View Full Version : RT question

04-16-2010, 09:46 PM
well im about half awake and fueled only by powdered dounuts, so my thinking process isnt fully there. my question is if i take a rt valve, replace the pin with a emag valve, will it not be more or less the same thing?

04-17-2010, 12:16 AM
well im about half awake and fueled only by powdered dounuts, so my thinking process isnt fully there. my question is if i take a rt valve, replace the pin with a emag valve, will it not be more or less the same thing?
They are the same valve, there are only minor differences internally, but they both operate the same. The differences are the emag has a quad o-ring and shorter on/off pin

04-17-2010, 10:38 AM
thats what i was thinking. so swap out the on/off and you have a e/rt valve?

04-17-2010, 11:23 AM
It's going to be exactly the same.

Little info for you. The shorter your on/off pin, the better RT effect your going to get out of your valve. By installing the .712 pin (Emag pin length), you'll now be able to use that valve with a set of lowers so yes, you'll have a "E/RT Valve" so to speak. There's no need to pull out a on/off pin and install it in another assembly, you'll be fine by swap out the assemblies. All stock on/off's on ever RT valve is the same. Only difference is the length of those pins that go inside them.

04-17-2010, 07:02 PM
thanks, thats what i was thinking, just wanted to make sure.