, but then again it's on an AutoMag body so I can't be for certain.

02-08-2002, 01:13 PM
sorry, that was uncalled for... I should know better, but I'm still upset at what happened at the PGPog...

02-08-2002, 01:57 PM
Sounds like Heat is in heat. I bet AGD would take it off if they cared. Umm he did post it on their companies forum.

02-08-2002, 02:52 PM
I must be stupid. I dont understand what it is. Is it still electronic like a Emag, If so y do you have a 3-way and a 3-way and a LPR. I dont really understand it. PLease explain!!!

02-08-2002, 08:45 PM
all I can say is, I will never be able to be creative like that :)

02-11-2002, 03:23 PM
Punisher - are you using electronic timing, or just switching the solenoid valve on and off with the switch in the Intelliframe?

I ask this, as I am nearly finished (have to draw/scan schematics and give a final proof) with an article on building and programming your own circuit boards, and should have it online either later in the week, or early next week. With a microprocessor in there, various fire modes, and precise timing (no short-stroking possibility) are rather simple to do in software. The article is really aimed at folks like yourself who are doing "one of a kind" type paintguns, or prototyping.

Another thought - have you considered a Rainmaker LPR? A lot of Rainmaker owners pull it off because they "have to" upgrade to an adjustable reg - but the Rainmaker LPR valve is quite reliably, and is VERY small.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

03-18-2002, 07:28 PM
Punisher - well, real world work got in the way, but I finally finished that article.


The Parallax Basic Stamp is quite simple to modify to control a paintgun like this (you'd only really need to add two parts to it, and what you already have - more if you wanted to be fancier with an LCD or LEDs for mode status).

Also, WGP's new Tickler reg is another nice, tiny alternative:

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

03-18-2002, 07:48 PM
bill, they may be small, but do they work? and how much are they? im intrested in pickin one up this summer at the iao. also, the oracle is a work of art! how much did they run?

03-18-2002, 08:04 PM
I'll be seeing how they work on the field shortly. Don't know on the price on the Tickler alone, I believe the Oracle is around $1,000.

The guys from Sin Sity Raiders were building Ticklers at the WGP tent, that's how new they are.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

03-18-2002, 08:16 PM
Smitty2: Yes....a barrel definitely helps! ;)

Heat: Huh?

i-luv-my-rt: It is in short, and Electro Pneumatic 'mag conversion. It's trigger actuates a micro switch only. The pneumatics interenal to the frame do the work.

Hysperion: Naw...You'd probably surprise yourself!

billmi: At this point, it's just running a simple event timer. I'm allowing 35msec for the firing sequence.
If the call is there, I'll build up a multimode board.
I will however take a look at your article......I know all about day to day life. :rolleyes:

03-18-2002, 08:26 PM
Hey Bill, took a couple seconds to look over the article. Well done! I'll go back and read it more as I have time.

03-18-2002, 09:03 PM
Crazy cool Punisher

03-18-2002, 11:06 PM
Thanks. Are the same Panzer that used to run the Frostburn site, and a PB online store?

03-19-2002, 12:30 AM

03-19-2002, 07:04 AM
Yup, that's me Punisher. I'm the frostburn guy, and the late indyonline guy. Boy was that a mess towards the end. My business partner stole $2000 worth of customer's money. I had to pay return their money out of pocket. That sucked.

03-19-2002, 10:11 AM
Hey punisher,how much for one of those.I would like to have just to say that i do.It is a nice crafty idea too

03-19-2002, 01:53 PM
Very Nifty.

Using the Pneumatic-driven sear and a MAC(I assume that's what you are using, you could of course be using another type of solenoid) is a good solution to having enough pwer to run a big solenoid to drive the sear. Ever think of using a Trinity style Reg and internal air lines?

03-19-2002, 01:58 PM
Just to warn everyone. If you decide to send your mag to punisher to have some "custom" work done, (LOL). Make sure you DONT send any money to him, because he will take months

(took 6 for me and he never even finished my gun and he told me at the beginnig it would take 10 weeks)
and you will probably never see your money again (i lost $400) :mad:

and he can't argue because this statement is 100% true and he knows it. So yeah he is a nice guy on the boards but personally i no longer trust him.

this is not a flame, it is just a fair and honest warning from someone who got screwed out of months of playing time and $400.

btw, if noone remembers me i am the guy that sent my mag in to have cocker parts put on it. I am also the guy that posted twice, "trying to contact punisher" because he wouldnt return my emails for weeks on end.:mad: :mad: :mad:

03-19-2002, 02:06 PM
oh, bequiet, and punisher, wheres my videos?

03-19-2002, 09:28 PM
i dont know what "be quiet" is supposed to mean but i am not lying so go ahead and send in your gun but dont look at me when you dont get your gun back for 6 months and you finally ask for it back and he refuses to give you a refund even though he didnt do anything to your gun

i dont think i deserve to be shut down with a simple "be quiet" because i was trying to help people and warn them and you have never sent in stuff to punisher so how would you know?

03-19-2002, 11:17 PM
What Sawtan says in essentially true.

However, what he fails to make known is that I require a 50% deposit to start any job, and because of people like him that deposit is non-refundable. I make that very clear before any money trades hands. If someone backs out of a job, great but I'm not going to take it in the chops because they can't stick to the plan and keep their pants on.

As for the time frame, that's something else he's failed to be totally honest about. I DO NOT give firm time frames anymore. There's just too much that can happen, too many possibilities for delay. I guaranty quality, not time.
I kept you up to date and all but held your hand.

As for not doing anything to your gun, I've got an entire custom rail assembly (chromed) with the ram ready to go, the WGP chrome pivot frame and several other key parts that were to go on your gun. THAT'S what the deposit is there to take care of. I just returned your gun in the same form as it arrived in. Don't like it? Tough. That's the parameters set forth before we ever started the deal, I'm sorry your unhappy, but not sorry enough to sit idly by while you shoot your mouth off unchecked. Go back to mommy.....

03-19-2002, 11:56 PM
PGPog... I am the same heat that showed up over there.. got flamed... and everntually banned because you'd been there forever and I was newbie to your boards. I am the second one here to say... there's two faces to this guy.

what goes around comes around

03-20-2002, 01:58 AM
Oh THAT Heat.......still a peach I see.

You went to a PGP forum and asked about Retrovalves. When people kindly directed you here, you got hostile. Things progressed from there.

Anyone who wants to know what happened should go ask Y.W. at the PGPog.

03-20-2002, 09:42 AM
yeah, well I had posted a link in this forum. Umm I got hostile... hmm that's not what happened and even YW will not deny that it was a member that came back with a less then cosher reply to my harmless inquiry. I doubt anyone cares what happened then, but your definatly right, still a peach...:D :D

03-20-2002, 10:06 AM
I sent my gun to Punisher, with payment, didn't ask for a time estimate, didn't nag him (i don't think...), and got it back in about 2 months.

Result? It's wicked cool, totally unique, and I'm totally happy with it.

The first time I ordered something from Punisher, it got lost in the mail, and he went out of his way (he had the flu bigtime) made me another, and shipped it out priority to me.

2 faced? Not from my experience.

03-20-2002, 10:16 AM
Alright boys stop the flames or somebody will get burned. Take it to email just keep it off AO. Sawtan and Heat, this means you two. Punisher, ignore them and I will take care of it. This has no place on AO.

03-20-2002, 10:29 AM
Thanks, and sorry too. I guess I'm scrapping.......

03-20-2002, 11:04 AM
Take it somewhere else.

03-20-2002, 11:08 AM
And again...not the place for it. This is not AO business.

03-20-2002, 02:02 PM
Hey pun, how does this compare to the speed of a normal emag?

03-20-2002, 10:00 PM
I've only just plinked with the AGD E-Mag. This one's pretty fast though. Driven by a wave form generator in lieu of the controler and a trigger finger it seems to cycle well into the 20s. I didn't have a warp on hand so can't tell you what it'd do with paint. Plenty fast I'd suspect.

03-21-2002, 03:31 PM
how much would just a rail and the gasthru e-mag grip cost i am very interested nd would like to buy just the rail and gas thru foregrip???????? please get back to me pm or response here.

03-21-2002, 03:38 PM
and one more thing can you put the air inlet on the e-mag gas-thru on the left side because if you notice the picture in my signature my retro inlet is on the left.

03-22-2002, 12:14 AM
vf-xx: Yup, easy as pie.

speedballbanks: erm......uhh....I'm not sure I'm following you. You want the rail and forgrip for a regular Mag? Yeah, I guess I could do that. And yes, I can route the air line anyway you'd like.

03-22-2002, 02:49 PM
yeah thats all i want is the rail and the gasthru with the air inlet on the left side so how much???

03-22-2002, 02:51 PM
would that rail and gas thru be an exact replica of what i see in that picture if so that would be great and how long do you think it would take on top of the money question?

03-22-2002, 02:53 PM
howu would the sear be able to reach my trigger frame if the rail is so thick do you make a custom one or something??? get back to me thanks lol

03-22-2002, 11:08 PM
Well...as for the spacing question. I dunno till I examine the problem. Since i built the rail for my application it may take a little extra engineering to get it to wirk as a mechanical only setup.
E-mail me for details: punisher@airsoldier.com