View Full Version : Sly Profit Goggles

04-17-2010, 11:05 AM
Yet another new goggle system.


http://www.modernintel.ca/wp-content/forum-image-uploads/admin/22576_331516087645_277096212645_4826162_7305615_n. jpg


Looks like it doesnt cover much but that seems to be the trend started by Dye.

Anyone tried one yet ?

10 bux cheaper than the Angel goggle.

I dunno, whatta ya think gang ?


04-17-2010, 11:10 AM
looks like a hybrid between a vforce and a i3

04-17-2010, 11:49 AM
Looks decent but seems like most of the newer goggles being released are just style upgrades, nothing really different. How is this better than anything else? Same thing I think about the Angel ones.

04-17-2010, 11:51 AM
one of our reps brought a few of these out to the field a couple weeks back so we could try them out. they're just a bit bigger than an i4 is, however because of the shape of these they actually cover your ears and chin. Some of the jawline is still exposed (as one would expect with those cuts), but not a whole lot. For me, as long as my ear lobes are fully covered, I dont mind some jaw exposure. being a higher end-lowprofile mask, one should expect to be left open in some areas, although these still offer more forehead protection than a Grill. the profit fits very tight to the face, but they do this comfortably. I also tossed my glasses on and put them back on, the profit still sat very nicely and didn't put pressure on the frames/nosepads. Ventilation was good during heavy breathing, I didn't get that feeling of stuffy air while wearing it. The other guys at the field said that I could be heard no problem out of the mask. On the other hand, hearing out of this mask is a bit muffled. First the double strap isnt really needed, and just deadens more sound, second there are built in ear muffs if you will. While they make the mask more comfortable, they also make a noticeable change to your ability to hear. Luckily for me, by angling the mask a certain way, these "ear muffs" were just a little higher up than my ear canals, making hearing much better. One thing to keep in mind, anyone with a large head will def' want to go out to a shop and try these on before you buy them. If you like I4's but found they were just a tad bit too small for you, the profit will not disappoint.

04-17-2010, 03:48 PM
Looks better than most of the masks out there. But the again i really started using full masks (normally just the goggles from my old JT Spectra, baseball hat, and neoprene ski mask. Now avatars or profilers.) because i got used to fields not just the woods so the jaw line and for head coverage are not that important to me. Hearing on the other hand is just as important as seeing for me woods or on a field. Guess i'll just have to try'em.

paint magnet
04-18-2010, 01:27 PM
I really like the double strap...the rest, not so much. I am a fan of the minimalist design, although I realize it doesn't work for everyone. I wore a JT Proteus 2 for a while that had part of the bottom cut away (and it wasn't that big to start with!).

Quick change lenses are good.

Modularity is good.

Dual straps are good.

04-18-2010, 06:15 PM
The super padded ears didnt help me one bit, but I am 40% deaf in one ear, so it made for an even more difficult attempt at hearing. The lenses are nice, but when you look down in them its like looking into a pool of water - not as optically correct as I would have expected for that price.

New does not alwasy mean better :(


Big Ben
04-18-2010, 10:41 PM
The extra padding around the ears also make them hot. I don't think I could wear them for a full day in the summer. Very comfortable just really hot.